1using System; 2using System.Collections; 3using System.Collections.Generic; 4using UnityEngine; 5using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; 6 7public class Test_player_tile : MonoBehaviour 8{ 9 [SerializeField] private Tilemap atk_area_color;//移動と攻撃タイルを設置するマップ 10 [SerializeField] private Tilemap map;//キャラクターが移動するマップ 11 [SerializeField] private Game_Manager manager; 12 [SerializeField] private Test_tilemap tile; 13 [SerializeField] private Log_Manager logsc; 14 [SerializeField] private Tile atk_tile;//移動範囲タイル 15 [SerializeField] private Tile gren_tile;//攻撃範囲タイル 16 17 public bool mouse_onoff; 18 public int atk = 50; 19 public int hp = 100; 20 public Vector3Int position; 21 22 private bool atk_bool=true; 23 private bool behave_bool = true; 24 private bool ui_bool = false; 25 private bool calic_sign; 26 private int atk_area_int = 2;//移動範囲 27 private int behave_int = 1;//攻撃範囲 28 private int a_i, b_i, c, d, area_length, gth; 29 private GameObject[] enemys; 30 private Vector3Int atk_area; 31 public Status Ch_Status; 32 Gridman[] grids; 33 34 public enum Status//オブジェクトの状態 35 { 36 Waiting, 37 Move, 38 Wait_for_Behave, 39 Behaving, 40 False, 41 } 42 // Start is called before the first frame update 43 44 public struct Gridman 45 { 46 public int x, y; 47 } 48 public struct Enemy 49 { 50 public Vector3 pos; 51 public GameObject name; 52 } 53 54 void Start() 55 { 56 enemys = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Unit"); 57 } 58 59 public void Caliculator(int ans,int x,int y) 60 { 61 //移動と攻撃範囲を計算 62 ans *= ans; 63 var cal = (x - position.x) * (x - position.x) + (y - position.y) * (y - position.y); 64 if (ans >= cal) 65 { 66 ++gth; 67 Array.Resize(ref grids, gth); 68 grids[gth-1] = new Gridman() { x = x, y = y }; 69 //Debug.Log("ans:"+ans+"\tcal:"+cal+"\tgrids_number:"+gth+"\tgrids_x:"+grids[gth-1].x+"\tgrids_y:"+grids[gth-1].y); 70 } 71 else 72 { 73 //Debug.Log("error\t" + "ans:" + ans + "\tcal:" + cal + "\tx:" + x + "\ty:" + y); 74 } 75 } 76 77 // Update is called once per frame 78 void Update() 79 { 80 //移動タイルを設置した後「Move」状態となり、マウス座標と一致した移動となる 81 if (mouse_onoff == false) this.transform.position = new Vector3(map.WorldToCell(this.transform.position).x + 0.5f, map.WorldToCell(this.transform.position).y + 0.5f, -1f); 82 if (this.Ch_Status==Status.Move) this.transform.position = new Vector3(manager.mouse_position.x + 0.5f, manager.mouse_position.y + 0.5f, -1f); 83 } 84 85 public void Cursol_1(ref bool mouse) 86 { 87 if (this.Ch_Status == Status.Waiting) 88 { 89 //移動計算。このオブジェクトから見て周囲2マス程度を移動範囲とする 90 this.Ch_Status = Status.Move; 91 Debug.Log(this.Ch_Status); 92 gth = 0; 93 area_length = (2 * atk_area_int + 1) * (2 * atk_area_int + 1);//9(n=1),25(n=2),49(n=3),81(n=4) (int+(int+1))*(int+(int+1)) (2x+1)^2 94 grids = null; 95 grids = new Gridman[0]; 96 position = map.WorldToCell(this.transform.position); 97 for (var i = position.x - atk_area_int; i <= position.x + atk_area_int; i++) 98 { 99 for (var z = position.y - atk_area_int; z <= position.y + atk_area_int; z++) 100 { 101 Caliculator(atk_area_int, i, z); 102 } 103 } 104 //移動範囲にタイル設置 105 foreach (Gridman grideach in grids) 106 { 107 var tile_position = new Vector3Int(grideach.x, grideach.y, (int)atk_area_color.transform.position.z); 108 atk_area_color.SetTile(tile_position, atk_tile); 109 } 110 } 111 else if (this.Ch_Status == Status.Move) 112 { 113 //移動終了行動、マウスとともに移動し、マウスの座標に先ほど設置したタイルがなければ移動できない 114 Vector3Int mon = new Vector3Int(manager.mouse_position.x, manager.mouse_position.y, (int)atk_area_color.transform.position.z); 115 Debug.Log(mon); 116 if (atk_area_color.HasTile(atk_area_color.WorldToCell(mon)) == false) 117 { 118 this.mouse_onoff = true; 119 Debug.Log("ここにはおけません"); 120 } 121 else if (atk_area_color.HasTile(atk_area_color.WorldToCell(mon)) == true) 122 { 123 atk_area_color.ClearAllTiles(); 124 this.Ch_Status = Status.Wait_for_Behave; 125 mouse_onoff = false; 126 } 127 } 128 else if (this.Ch_Status == Status.Wait_for_Behave) 129 { 130 //攻撃範囲計算、このオブジェクトに対して上下左右1マスを範囲として設定。 131 gth = 0; 132 var x = behave_int; 133 area_length = (2 * behave_int + 1) * (2 * behave_int + 1);//9(n=1),25(n=2),49(n=3),81(n=4) (int+(int+1))*(int+(int+1)) (2x+1)^2 134 grids = null; 135 grids = new Gridman[area_length]; 136 position = map.WorldToCell(this.transform.position); 137 for (var i = position.x - behave_int; i <= position.x + behave_int; i++) 138 { 139 for (var z = position.y - behave_int; z <= position.y + behave_int; z++) 140 { 141 Caliculator(x, i, z); 142 } 143 } 144 //攻撃範囲にいる敵オブジェクト座標にタイル設置。 145 foreach (Gridman grid in grids) 146 { 147 var tile_position = new Vector3Int(grid.x, grid.y, (int)atk_area_color.transform.position.z); 148 foreach (GameObject enemy in enemys) 149 { 150 if (tile_position == map.WorldToCell(enemy.transform.position) && this.gameObject.name != enemy.name) 151 { 152 atk_area_color.SetTile(tile_position, gren_tile); 153 } 154 } 155 } 156 }//攻撃範囲に設置したタイルを削除し、もう一度タイルを設置 157 else if (this.Ch_Status == Status.Wait_for_Behave) 158 { 159 atk_area_color.ClearAllTiles(); 160 Debug.Log(this.Ch_Status); 161 } 162 } 163}
1using System.Collections; 2using System.Collections.Generic; 3using UnityEngine; 4using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; 5 6public class Game_Manager : MonoBehaviour 7{ 8 9 [SerializeField] private Test_tilemap testmap; 10 [SerializeField] private GameObject player; 11 [SerializeField] private Test_player_tile player_script; 12 [SerializeField] private Tilemap map; 13 [SerializeField] private Tilemap atk_color_map; 14 15 public Vector3Int mouse_position; 16 17 private Test_player_tile test; 18 private Vector3 position; 19 private Vector3 screenToWorldPointPosition; 20 21 bool mouse_having; 22 GameObject clickobject; 23 Test_player_tile a; 24 // Start is called before the first frame update 25 void Start() 26 { 27 mouse_having = false; 28 test = null; 29 } 30 31 // Update is called once per frame 32 void Update() 33 { 34 position = Input.mousePosition; 35 position.z = 10f; 36 screenToWorldPointPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(position); 37 mouse_position = testmap.ClickedAction(screenToWorldPointPosition); 38 Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(position); 39 RaycastHit2D hit2d = Physics2D.Raycast((Vector2)ray.origin, (Vector2)ray.direction, 10f); 40 41 if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)&&mouse_having==false) 42 { 43 Debug.Log(mouse_position); 44 clickobject = null; 45 if (hit2d) 46 { 47 clickobject = hit2d.transform.gameObject; 48 //クリックで移動するオブジェクトを選択 49 a = clickobject.GetComponent<Test_player_tile>(); 50 if (clickobject.transform.tag=="Unit"&&mouse_having==false) 51 { 52 Debug.Log(a.Ch_Status); 53 a.Cursol_1(ref mouse_having); 54 }else 55 { 56 Debug.Log("エラー"); 57 } 58 } 59 } 60 } 61}