Texture 'WaypointsMap' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings.
pix = sourceTex.GetPixels(0, 0, width, height);
var wayrects = mazeUtility.GetRectangles(waypointsMap);
TileUtility = new TileUtility(CreateTiles(waypointsMap));
C# ソースコード
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class Maze : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] public Vector2 PacmanStartPosition = default;
[SerializeField] public GhostWaypointsData AkabeiWaypointsData = default;
[SerializeField] public GhostWaypointsData PinkyWaypointsData = default;
[SerializeField] public GhostWaypointsData AosukeWaypointsData = default;
[SerializeField] public GhostWaypointsData GuzutaWaypointsData = default;
[SerializeField] private Vector2Int size = default;
[SerializeField] private Texture2D boxColliderMap;
[SerializeField] private Texture2D dotMap;
[SerializeField] private Texture2D powerCokieMap;
[SerializeField] private Texture2D waypointsMap;
[SerializeField] private Vector2[] nestWaypoints;
//[SerializeField] private Texture2D ghostWaypointMap;
private MazeUtility mazeUtility; private Animator animator; public List<Vector2> NestWaypoints { get => nestWaypoints.ToList<Vector2>(); } public TileUtility TileUtility { get; private set; } public List<Vector2> DotPositions { get { var dotRects = mazeUtility.GetRectangles(dotMap); var dots = new List<Vector2>(); dotRects.ForEach(d => { var c = d.Center2 / 8f; dots.Add(c); }); return dots; } } public List<Vector2> PowerCokiePositions { get { var powRects = mazeUtility.GetRectangles(powerCokieMap); var pows = new List<Vector2>(); powRects.ForEach(d => { var c = d.Center2 / 8f; pows.Add(c); }); return pows; } } public void Blinking() { animator.enabled = true; } private void Start() { var boxes = mazeUtility.GetRectangles(boxColliderMap); boxes.ForEach(b => { var c = b.Center2 / 8f; var w = b.Width2 / 8f; var h = b.Height2 / 8f; var size = new Vector2(w, h); AddBoxCollider2D(c, size); }); //var gwps = mazeUtility.GetRectangles(ghostWaypointMap); //foreach (var p in gwps) //{ // var c = p.Center2 / 8; // Debug.Log(c.ToString()); //} } private void Awake() { mazeUtility = GetComponent<MazeUtility>(); animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); animator.enabled = false; TileUtility = new TileUtility(CreateTiles(waypointsMap)); } private void AddBoxCollider2D(Vector2 offset, Vector2 size) { var box = gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); box.offset = offset; box.size = size; } private List<Tile> CreateTiles(Texture2D waypointsMap) { var tiles = new List<Tile>(); for (int y = 0; y < size.y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < size.x + 1; x++) { var tile = new Tile(x, y); tiles.Add(tile); } } //WaypointsMapからRectangleを取得。 var wayrects = mazeUtility.GetRectangles(waypointsMap); //Rectangleの中心座標がWaypoint。 tiles.ForEach(t => { if (wayrects.Exists(w => t.Waypoint == w.Center2 / 8f)) { t.IsOccupied = false; } }); SetWarpPoint(tiles); //Tileの上下左右にTileがあるか精査。 foreach (var t in tiles.Where(t => !t.IsOccupied)) { var up = tiles.Find(t2 => t2.Waypoint == t.Waypoint + Vector2.up); if (up != null && !up.IsOccupied) { t.Up = up; t.AdjacentCount++; } var right = tiles.Find(t2 => t2.Waypoint == t.Waypoint + Vector2.right); if (right != null && !right.IsOccupied) { t.Right = right; t.AdjacentCount++; } var down = tiles.Find(t2 => t2.Waypoint == t.Waypoint + Vector2.down); if (down != null && !down.IsOccupied) { t.Down = down; t.AdjacentCount++; } var left = tiles.Find(t2 => t2.Waypoint == t.Waypoint + Vector2.left); if (left != null && !left.IsOccupied) { t.Left = left; t.AdjacentCount++; } } //3つ以上Tileが隣接していたら、交差点。 tiles.ForEach(t => { if (t.AdjacentCount > 2) t.IsIntersection = true; }); return tiles; } //ワープ地点のTileを追加。 private void SetWarpPoint(List<Tile> tiles) { foreach (var w in GetComponentsInChildren<WarpPoint>()) { var p = w.transform.localPosition; var tile = new Tile((int)p.x, (int)p.y); tile.IsOccupied = false; tiles.Add(tile); } }
### 試したこと ここに問題に対して試したことを記載してください。 ### 補足情報(FW/ツールのバージョンなど) ここにより詳細な情報を記載してください。