Unityでoculus integrationをインポートした時に以下のエラーメッセージが発生しました。
自分で作ったプロジェクトをOculus Quest1で作動させたいのですが、コンパイルエラーが出てしまい、実行ができません。このエラーを解決したいです。
Assets\Oculus\SampleFramework\Core\DebugUI\Scripts\DebugUIBuilder.cs(229,12): error CS1061: 'Button' does not contain a definition for 'onClick' and no accessible extension method 'onClick' accepting a first argument of type 'Button' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
コード /************************************************************************************ Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. See SampleFramework license.txt for license terms. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the sample code is provided “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the license for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the license. ************************************************************************************/ using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; #endif public class DebugUIBuilder : MonoBehaviour { // room for extension: // support update funcs // fix bug where it seems to appear at a random offset // support remove // Convenience consts for clarity when using multiple debug panes. // But note that you can an arbitrary number of panes if you add them in the inspector. public const int DEBUG_PANE_CENTER = 0; public const int DEBUG_PANE_RIGHT = 1; public const int DEBUG_PANE_LEFT = 2; [SerializeField] private RectTransform buttonPrefab = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform labelPrefab = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform sliderPrefab = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform dividerPrefab = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform togglePrefab = null; [SerializeField] private RectTransform radioPrefab = null; [SerializeField] private GameObject uiHelpersToInstantiate = null; [SerializeField] private Transform[] targetContentPanels = null; private bool[] reEnable; [SerializeField] private List<GameObject> toEnable = null; [SerializeField] private List<GameObject> toDisable = null; public static DebugUIBuilder instance; public delegate void OnClick(); public delegate void OnToggleValueChange(Toggle t); public delegate void OnSlider(float f); public delegate bool ActiveUpdate(); private const float elementSpacing = 16.0f; private const float marginH = 16.0f; private const float marginV = 16.0f; private Vector2[] insertPositions; private List<RectTransform>[] insertedElements; private Vector3 menuOffset; OVRCameraRig rig; private Dictionary<string, ToggleGroup> radioGroups = new Dictionary<string, ToggleGroup>(); LaserPointer lp; LineRenderer lr; public LaserPointer.LaserBeamBehavior laserBeamBehavior; public void Awake() { Debug.Assert(instance == null); instance = this; menuOffset = transform.position; // TODO: this is unpredictable/busted gameObject.SetActive(false); rig = FindObjectOfType<OVRCameraRig>(); for (int i = 0; i < toEnable.Count; ++i) { toEnable[i].SetActive(false); } insertPositions = new Vector2[targetContentPanels.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < insertPositions.Length; ++i) { insertPositions[i].x = marginH; insertPositions[i].y = -marginV; } insertedElements = new List<RectTransform>[targetContentPanels.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < insertedElements.Length; ++i) { insertedElements[i] = new List<RectTransform>(); } if (uiHelpersToInstantiate) { GameObject.Instantiate(uiHelpersToInstantiate); } lp = FindObjectOfType<LaserPointer>(); if (!lp) { Debug.LogError("Debug UI requires use of a LaserPointer and will not function without it. Add one to your scene, or assign the UIHelpers prefab to the DebugUIBuilder in the inspector."); return; } lp.laserBeamBehavior = laserBeamBehavior; if (!toEnable.Contains(lp.gameObject)) { toEnable.Add(lp.gameObject); } GetComponent<OVRRaycaster>().pointer = lp.gameObject; lp.gameObject.SetActive(false); #if UNITY_EDITOR string scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; OVRPlugin.SendEvent("debug_ui_builder", ((scene == "DebugUI") || (scene == "DistanceGrab") || (scene == "OVROverlay") || (scene == "Locomotion")).ToString(), "sample_framework"); #endif } public void Show() { Relayout(); gameObject.SetActive(true); transform.position = rig.transform.TransformPoint(menuOffset); Vector3 newEulerRot = rig.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; newEulerRot.x = 0.0f; newEulerRot.z = 0.0f; transform.eulerAngles = newEulerRot; if (reEnable == null || reEnable.Length < toDisable.Count) reEnable = new bool[toDisable.Count]; reEnable.Initialize(); int len = toDisable.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (toDisable[i]) { reEnable[i] = toDisable[i].activeSelf; toDisable[i].SetActive(false); } } len = toEnable.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { toEnable[i].SetActive(true); } int numPanels = targetContentPanels.Length; for (int i = 0; i < numPanels; ++i) { targetContentPanels[i].gameObject.SetActive(insertedElements[i].Count > 0); } } public void Hide() { gameObject.SetActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < reEnable.Length; ++i) { if (toDisable[i] && reEnable[i]) { toDisable[i].SetActive(true); } } int len = toEnable.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { toEnable[i].SetActive(false); } } // Currently a slow brute-force method that lays out every element. // As this is intended as a debug UI, it might be fine, but there are many simple optimizations we can make. private void Relayout() { for (int panelIdx = 0; panelIdx < targetContentPanels.Length; ++panelIdx) { RectTransform canvasRect = targetContentPanels[panelIdx].GetComponent<RectTransform>(); List<RectTransform> elems = insertedElements[panelIdx]; int elemCount = elems.Count; float x = marginH; float y = -marginV; float maxWidth = 0.0f; for (int elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < elemCount; ++elemIdx) { RectTransform r = elems[elemIdx]; r.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x, y); y -= (r.rect.height + elementSpacing); maxWidth = Mathf.Max(r.rect.width + 2 * marginH, maxWidth); } canvasRect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, maxWidth); canvasRect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, -y + marginV); } } private void AddRect(RectTransform r, int targetCanvas) { if (targetCanvas > targetContentPanels.Length) { Debug.LogError("Attempted to add debug panel to canvas " + targetCanvas + ", but only " + targetContentPanels.Length + " panels were provided. Fix in the inspector or pass a lower value for target canvas."); return; } r.transform.SetParent(targetContentPanels[targetCanvas], false); insertedElements[targetCanvas].Add(r); if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { Relayout(); } } public RectTransform AddButton(string label, OnClick handler, int targetCanvas = 0) { RectTransform buttonRT = GameObject.Instantiate(buttonPrefab).GetComponent<RectTransform>(); Button button = buttonRT.GetComponentInChildren<Button>(); button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { handler(); }); ((Text)(buttonRT.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Text), true)[0])).text = label; AddRect(buttonRT, targetCanvas); return buttonRT; } public RectTransform AddLabel(string label, int targetCanvas = 0) { RectTransform rt = GameObject.Instantiate(labelPrefab).GetComponent<RectTransform>(); rt.GetComponent<Text>().text = label; AddRect(rt, targetCanvas); return rt; } public RectTransform AddSlider(string label, float min, float max, OnSlider onValueChanged, bool wholeNumbersOnly = false, int targetCanvas = 0) { RectTransform rt = (RectTransform)GameObject.Instantiate(sliderPrefab); Slider s = rt.GetComponentInChildren<Slider>(); s.minValue = min; s.maxValue = max; s.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate (float f) { onValueChanged(f); }); s.wholeNumbers = wholeNumbersOnly; AddRect(rt, targetCanvas); return rt; } public RectTransform AddDivider(int targetCanvas = 0) { RectTransform rt = (RectTransform)GameObject.Instantiate(dividerPrefab); AddRect(rt, targetCanvas); return rt; } public RectTransform AddToggle(string label, OnToggleValueChange onValueChanged, int targetCanvas = 0) { RectTransform rt = (RectTransform)GameObject.Instantiate(togglePrefab); AddRect(rt, targetCanvas); Text buttonText = rt.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(); buttonText.text = label; Toggle t = rt.GetComponentInChildren<Toggle>(); t.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { onValueChanged(t); }); return rt; }
unity2019.4.11f personal
Oculus Integration Latest version 20.1