Method Not Allowed(405 error) The method is not allowed for the requested URL.
1import os 2import json 3import datetime 4import random 5import time 6from gevent import pywsgi 7from geventwebsocket.handler import WebSocketHandler 8from flask import Flask, request, render_template 9import spidev 10import csv 11import threading 12import smbus 13import statistics 14import math 15import numpy as np 16from statistics import mean, median 17import re 18import cv2 19import numpy as np 20from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 21import glob 22#%matplotlib inline 23import math 24import os 25import subprocess 26 27app = Flask(__name__) 28 29@app.route('/') 30def index(): 31 return render_template('index.html') 32 33@app.route('/publish') 34def publish(): 35 36 if request.environ.get('wsgi.websocket'): 37 ws = request.environ['wsgi.websocket'] 38 #message = "" 39 for t in range(0,2): #ブラウザでテキスト入力 40 data11[t] = ws.receive() 41 a11.append(data11[t]) 42 43 print(a11[0]) 44 print(a11[1]) 45 46 #計算過程は省略(計算結果であるb1,b2はarray) 47 48 datas={"result1": b1.tolist(), "result2": b2.tolist()} 49 print(datas) 50 ws.send(json.dumps(datas)) 51 52 return "200 ok" 53 54if __name__ == '__main__': 55 app.debug = True 56 server = pywsgi.WSGIServer(('localhost', 5000), app, handler_class=WebSocketHandler) 57 server.serve_forever()
1 2<!DOCTYPE html> 3<html> 4<head> 5 <meta charset="utf-8"> 6 <title>graph test</title> 7 8 <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 9 <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.7.2/Chart.bundle.js"></script> 10</head> 11 12<style> 13--省略-- 14</style> 15 16<script type="text/javascript"> 17 18$(document).ready(function(){ 19 $('form').submit(function(event){ 20 var inputText=$(".textBox").map(function(index,el){ 21 22 ws.send($(this).val()) 23 console.log($(this).val()) 24 return false; 25 }); 26 }); 27}); 28 29 30var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:5000/publish"); 31// 初期データ 32var data = [[], []]; 33var result_graph = []; 34 35//websocket経由で受け取ったデータをparseしてChart.jsのデータに渡す 36ws.onmessage = function (msg) { 37 38 var obj = JSON.parse(msg.data); 39 console.log(obj.result1, obj.result2); 40 41 result_graph.push({x:obj.resulet1, y:obj.result2}); 42 43 var ctx = document.getElementById('tension-chart').getContext('2d'); 44 var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { 45 type: 'scatter', 46 data: { 47 datasets: [ 48 49 { 50 label: "Result", 51 data: result_graph, 52 pointRadius: 5, 53 pointBorderRadius: 5, 54 borderColor: '#0000ff', 55 //showLine: false, 56 yAxisID: 'first-y-axis', 57 } 58 ] 59 }, 60 options: { 61 title: { 62 display: true, 63 text: "グラフ" 64 }, 65 maintainAspectRatio: false, 66 elements: { 67 line: { 68 tension: 0.5 //Smoothening (Curved) of data lines 69 } 70 }, 71 scales: { 72 xAxes: [{ 73 type: 'linear', 74 position: 'bottom', 75 scaleLabel: { 76 display: true, 77 labelString: 'X', 78 fontFamily: "Arial", 79 }, 80 ticks: { 81 // min: 0.1, 82 // max: 10, 83 // userCallback: function(tick) { 84 // var remain = tick / (Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Chart.helpers.log10(tick)))); 85 // if (remain === 1 || remain === 2 || remain === 5) { 86 // return tick.toString() + ''; 87 // } 88 // return ''; 89 //}, 90 } 91 }], 92 yAxes: [{ 93 id: 'first-y-axis', 94 type:'linear', 95 position: 'left', 96 97 scaleLabel: { // 軸ラベル 98 display: true, // 表示の有無 99 labelString: 'Y', 100 fontFamily: "Arial", 101 }, 102 ticks: { 103 min: 0, 104 max: 0.1, 105 // userCallback: function(tick) { 106 // var remain = tick / (Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Chart.helpers.log10(tick)))); 107 // if (remain === 1) { 108 // return tick.toString() + ''; 109 // } 110 // return ''; 111 // }, 112 } 113 114 },] 115 } 116 }, 117 118 119 120 }); 121 122 var table = document.getElementById("dataTable"); 123 var row = table.insertRow(1); //Add after headings 124 var cell1 = row.insertCell(0); 125 var cell2 = row.insertCell(1); 126 127 cell1.innerHTML = obj.result1; 128 cell2.innerHTML = obj.result2; 129 130}; 131 132</script> 133 134<body> 135 <form method='POST' action='#'> 136 <fieldset class="chart-container" > 137 <legend>入力フォーム</legend> 138 139 <div class="inline-text"><label for="input-sample">テキスト1: </label><input type="text" name='data2' id="Text2" class="textBox" size="7"><font size="-1"> m</font></div> 140 141 <div class="inline-text"><label for="input-sample">テキスト2: </label><input type="text" name='data5' id="Text5" class="textBox" size="7"><font size="-1"> m</font></div> 142 143 144 <div><input type='submit'></div> 145 </fieldset> 146 </form> 147 148 149 <div> 150 <div class="chart-container" position:relative; height:300px; width:100%;><canvas id="result-chart" width="300" height="300"></canvas></div> 151 </div> 152 153 </body> 154<table id="dataTable"> 155 #省略 156 </table> 157 </html>
サーバーから計算結果として送信したb1,b2をクライアント側で受信できているかどうかをindex.htmlのconsole.log(obj.result1, obj.result2);で確認しようと思いデベロッパーツールを確認しましたが、ログは何も表示されませんでした。
test.pyのws.send(json.dumps(datas))の箇所をwhile True:で括ってみたところ、ブラウザ上で一瞬グラフが表示されましたが、その後405エラーになりました。
2021/06/13 15:30
2021/06/14 09:24
2021/06/15 02:01 編集