



Python 3.x

Python 3はPythonプログラミング言語の最新バージョンであり、2008年12月3日にリリースされました。





watson SpeechToText でエラーになる





Python 3.x

Python 3はPythonプログラミング言語の最新バージョンであり、2008年12月3日にリリースされました。



投稿2022/06/16 08:53


python3でIBM watson Speech To Text を使ってマイクからの日本語音声をテキストを変換したいのですが,動画通りにgithubからダウンロードして訂正し実行するとエラーになります・・・・



1[Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed


1[auth] 2apikey = 自身のapikey 3# Modify region based on where you provisioned your stt instance 4region = jp-tok 5


1#!/usr/bin/env python 2# 3# Copyright 2016 IBM 4# 5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may 6# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain 7# a copy of the License at 8# 9# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 10# 11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT 13# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the 14# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations 15# under the License. 16 17import argparse 18import base64 19import configparser 20import json 21import threading 22import time 23 24import pyaudio 25import websocket 26from websocket._abnf import ABNF 27 28CHUNK = 1024 29FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 30# Even if your default input is multi channel (like a webcam mic), 31# it's really important to only record 1 channel, as the STT service 32# does not do anything useful with stereo. You get a lot of "hmmm" 33# back. 34CHANNELS = 1 35# Rate is important, nothing works without it. This is a pretty 36# standard default. If you have an audio device that requires 37# something different, change this. 38RATE = 44100 39RECORD_SECONDS = 5 40FINALS = [] 41LAST = None 42 43REGION_MAP = { 44 'us-east': 'gateway-wdc.watsonplatform.net', 45 'us-south': 'stream.watsonplatform.net', 46 'eu-gb': 'stream.watsonplatform.net', 47 'eu-de': 'stream-fra.watsonplatform.net', 48 'au-syd': 'gateway-syd.watsonplatform.net', 49 'jp-tok': 'gateway-syd.watsonplatform.net', 50} 51 52 53def read_audio(ws, timeout): 54 """Read audio and sent it to the websocket port. 55 56 This uses pyaudio to read from a device in chunks and send these 57 over the websocket wire. 58 59 """ 60 global RATE 61 p = pyaudio.PyAudio() 62 # NOTE(sdague): if you don't seem to be getting anything off of 63 # this you might need to specify: 64 # 65 # input_device_index=N, 66 # 67 # Where N is an int. You'll need to do a dump of your input 68 # devices to figure out which one you want. 69 RATE = int(p.get_default_input_device_info()['defaultSampleRate']) 70 stream = p.open(format=FORMAT, 71 channels=CHANNELS, 72 rate=RATE, 73 input=True, 74 frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) 75 76 print("* recording") 77 rec = timeout or RECORD_SECONDS 78 79 for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * rec)): 80 data = stream.read(CHUNK) 81 # print("Sending packet... %d" % i) 82 # NOTE(sdague): we're sending raw binary in the stream, we 83 # need to indicate that otherwise the stream service 84 # interprets this as text control messages. 85 ws.send(data, ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY) 86 87 # Disconnect the audio stream 88 stream.stop_stream() 89 stream.close() 90 print("* done recording") 91 92 # In order to get a final response from STT we send a stop, this 93 # will force a final=True return message. 94 data = {"action": "stop"} 95 ws.send(json.dumps(data).encode('utf8')) 96 # ... which we need to wait for before we shutdown the websocket 97 time.sleep(1) 98 ws.close() 99 100 # ... and kill the audio device 101 p.terminate() 102 103 104def on_message(self, msg): 105 """Print whatever messages come in. 106 107 While we are processing any non trivial stream of speech Watson 108 will start chunking results into bits of transcripts that it 109 considers "final", and start on a new stretch. It's not always 110 clear why it does this. However, it means that as we are 111 processing text, any time we see a final chunk, we need to save it 112 off for later. 113 """ 114 global LAST 115 data = json.loads(msg) 116 if "results" in data: 117 if data["results"][0]["final"]: 118 FINALS.append(data) 119 LAST = None 120 else: 121 LAST = data 122 # This prints out the current fragment that we are working on 123 print(data['results'][0]['alternatives'][0]['transcript']) 124 125 126def on_error(self, error): 127 """Print any errors.""" 128 print(error) 129 130 131def on_close(ws): 132 """Upon close, print the complete and final transcript.""" 133 global LAST 134 if LAST: 135 FINALS.append(LAST) 136 transcript = "".join([x['results'][0]['alternatives'][0]['transcript'] 137 for x in FINALS]) 138 print(transcript) 139 140 141def on_open(ws): 142 """Triggered as soon a we have an active connection.""" 143 args = ws.args 144 data = { 145 "action": "start", 146 # this means we get to send it straight raw sampling 147 "content-type": "audio/l16;rate=%d" % RATE, 148 "continuous": True, 149 "interim_results": True, 150 # "inactivity_timeout": 5, # in order to use this effectively 151 # you need other tests to handle what happens if the socket is 152 # closed by the server. 153 "word_confidence": True, 154 "timestamps": True, 155 "max_alternatives": 3 156 } 157 158 # Send the initial control message which sets expectations for the 159 # binary stream that follows: 160 ws.send(json.dumps(data).encode('utf8')) 161 # Spin off a dedicated thread where we are going to read and 162 # stream out audio. 163 threading.Thread(target=read_audio, 164 args=(ws, args.timeout)).start() 165 166def get_url(): 167 config = configparser.RawConfigParser() 168 config.read('speech.cfg') 169 # See 170 # https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/speech-to-text/websockets.html#websockets 171 # for details on which endpoints are for each region. 172 region = config.get('auth', 'region') 173 host = REGION_MAP[region] 174 return ("wss://{}/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize" 175 "?model=ja-JP_BroadbandModel").format(host) 176 177def get_auth(): 178 config = configparser.RawConfigParser() 179 config.read('speech.cfg') 180 apikey = config.get('auth', 'apikey') 181 return ("apikey", apikey) 182 183 184def parse_args(): 185 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( 186 description='Transcribe Watson text in real time') 187 parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', type=int, default=5) 188 # parser.add_argument('-d', '--device') 189 # parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') 190 args = parser.parse_args() 191 return args 192 193 194def main(): 195 # Connect to websocket interfaces 196 headers = {} 197 userpass = ":".join(get_auth()) 198 headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + base64.b64encode( 199 userpass.encode()).decode() 200 url = get_url() 201 202 # If you really want to see everything going across the wire, 203 # uncomment this. However realize the trace is going to also do 204 # things like dump the binary sound packets in text in the 205 # console. 206 # 207 # websocket.enableTrace(True) 208 ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(url, 209 header=headers, 210 on_message=on_message, 211 on_error=on_error, 212 on_close=on_close) 213 ws.on_open = on_open 214 ws.args = parse_args() 215 # This gives control over the WebSocketApp. This is a blocking 216 # call, so it won't return until the ws.close() gets called (after 217 # 6 seconds in the dedicated thread). 218 ws.run_forever() 219 220 221if __name__ == "__main__": 222 main() 223












1#!/usr/bin/env python 2# 3# Copyright 2016 IBM 4# 5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may 6# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain 7# a copy of the License at 8# 9# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 10# 11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT 13# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the 14# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations 15# under the License. 16 17import argparse 18import base64 19import configparser 20import json 21import threading 22import time 23 24import pyaudio 25import websocket 26from websocket._abnf import ABNF 27 28CHUNK = 1024 29FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 30# Even if your default input is multi channel (like a webcam mic), 31# it's really important to only record 1 channel, as the STT service 32# does not do anything useful with stereo. You get a lot of "hmmm" 33# back. 34CHANNELS = 1 35# Rate is important, nothing works without it. This is a pretty 36# standard default. If you have an audio device that requires 37# something different, change this. 38RATE = 44100 39RECORD_SECONDS = 5 40FINALS = [] 41LAST = None 42 43REGION_MAP = { 44 'us-east': 'gateway-wdc.watsonplatform.net', 45 'us-south': 'stream.watsonplatform.net', 46 'eu-gb': 'stream.watsonplatform.net', 47 'eu-de': 'stream-fra.watsonplatform.net', 48 'au-syd': 'gateway-syd.watsonplatform.net', 49 'jp-tok': 'api.jp-tok.speech-to-text.watson.cloud.ibm.com/instances/#ご自身のID情報入れてください', 50} 51 52 53def read_audio(ws, timeout): 54 """Read audio and sent it to the websocket port. 55 56 This uses pyaudio to read from a device in chunks and send these 57 over the websocket wire. 58 59 """ 60 global RATE 61 p = pyaudio.PyAudio() 62 # NOTE(sdague): if you don't seem to be getting anything off of 63 # this you might need to specify: 64 # 65 # input_device_index=N, 66 # 67 # Where N is an int. You'll need to do a dump of your input 68 # devices to figure out which one you want. 69 RATE = int(p.get_default_input_device_info()['defaultSampleRate']) 70 stream = p.open(format=FORMAT, 71 channels=CHANNELS, 72 rate=RATE, 73 input=True, 74 frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) 75 76 print("* recording") 77 rec = timeout or RECORD_SECONDS 78 79 for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * rec)): 80 data = stream.read(CHUNK) 81 # print("Sending packet... %d" % i) 82 # NOTE(sdague): we're sending raw binary in the stream, we 83 # need to indicate that otherwise the stream service 84 # interprets this as text control messages. 85 ws.send(data, ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY) 86 87 # Disconnect the audio stream 88 stream.stop_stream() 89 stream.close() 90 print("* done recording") 91 92 # In order to get a final response from STT we send a stop, this 93 # will force a final=True return message. 94 data = {"action": "stop"} 95 ws.send(json.dumps(data).encode('utf8')) 96 # ... which we need to wait for before we shutdown the websocket 97 time.sleep(1) 98 ws.close() 99 100 # ... and kill the audio device 101 p.terminate() 102 103 104def on_message(self, msg): 105 """Print whatever messages come in. 106 107 While we are processing any non trivial stream of speech Watson 108 will start chunking results into bits of transcripts that it 109 considers "final", and start on a new stretch. It's not always 110 clear why it does this. However, it means that as we are 111 processing text, any time we see a final chunk, we need to save it 112 off for later. 113 """ 114 global LAST 115 data = json.loads(msg) 116 if "results" in data: 117 if data["results"][0]["final"]: 118 FINALS.append(data) 119 LAST = None 120 else: 121 LAST = data 122 # This prints out the current fragment that we are working on 123 print(data['results'][0]['alternatives'][0]['transcript']) 124 125 126def on_error(self, error): 127 """Print any errors.""" 128 print(error) 129 130 131def on_close(ws): 132 """Upon close, print the complete and final transcript.""" 133 global LAST 134 if LAST: 135 FINALS.append(LAST) 136 transcript = "".join([x['results'][0]['alternatives'][0]['transcript'] 137 for x in FINALS]) 138 print(transcript) 139 140 141def on_open(ws): 142 """Triggered as soon a we have an active connection.""" 143 args = ws.args 144 data = { 145 "action": "start", 146 # this means we get to send it straight raw sampling 147 "content-type": "audio/l16;rate=%d" % RATE, 148 "continuous": True, 149 "interim_results": True, 150 # "inactivity_timeout": 5, # in order to use this effectively 151 # you need other tests to handle what happens if the socket is 152 # closed by the server. 153 "word_confidence": True, 154 "timestamps": True, 155 "max_alternatives": 3 156 } 157 158 # Send the initial control message which sets expectations for the 159 # binary stream that follows: 160 ws.send(json.dumps(data).encode('utf8')) 161 # Spin off a dedicated thread where we are going to read and 162 # stream out audio. 163 threading.Thread(target=read_audio, 164 args=(ws, args.timeout)).start() 165 166def get_url(): 167 config = configparser.RawConfigParser() 168 config.read('speech.cfg') 169 # See 170 # https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/speech-to-text/websockets.html#websockets 171 # for details on which endpoints are for each region. 172 region = config.get('auth', 'region') 173 host = REGION_MAP[region] 174 return ("wss://{}/v1/recognize?model=ja-JP_BroadbandModel").format(host) #ここも変えています。 175 176def get_auth(): 177 config = configparser.RawConfigParser() 178 config.read('speech.cfg') 179 apikey = config.get('auth', 'apikey') 180 return ("apikey", apikey) 181 182 183def parse_args(): 184 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( 185 description='Transcribe Watson text in real time') 186 parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', type=int, default=5) 187 # parser.add_argument('-d', '--device') 188 # parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') 189 args = parser.parse_args() 190 return args 191 192 193def main(): 194 # Connect to websocket interfaces 195 headers = {} 196 userpass = ":".join(get_auth()) 197 headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + base64.b64encode( 198 userpass.encode()).decode() 199 url = get_url() 200 201 # If you really want to see everything going across the wire, 202 # uncomment this. However realize the trace is going to also do 203 # things like dump the binary sound packets in text in the 204 # console. 205 # 206 # websocket.enableTrace(True) 207 ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(url, 208 header=headers, 209 on_message=on_message, 210 on_error=on_error, 211 on_close=on_close) 212 ws.on_open = on_open 213 ws.args = parse_args() 214 # This gives control over the WebSocketApp. This is a blocking 215 # call, so it won't return until the ws.close() gets called (after 216 # 6 seconds in the dedicated thread). 217 ws.run_forever() 218 219 220if __name__ == "__main__": 221 main() 222



投稿2022/06/17 01:35








エンドポイント URL を watsonplatform.net から新しいものに更新する

watsonplatform.net エンドポイント URL は、2021 年 5 月 26 日に廃止されました。ご使用の API 呼び出しを、新しい URL を使用するように更新してください。


投稿2022/06/16 09:18






2022/06/16 09:30

ありがとうございます。 出来ないとさえわからなかったので助かりました!



















