Kerasが公開しているSiamese Networkのモデルを保存し、表示したいと考えています。
Siamese Network
import random import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras import layers import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from time import time import os t_start = time() # 開始時間 """ ## Hyperparameters """ epochs = 10 batch_size = 128 margin = 1 # Margin for constrastive loss. (x_train_val, y_train_val), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() # Change the data type to a floating point format x_train_val = x_train_val.astype("float32") x_test = x_test.astype("float32") # Keep 50% of train_val in validation set x_train, x_val = x_train_val[:30000], x_train_val[30000:] y_train, y_val = y_train_val[:30000], y_train_val[30000:] del x_train_val, y_train_val def make_pairs(x, y): num_classes = max(y) + 1 digit_indices = [np.where(y == i)[0] for i in range(num_classes)] pairs = [] labels = [] for idx1 in range(len(x)): # add a matching example x1 = x[idx1] label1 = y[idx1] idx2 = random.choice(digit_indices[label1]) x2 = x[idx2] pairs += [[x1, x2]] labels += [1] # add a non-matching example label2 = random.randint(0, num_classes - 1) while label2 == label1: label2 = random.randint(0, num_classes - 1) idx2 = random.choice(digit_indices[label2]) x2 = x[idx2] pairs += [[x1, x2]] labels += [0] return np.array(pairs), np.array(labels).astype("float32") # make train pairs pairs_train, labels_train = make_pairs(x_train, y_train) # make validation pairs pairs_val, labels_val = make_pairs(x_val, y_val) # make test pairs pairs_test, labels_test = make_pairs(x_test, y_test) x_train_1 = pairs_train[:, 0] # x_train_1.shape is (60000, 28, 28) x_train_1=x_train_1.reshape(x_train_1.shape[0],x_train_1.shape[1],x_train_1.shape[2],1) x_train_2 = pairs_train[:, 1] x_train_2=x_train_2.reshape(x_train_2.shape[0],x_train_2.shape[1],x_train_2.shape[2],1) """ Split the validation pairs """ x_val_1 = pairs_val[:, 0] # x_val_1.shape = (60000, 28, 28) x_val_1=x_val_1.reshape(x_val_1.shape[0],x_val_1.shape[1],x_val_1.shape[2],1) x_val_2 = pairs_val[:, 1] x_val_2=x_val_2.reshape(x_val_2.shape[0],x_val_2.shape[1],x_val_2.shape[2],1) """ Split the test pairs """ x_test_1 = pairs_test[:, 0] # x_test_1.shape = (20000, 28, 28) x_test_1=x_test_1.reshape(x_test_1.shape[0],x_test_1.shape[1],x_test_1.shape[2],1) x_test_2 = pairs_test[:, 1] x_test_2=x_test_2.reshape(x_test_2.shape[0],x_test_2.shape[1],x_test_2.shape[2],1) # Provided two tensors t1 and t2 # Euclidean distance = sqrt(sum(square(t1-t2))) def euclidean_distance(vects): print(vects) x, y = vects print(x) print(y) sum_square = tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.square(x - y), axis=1, keepdims=True) return tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.maximum(sum_square, tf.keras.backend.epsilon())) input = layers.Input((28,28,1)) print(input.shape) x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(input) x = layers.Conv2D(4, (5, 5), activation="tanh")(x) x = layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(x) x = layers.Conv2D(16, (5, 5), activation="tanh")(x) x = layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(x) x = layers.Flatten()(x) x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(x) x = layers.Dense(10, activation="tanh")(x) print(x.shape) embedding_network = keras.Model(input, x) input_1 = layers.Input((28,28,1)) print(input_1.shape) input_2 = layers.Input((28,28,1)) print(input_2.shape) tower_1 = embedding_network(input_1) tower_2 = embedding_network(input_2) merge_layer = layers.Lambda(euclidean_distance)([tower_1, tower_2]) normal_layer = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(merge_layer) output_layer = layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(normal_layer) siamese = keras.Model(inputs=[input_1, input_2], outputs=output_layer) """ ## Define the constrastive Loss """ def loss(margin=1): # Contrastive loss = mean( (1-true_value) * square(prediction) + # true_value * square( max(margin-prediction, 0) )) def contrastive_loss(y_true, y_pred): square_pred = tf.math.square(y_pred) margin_square = tf.math.square(tf.math.maximum(margin - (y_pred), 0)) return tf.math.reduce_mean( (1 - y_true) * square_pred + (y_true) * margin_square ) return contrastive_loss """ ## Compile the model with the contrastive loss """ siamese.compile(loss=loss(margin=margin), optimizer="RMSprop", metrics=["accuracy"]) tf.keras.utils.plot_model(siamese, to_file = 'model2.png', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True) siamese.summary() """ ## Train the model """ history = [x_train_1, x_train_2], labels_train, validation_data=([x_val_1, x_val_2], labels_val), batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs )'/home/practice/siamese_model/model.hdf5') t_end = time() #終了時間 t_elapsed = t_end - t_start print("処理時間は{0}".format(t_elapsed))
#from sklearn.externals import joblib import argparse, os, glob, datetime, cv2, re, sys, math import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import backend as K import random as rand import numpy as np import keras from keras.layers import Lambda from keras.layers import Input, Conv2D, BatchNormalization, Activation, Subtract from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, load_model from keras.losses import categorical_crossentropy from keras.optimizers import Adam from PIL import Image from pathlib import Path from time import time def contrastive_loss(y_true, y_pred): margin = 1 square_pred = K.square(y_pred) margin_square = K.square(K.maximum(margin - y_pred, 0)) return K.mean(y_true * square_pred + (1 - y_true) * margin_square) dir = '/home/practice/siamese_model/model.hdf5' base_model = load_model(dir,custom_objects={'contrastive_loss': contrastive_loss,'Lambda':Lambda},compile=False) base_model.summary()
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 28, in <module> base_model = load_model(dir,custom_objects={'contrastive_loss': contrastive_loss,'Lambda':Lambda},compile=False) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/saving/", line 146, in load_model return hdf5_format.load_model_from_hdf5(filepath, custom_objects, compile) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/saving/", line 212, in load_model_from_hdf5 custom_objects=custom_objects) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/saving/", line 55, in model_from_config return deserialize(config, custom_objects=custom_objects) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/layers/", line 89, in deserialize printable_module_name='layer') File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/utils/", line 192, in deserialize_keras_object list(custom_objects.items()))) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/", line 1121, in from_config process_layer(layer_data) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/", line 1105, in process_layer layer = deserialize_layer(layer_data, custom_objects=custom_objects) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/layers/", line 89, in deserialize printable_module_name='layer') File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/utils/", line 192, in deserialize_keras_object list(custom_objects.items()))) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/layers/", line 793, in from_config return cls(**config) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/legacy/", line 91, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/layers/", line 649, in __init__ super(Lambda, self).__init__(**kwargs) File "/home/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/engine/", line 128, in __init__ raise TypeError('Keyword argument not understood:', kwarg) TypeError: ('Keyword argument not understood:', 'module')