Unity Collaborate を利用した Cloud Build の失敗についての質問です。
Unity Collaborate のクラウドストレージを利用して、Windows のビルドをしようとしている者です。
Running Prebuild steps In quiet period, build will start momentarily... Using /BUILD_PATH/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2 Successfully uninstalled bvr-2.0.9 Successfully uninstalled bvr-3.0.13 Successfully uninstalled bvr-3.0.25 Successfully uninstalled bvr-3.0.35 Successfully uninstalled bvr-3.0.56 Successfully uninstalled bvr-3.0.71 Successfully uninstalled bvr-3.0.90 Successfully uninstalled bvr-3.5.1 Removing bvr Removing bvr_runner Successfully uninstalled bvr-3.5.4 /dev/disk2 Apple_partition_scheme /dev/disk2s1 Apple_partition_map /dev/disk2s2 Apple_HFS /Volumes/2019_4_30f1 bvr 3.7.19 bvr-api 0.3.23 License dir does not exist License dir does not exist [17/Oct/2021:16:53:11] Sent Unity activation metrics prebuildstatus finished successfully. All identities removed. BVR: SCM Checkout Starting Unity Collab checkout process. Summary of changed files at revision 756c825c1b39bde67f6d6cd39cb572bf459025ef: Added: 269 Updated: 0 Renamed: 0 Moved: 0 Deleted: 0 Downloading files from Unity Collab... DONE! BVR: SCM Checkout completed in 20 seconds. Calculated Workspace Size: 17.19 MiB PATH | SIZE -----------------|---------- /Assets | 17.14 MiB /Packages | 10.27 KiB /ProjectSettings | 43.22 KiB Detected last used Unity version from ProjectVersion.txt: 2019.4.13f1 postcheckoutstatus finished successfully. Error: unrecognized project! Please check your app configuration - if this is a Unity application, We expect your "Project Subdirectory" to be set to the path which directly contains the ProjectSettings and Assets directories. For a native app, this should be set to the path which directly contains the project file (.xcodeproj, project.properties, etc). Build failed. Please check the log for further details. Using /BUILD_PATH/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2 postbuildsteps finished successfully postbuildstatus finished successfully. Finished: FAILURE
Error: unrecognized project! Please check your app configuration - if this is a Unity application, We expect your "Project Subdirectory" to be set to the path which directly contains the ProjectSettings and Assets directories. For a native app, this should be set to the path which directly contains the project file (.xcodeproj, project.properties, etc).
全てのプロジェクト情報が入っていない可能性があると思い、新規にビルドテスト用にプロジェクトを作成し、Collaborate に追加したうえで Cloud Build の Source Control Settings を Unity Collab に設定しビルドを試しました。
In my Unity project I set the following settings: Under Edit>Project Settings>Editor
Set Version Control Mode to Visible Meta Files Set Asset Serialization Mode to Force Text
に関しては Collaborate を使用すると強制的に設定されていました。
こちらも、Collaborate を利用しているため自分でソースプロジェクトのリモートでのディレクトリ設定等は特に行っていません(というか方法がわかりませんでした)
2020.3.17f1 及び 2019.4.13f1 の3D(URP)プロジェクトで再現しています。プロジェクトファイルには初期状態で入っているファイルのみで新規に追加などはしていません。
OSは Windows10 64bit です。