error 413 That’s an error.
Your client issued a request that was too large. That’s all we know.
原因としてGoogle App Enginが関わっており、一回のリクエストの最大サイズが32MBまでとなっています。解決策として「GoogleCloudStorage」や「S3」の署名付きURLを使って直接アップロードするとのことです。いろいろ試してみたのですが動画ファイルをアップロードする署名付きURLの作成&使用することができず、エラー413が出てしまい白旗です。どうしたらエラー413を出さずに32MB以上の動画のアップロードができるようになるか教えていただければ幸いです。
1#省略 2from google.cloud import storage 3#省略 4class MovieUpload(OnlyYouMixin,generic.CreateView,): 5 template_name = 'app/movie_upload.html' 6 form_class = Upload 7 8 def form_valid(self,form,): 9 movie = form.save(commit=False) 10 movie.user = self.request.user 11 CLIENT = storage.Client.from_service_account_json('GAE defaultservice accountkey.json') 12 bucket = CLIENT.bucket(settings.GS_BUCKET_NAME) 13 14 blob = bucket.blob(str(movie.video)) 15 # Blob data gets input form data and change it str data. 16 #It is name of file to be saved/uploaded to storage 17 url = blob.generate_signed_url( 18 version='v4', 19 expiration=datetime.timedelta(minutes=60), 20 method='POST', 21 content_type="application/octet-stream", 22 ) 23 movie.save() 24 25 26 def get_success_url(self): 27 return resolve_url('movie:user_detail', pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
django-storageも導入しており、画像や動画を一時的に見ることができるURLがあるのでダウンロードに関する署名付きURLはできていると考えます。またこの方法でもAPP Engineではアップロードはできませんが、LocalHOST上ではうまく動くので余計混乱しています。
1class MovieUpload(OnlyYouMixin,generic.CreateView,): 2 template_name = 'app/movie_upload.html' 3 form_class = Upload 4 5 def form_valid(self,form,): 6 movie = form.save(commit=False) 7 movie.user = self.request.user 8 movie.save() 9 10 11 def get_success_url(self): 12 return resolve_url('movie:user_detail', pk=self.kwargs['pk']) 13 14 15 16def get_signed_url(request,pk): 17 if request.method == 'POST' and request.is_ajax(): 18 filename = request.POST.get('filename') 19 filetype = request.POST.get('type') 20 filesize = request.POST.get('size', 0) 21 22 # build the URL path using whatever information 23 fullpath = '/path/'+filename 24 25 # create the blob - the blob has to be created in order to get a signed URL 26 blob = default_storage.open(fullpath, 'wb') 27 28 # generate the signed URL through the blob object - don't use django-storages (yet) 29 signed_url = blob.blob.generate_signed_url(expiration=default_storage.expiration, method='PUT', content_type=filetype) 30 31 # This is what you'd do with djagno-storages 32 #signed_url = default_storage.url(fullpath) 33 34 # Send the signed URL back. I also send the path back because I want to display the uploaded image (relative path) 35 return JsonResponse({ 'signed_url': signed_url, 'url': settings.MEDIA_URL + fullpath }) 36 37 # Probably a terrible way to respond. You do you. 38 return JsonResponse({})
1path('user_datail/User<int:pk>/upload',views.MovieUpload.as_view(),name='movie_upload_in'), 2path('user_datail/User<int:pk>/upload/sign',views.get_signed_url,name='sign'),
1<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"action="{% url 'movie:sign' user.pk %}" > 2<div class="container mt-3"> 3 <button id ="Upload"class="btn btn-info btn-lg" name="next">Upload</button> 4 <div class="field"> 5 {{ form.title.label }} 6 {{ form.title }} 7 <span class="helptext">{{ form.title.help_text }}</span> 8 {{ form.title.errors }} 9 </div> 10 <div class="field"> 11 {{ form.name.label }} 12 {{ form.name }} 13 </div> 14 <div class="field"> 15 {{ form.publick.label }} 16 {{ form.publick }} 17 <label for="id_publick">Release</label> <span class="helptext"></span> 18 {{ form.publick.errors }} 19 </div> 20 <div class="field" id="cover_image"> 21 {{ form.video.label_tag }} 22 {{ form.video }} 23 <span class="helptext">{{ form.video.help_text }}</span> 24</div> 25 26<script> 27 $('#id_video').fileupload({ 28 // most of these doesn't matter and will be removed 29 // because the add() function does the actual upload now 30 dropZone: $('#id_video'), 31 add: function(e, data) { 32 $.each(data.files, function(index, file) { 33 // pack our data to get signature url 34 var formData = new FormData(); 35 formData.append('filename', file.name); 36 formData.append('type', file.type); 37 formData.append('size', file.size); 38 39 // Step 3: get our signature URL 40 $.ajax({ 41 url: "{% url 'movie:sign' user.pk %}", 42 type: 'POST', 43 processData: false, 44 contentType: false, 45 dataType: 'json', 46 headers: { 47 'X-CSRFToken': Cookies.get('csrftoken'), 48 }, 49 data: formData 50 }).done(function (data) { 51 // Step 5: got our url, push to GCS 52 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 53 if ('withCredentials' in xhr) { 54 xhr.open("PUT", data.signed_url, true); 55 } 56 else if (typeof XDomainRequest !== 'undefined') { 57 xhr = new XDomainRequest(); 58 xhr.open("PUT", data.signed_url); 59 } 60 else { 61 xhr = null; 62 } 63 64 xhr.onload = () => { 65 const status = xhr.status; 66 if (status === 200) { 67 //alert("File is uploaded"); 68 // show the image (uploadDone is separate function) 69 uploadDone(data.url) 70 } else { 71 alert("Failed to upload"); 72 } 73 }; 74 75 xhr.onerror = () => { 76 alert("Failed to upload"); 77 }; 78 79 xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', file.type); 80 xhr.send(file); 81 }); 82 }); 83 }, 84 done: function (e, data) { 85 } 86}); 87 </script>
2021/06/18 01:35 編集