たのしいプログラミング PYTHONではじめよう!という本を参考にシューティングゲームを作っています。
1from tkinter import * 2import random 3import time 4 5class Ball: 6 def __init__ (self, canvas, paddle, color): 7 self.canvas = canvas 8 self.paddle = paddle 9 self.id = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color) 10 self.canvas.move(self.id, 245, 100) 11 starts = [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3] 12 random.shuffle(starts) 13 self.x = starts[0] 14 self.y = -3 15 self.canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height() 16 self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width() 17 self.hit_bottom = False 18 19 def hit_paddle(self, pos): 20 paddle_pos = self.canvas.coords(self.paddle.id) 21 if pos[2] >= paddle_pos[0] and pos[0] <= paddle_pos[2]: 22 if pos[3] >= paddle_pos[1] and pos[3] <= paddle_pos[3]: 23 return True 24 return False 25 26 def draw(self): 27 self.canvas.move(self.id, self.x, self.y) 28 pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id) 29 if pos[1] <= 0: 30 self.y = 3 31 if pos[3] >= self.canvas_height: 32 self.hit_bottom = True 33 if self.hit_paddle(pos) == True: 34 self.y = -3 35 if pos[0] <= 0: 36 self.x = 3 37 if pos[2] >= self.canvas_width: 38 self.x = -3 39 40class Paddle: 41 def __init__(self,canvas,color): 42 self.canvas = canvas 43 self.id = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 10, fill=color) 44 self.canvas.move(self.id, 200,300) 45 self.x = 0 46 self.canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width() 47 self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Left>', self.turn_left) 48 self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Right>', self.turn_right) 49 self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-space>', self.game_start) 50 self.state = 1 51 52 def draw(self): 53 self.canvas.move(self.id, self.x, 0) 54 pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id) 55 if pos[0] <= 0: 56 self.x = -0 57 elif pos[2] >= self.canvas_width: 58 self.x = 0 59 60 def turn_left(self, evt): 61 self.x = -2 62 def turn_right(self, evt): 63 self.x = 2 64 def game_start(self, evn): 65 self.state = 2 66 67class Score(): 68 def __init__(self): 69 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("System", F_P_SIZE) 70 self.point = 0000 71 self.id = canvas.create_polygon(0, 0, 10, 10, fill=color) 72 def cal_score(self): 73 if ball.hit_paddle == True: 74 self.point += point*100 75 if ball.hit_bottom == True: 76 self.point += point + 0 77 def draw(self): 78 text = self.font.render("{:04d}".format(self.point), True, (63,255,63)) 79 surface.blit(text, [10, 5]) 80 81tk = Tk() 82tk.title("Game") 83tk.resizable(0,0) 84tk.wm_attributes("-topmost",1) 85canvas = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=400, bd=0,highlightthickness=0) 86canvas.pack() 87tk.update() 88 89paddle = Paddle(canvas, 'blue') 90ball = Ball(canvas, paddle, 'red') 91 92while True: 93 if paddle.state == 1: 94 canvas.create_rectangle(500, 400, 0, 0, fill='white', tag="start_screen") 95 canvas.create_text(250, 80, text = '-- Bounce Game --', 96 fill='red', font=('System', 40), 97 tag="start_message") 98 canvas.create_text(250, 200, text = 'START PUSH SPACE', 99 fill='red', font=('System', 40), 100 tag="start_message") 101 if ball.hit_bottom == False and paddle.state == 2: 102 ball.draw() 103 paddle.draw() 104 canvas.delete("start_message") 105 canvas.delete("start_screen") 106 if ball.hit_bottom == True: 107 canvas.create_rectangle(500, 400, 0, 0, fill='white') 108 canvas.create_text(250, 150, text = 'GAME OVER!', 109 fill='red', 110 font=('System', 70)) 111 time.sleep(0.01) 112 tk.update_idletasks() 113 tk.update() 114 time.sleep(0.01) 115 116
2020/12/27 07:13 編集