スクリプト上でなければ”Assign using All child object”ボタンをインスペクタの中で押すだけでできたのですがボタンを押した時に呼び出されるメソッドを呼び出すことができません。
1namespace UnityStandardAssets.Utility.Inspector 2{ 3#if UNITY_EDITOR 4 [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof (WaypointCircuit.WaypointList))] 5 public class WaypointListDrawer : PropertyDrawer 6 { 7 private float lineHeight = 18; 8 private float spacing = 4; 9 public int push = 0; 10 11 public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) 12 { 13 EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); 14 15 float x = position.x; 16 float y = position.y; 17 float inspectorWidth = position.width; 18 19 20 21 22 // Draw label 23 24 25 // Don't make child fields be indented 26 var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; 27 EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; 28 29 var items = property.FindPropertyRelative("items"); 30 var titles = new string[] {"Transform", "", "", ""}; 31 var props = new string[] {"transform", "^", "v", "-"}; 32 var widths = new float[] {.7f, .1f, .1f, .1f}; 33 float lineHeight = 18; 34 bool changedLength = false; 35 if (items.arraySize > 0) 36 { 37 for (int i = -1; i < items.arraySize; ++i) 38 { 39 var item = items.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); 40 41 float rowX = x; 42 for (int n = 0; n < props.Length; ++n) 43 { 44 float w = widths[n]*inspectorWidth; 45 46 // Calculate rects 47 Rect rect = new Rect(rowX, y, w, lineHeight); 48 rowX += w; 49 50 if (i == -1) 51 { 52 EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, titles[n]); 53 } 54 else 55 { 56 if (n == 0) 57 { 58 EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, item.objectReferenceValue, typeof (Transform), true); 59 } 60 else 61 { 62 if (GUI.Button(rect, props[n])) 63 { 64 switch (props[n]) 65 { 66 case "-": 67 items.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(i); 68 items.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(i); 69 changedLength = true; 70 break; 71 case "v": 72 if (i > 0) 73 { 74 items.MoveArrayElement(i, i + 1); 75 } 76 break; 77 case "^": 78 if (i < items.arraySize - 1) 79 { 80 items.MoveArrayElement(i, i - 1); 81 } 82 break; 83 } 84 } 85 } 86 } 87 } 88 89 y += lineHeight + spacing; 90 if (changedLength) 91 { 92 break; 93 } 94 } 95 } 96 else 97 { 98 // add button 99 var addButtonRect = new Rect((x + position.width) - widths[widths.Length - 1]*inspectorWidth, y, 100 widths[widths.Length - 1]*inspectorWidth, lineHeight); 101 if (GUI.Button(addButtonRect, "+")) 102 { 103 items.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(items.arraySize); 104 } 105 106 y += lineHeight + spacing; 107 } 108 109 // add all button 110 var addAllButtonRect = new Rect(x, y, inspectorWidth, lineHeight); 111 if (GUI.Button(addAllButtonRect, "Assign using all child objects")) 112 { 113 114 var circuit = property.FindPropertyRelative("circuit").objectReferenceValue as WaypointCircuit; 115 var children = new Transform[circuit.transform.childCount]; 116 int n = 0; 117 foreach (Transform child in circuit.transform) 118 { 119 children[n++] = child; 120 } 121 Array.Sort(children, new TransformNameComparer()); 122 circuit.waypointList.items = new Transform[children.Length]; 123 for (n = 0; n < children.Length; ++n) 124 { 125 circuit.waypointList.items[n] = children[n]; 126 } 127 } 128 y += lineHeight + spacing; 129 130 // rename all button 131 var renameButtonRect = new Rect(x, y, inspectorWidth, lineHeight); 132 if (GUI.Button(renameButtonRect, "Auto Rename numerically from this order")) 133 { 134 var circuit = property.FindPropertyRelative("circuit").objectReferenceValue as WaypointCircuit; 135 int n = 0; 136 foreach (Transform child in circuit.waypointList.items) 137 { 138 child.name = "Waypoint " + (n++).ToString("000"); 139 } 140 } 141 y += lineHeight + spacing; 142 143 144 // Set indent back to what it was 145 EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent; 146 EditorGUI.EndProperty(); 147 } 148 149 150 public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) 151 { 152 SerializedProperty items = property.FindPropertyRelative("items"); 153 float lineAndSpace = lineHeight + spacing; 154 return 40 + (items.arraySize*lineAndSpace) + lineAndSpace; 155 } 156 157 158 // comparer for check distances in ray cast hits 159 public class TransformNameComparer : IComparer 160 { 161 public int Compare(object x, object y) 162 { 163 return ((Transform) x).name.CompareTo(((Transform) y).name); 164 } 165 } 166 167 168 169 } 170
WaypointCircuitの中の”Assign using All child object”ボタンを押したときに実行されるメソッドのif文の条件の中にbool型の変数を追加しその変数を別スクリプトから操作し実行しようとしてみましたが変数を操作できませんでした。