1{ 2 GameObject equipimagecolor; 3 GameObject EquipImage2; 4 GameObject EquipImage3; 5 GameObject Itemchange; 6 GameObject UnityChan; 7 GameObject Enemy1, Enemy1_2; 8 //アイテムのプレハブ 9 GameObject Soard; 10 GameObject Gun; 11 GameObject Tue; 12 13 EquipImageColor equipimagecolorScript; 14 EnemyItem enemyitemScript; 15 Action actionScript; 16 EquipSetImage2 equipsetImage2script; 17 EquipSetImage3 equipsetImage3script; 18 ItemGet_EquipChange itemgetScript; 19 20 public bool SoardOn = false; //剣モードのアクションにするためのもの 21 public bool GunOn = false; //銃モード " 22 public bool TueOn = false; //杖モード " 23 public bool EquipImageSet1 = false; 24 public static bool Soardon = false; //データ保持用 25 public static bool Gunon = false; // " 26 public static bool Tueon = false; // " 27 public static bool Equipimageset1 = false; 28 Image image; 29 Sprite sprite; 30 31 32 void Start() 33 { 34 EquipImage2 = GameObject.Find("EquipImage2"); 35 EquipImage3 = GameObject.Find("EquipImage3"); 36 equipimagecolor = GameObject.Find("Equip1"); 37 Itemchange = GameObject.Find("ItemPackage"); 38 Enemy1 = GameObject.Find("Enemy1"); 39 Enemy1_2 = GameObject.Find("Enemy1_2"); 40 UnityChan = GameObject.Find("UnityChan"); 41 itemgetScript = Itemchange.GetComponent<ItemGet_EquipChange>(); 42 equipsetImage2script = EquipImage2.GetComponent<EquipSetImage2>(); 43 equipsetImage3script = EquipImage3.GetComponent<EquipSetImage3>(); 44 enemyitemScript = Enemy1.GetComponent<EnemyItem>(); 45 actionScript = UnityChan.GetComponent<Action>(); 46 equipimagecolorScript = equipimagecolor.GetComponent<EquipImageColor>(); 47 //アイテムのプレハブをよぶ 48 Soard = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/Item_Soard"); 49 Gun = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/Item_Gun"); 50 Tue = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/Item_Tue"); 51 52 EquipImageSet1 = Equipimageset1; 53 } 54 55 void Update() 56 { 57 if (!EquipImageSet1) 58 { 59 if ((equipsetImage2script.EquipImageSet2 == false && equipsetImage3script.EquipImageSet3 == false) || (equipsetImage2script.EquipImageSet2 == true && equipsetImage3script.EquipImageSet3 == true) 60 || (equipsetImage2script.EquipImageSet2 == true && equipsetImage3script.EquipImageSet3 == false)) //装備2,3にアイテムがない場合、または2、3にある場合 61 { 62 if (itemgetScript.Soard == true) 63 { 64 itemgetScript.Soard = false; 65 EquipImageSet1 = true; 66 SoardOn = true; 67 sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Soard"); 68 image = this.GetComponent<Image>(); 69 image.sprite = sprite; 70 } 71 else if (itemgetScript.Gun == true) 72 { 73 itemgetScript.Gun = false; 74 EquipImageSet1 = true; 75 GunOn = true; 76 sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Gun"); 77 image = this.GetComponent<Image>(); 78 image.sprite = sprite; 79 } 80 else if (itemgetScript.Tue == true) 81 { 82 itemgetScript.Tue = false; 83 EquipImageSet1 = true; 84 TueOn = true; 85 sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Tue"); 86 image = this.GetComponent<Image>(); 87 image.sprite = sprite; 88 } 89 } 90 } 91 92 //アイテム削除のさいに使用 93 if (equipimagecolorScript.weapon == 0) 94 { 95 if (EquipImageSet1) 96 { 97 if (MyInput.MyInputKey(KeyCode.V)) 98 { 99 //それぞれのアイテムをドロップ 100 if (SoardOn) 101 { 102 SoardOn = false; 103 Instantiate(Soard, UnityChan.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), UnityChan.transform.rotation); 104 } 105 else if (GunOn) 106 { 107 GunOn = false; 108 Instantiate(Gun, UnityChan.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), UnityChan.transform.rotation); 109 } 110 else if (TueOn) 111 { 112 TueOn = false; 113 Instantiate(Tue, UnityChan.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), UnityChan.transform.rotation); 114 } 115 EquipImageSet1 = false; 116 image = this.GetComponent<Image>(); 117 image.sprite = null; 118 } 119 } 120 } 121 122 //保持しているデータをOnの方にも記録させる 123 if (Soardon) 124 { 125 SoardOn = true; 126 } 127 else if (Gunon) 128 { 129 GunOn = true; 130 } 131 else if (Tueon) 132 { 133 TueOn = true; 134 } 135 } 136コード 137
エラーが起きた場所 Instantiate(Soard, UnityChan.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), UnityChan.transform.rotation); コード
エラー内容 MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'GameObject' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it. Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object. EquipSetImage1.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/EquipSetImage1.cs:111) コード
2019/11/20 01:15
2019/11/20 01:24