例外がスローされました:読み取りアクセス違反。 pnt が 0x262DAEA でした。
1#include "ofMain.h" 2#include "ofApp.h" 3//======================================================================== 4int main() { 5 ofSetupOpenGL(768, 768, OF_WINDOW); 6 // this kicks off the running of my app 7 // can be OF_WINDOW or OF_FULLSCREEN 8 // pass in width and height too: 9 ofRunApp(new ofApp()); 10}
1#pragma once 2#include "ofMain.h" 3class ofApp : public 4 ofBaseApp { 5public: 6 ofVec2f windowSize; 7 void setup(); 8 void update(); 9 void draw(); 10 void keyPressed(int key); 11 void keyReleased(int key); 12 void mouseMoved(int x, int y); 13 void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button); 14 void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button); 15 void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button); 16 void windowResized(int w, int h); 17 void dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo); 18 void gotMessage(ofMessage msg); 19 ofVec3f r; 20 ofVec3f t; 21 ofVec3f preMousePos; 22};
1#include "ofApp.h" 2#include <stdarg.h> 3//構造体 sPpolygon 型の定義 4struct sPolygon { 5 int vNum; //頂点の数 6 ofPoint vertex[10]; //頂点の座標 7 ofPoint normal; //法線ベクトル 8 ofPoint center; //中心座標 9 ofPoint max; //各軸の最大値 10 ofPoint min; //各軸の最小値 11 ofColor color; //色 12 bool visible; //可視判定 13}; 14//-------------------------------------------------------------- 15void ofApp::setup() { 16 //フレームレートの設定 17 ofSetFrameRate(30); 18} 19//-------------------------------------------------------------- 20void ofApp::update() { 21 //回転角の設定 22 // r.y = int((r.y ++)) % 360; 23 // r.x = int((r.x + 2)) % 360; 24} 25//ポリゴン作成(色,座標点配列,点の数,点番号,..) 26sPolygon makePoly(ofColor pColor, ofPoint pnt[], int num, ...) { 27 sPolygon poly; 28 va_list ptr; 29 va_start(ptr, num); 30 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { 31 int p = va_arg(ptr, int); 32 poly.vertex[i] = pnt[p]; 33 } 34 poly.color = pColor; 35 poly.vNum = num; 36 return poly; 37} 38//透視投影計算 39ofPoint pers(ofPoint p) { 40 float focal = -3.0; //焦点距離を設定 41 ofPoint outp; 42 outp.x = p.x * focal / p.z; 43 outp.y = p.y * focal / p.z; 44 outp.z = 0; 45 return outp; 46} 47//ポリゴンの描画(可変長引数を用いる) 48void drawPoly(sPolygon poly[], const int num) { 49 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { 50 ofNoFill(); 51 ofSetColor(255, 255, 255); 52 ofSetPolyMode(OF_POLY_WINDING_NONZERO); ofBeginShape(); 53 for (int j = 0; j < poly[i].vNum; j++) { 54 ofPoint p_tmp = pers(poly[i].vertex[j]); 55 ofVertex(p_tmp); 56 57 } 58 ofEndShape(); 59 } 60} 61//移動量 62void translate(ofPoint pnt[], int start, int end, float x, float y, float 63 z) { 64 for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { 65 pnt[i].x += x; 66 pnt[i].y += y; 67 pnt[i].z += z; 68 } 69} 70//X 軸まわりの回転 71void rotateX(ofPoint pnt[], int start, int end, float rx) { 72 float rrx = rx / 180 * PI; 73 for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { 74 ofPoint tp = pnt[i]; 75 pnt[i].x = tp.x; 76 pnt[i].y = tp.y * cos(rrx) - tp.z * sin(rrx); 77 pnt[i].z = tp.y * sin(rrx) + tp.z * cos(rrx); 78 } 79} 80//Y 軸まわりの回転 81void rotateY(ofPoint pnt[], int start, int end, float ry) { 82 float rry = ry / 180 * PI; 83 for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { 84 ofPoint tp = pnt[i]; 85 pnt[i].x = tp.x * cos(rry) - tp.z * sin(rry); 86 pnt[i].y = tp.y; 87 pnt[i].z = tp.x * sin(rry) + tp.z * cos(rry); 88 } 89} 90//Z 軸まわりの回転 91void rotateZ(ofPoint pnt[], int start, int end, float rz) { 92 float rrz = rz / 180 * PI; 93 for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { 94 ofPoint tp = pnt[i]; 95 pnt[i].x = tp.x * cos(rrz) - tp.y * sin(rrz); 96 pnt[i].y = tp.x * sin(rrz) + tp.y * cos(rrz); 97 pnt[i].z = tp.z; 98 } 99} 100void setViewport(ofVec2f leftTop, ofVec2f rightBottom) { 101 ofVec2f scale; 102 scale.x = ofGetWindowWidth() / (rightBottom.x - leftTop.x); 103 scale.y = ofGetWindowHeight() / (rightBottom.y - leftTop.y); 104 ofScale(scale.x, scale.y); 105 ofTranslate(-(leftTop)); 106} 107 108//-------------------------------------------------------------- 109void ofApp::draw() { 110 //描画用ビューポートの設定(左上座標,右下座標) 111 setViewport(ofVec2f(-2, 2), ofVec2f(2, -2)); 112 //背景色・描画色・塗りつぶしの設定 113 ofBackground(30, 30, 120); 114 ofSetColor(255, 255, 255); 115 ofNoFill(); 116 //モデルの座標点格納用の配列 117 ofPoint pnt[12]; 118 //直方体の頂点 119 pnt[0] = ofPoint(-1, 1.5, 0.5); 120 pnt[1] = ofPoint(-1, -1.5, 0.5); 121 pnt[2] = ofPoint(1, -1.5, 0.5); 122 pnt[3] = ofPoint(1, 1.5, 0.5); 123 pnt[4] = ofPoint(-1, 1.5, -0.5); 124 pnt[5] = ofPoint(-1, -1.5, -0.5); 125 pnt[6] = ofPoint(1, -1.5, -0.5); 126 pnt[7] = ofPoint(1, 1.5, -0.5); 127 //四面体の頂点 128 pnt[8] = ofPoint(-1, -1, 1); 129 pnt[9] = ofPoint(1, -1, -1); 130 pnt[10] = ofPoint(1, 1, 1); 131 pnt[11] = ofPoint(-1, 1, -1); 132 133 134 // アフィン変換 135 // rotateY(配列名,開始番号,終了番号,ry) 136 rotateX(pnt, 0, 11, r.x); 137 rotateY(pnt, 0, 11, r.y); 138 //translate(配列名,開始番号,終了番号,tx, ty, tz) 139 translate(pnt, 0, 11, 0, 0, -13); 140 translate(pnt, 0, 11, t.x, t.y, t.z); 141 sPolygon poly[10]; 142 ofColor color = ofColor(233, 233, 233); 143 //直方体の面 144 poly[0] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 255, 0), pnt, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3); 145 poly[1] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 255, 0), pnt, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7); 146 poly[2] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 255, 0), pnt, 4, 7, 6, 5, 4); 147 poly[3] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 255, 0), pnt, 4, 0, 4, 5, 1); 148 poly[4] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 255, 0), pnt, 4, 0, 3, 7, 4); 149 poly[5] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 255, 0), pnt, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2); 150 //四面体の面 151 poly[6] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 0, 255), pnt, 8,9,10); 152 poly[7] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 0, 255), pnt, 10,11,8); 153 poly[8] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 0, 255), pnt, 10,9,11); 154 poly[9] = makePoly(ofColor(255, 0, 255), pnt, 8,11,9); 155 156 157 drawPoly(poly, 10); 158} 159//-------------------------------------------------------------- 160void ofApp::keyPressed(int key) { 161} 162//-------------------------------------------------------------- 163void ofApp::keyReleased(int key) { 164} 165//-------------------------------------------------------------- 166void ofApp::mouseMoved(int x, int y) { 167} 168//-------------------------------------------------------------- 169void ofApp::mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button) { 170 if (button == 0) { //左クリック 171 r.y = r.y - (x - preMousePos.x) / 5; 172 r.x = r.x + (y - preMousePos.y) / 5; 173 preMousePos.x = x; 174 preMousePos.y = y; 175 } 176 else { //左クリック以外 177 t.x = t.x + (x - preMousePos.x) / 100; 178 t.z = t.z + (y - preMousePos.y) / 100; 179 } 180} 181//-------------------------------------------------------------- 182void ofApp::mousePressed(int x, int y, int button) { 183 preMousePos.x = x; 184 preMousePos.y = y; 185} 186//-------------------------------------------------------------- 187void ofApp::mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button) { 188} 189//-------------------------------------------------------------- 190void ofApp::windowResized(int w, int h) { 191} 192//-------------------------------------------------------------- 193void ofApp::gotMessage(ofMessage msg) { 194} 195//-------------------------------------------------------------- 196void ofApp::dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo) { 197}