2021/11/20 14:55
C言語におけるMPIを使ったガウスジョーダンアルゴリズムの問題です。以下のコードの/**** your code here ****/の部分に入るコードを教えてください。
The Gauss-Jordan algorithm for solving a linear system with a matrix A (or computing
its inverse) runs as follows:
where we ignore the update of the righthand side, or the formation of the inverse.
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <mpi.h> double array_error(double ref[],double val[],int array_size); void print_final_result( int cond,MPI_Comm comm ); int main(int argc,char **argv) { MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; int nprocs,procno; MPI_Comm_size(comm,&nprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&procno); /* * We set the matrix size to the number of processes. * Each process allocates * - one column of the matrix * - a scaling vector * - redundantly, the solution vector and right-hand side */ int N = nprocs; double matrix[N], solution[N], rhs[N], scalings[N]; /* * Fill the matrix with random data; * let's assume that the matrix is non-singular * and we'll not need to pivot */ // first set a unique random seed srand((int)(procno*(double)RAND_MAX/nprocs)); /* * Fill the matrix with random data * and increase the diagonal for numerical stability */ for (int row=0; row<N; row++) { matrix[row] = rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; if (row==procno) matrix[row] += .5; } // Disabled code for writing to file if (0) { double *global; if (procno==0) global = malloc(N*N*sizeof(double)); MPI_Gather(matrix,N,MPI_DOUBLE,global,N,MPI_DOUBLE,0,comm); FILE *m; m = fopen("jordanmat.dat","w"); if (procno==0) { fprintf(m,"Matrix of size: %d (by columns)\n",N); for (int el=0; el<N*N; el++) fprintf(m,"%e\n",global[el]); fclose(m); } } /* * Set the right-hand side to row sums, * so that the solution vector is identically one. * We use one long reduction. */ MPI_Allreduce(matrix,rhs,N,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,comm); //printf("rhs=["); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) printf("%e,",rhs[i]); printf("]\n"); /* * Now iterate over the columns, * using the diagonal element as pivot. */ for (int pivot_column=0; pivot_column<N; pivot_column++) { /* * If this proc owns the pivot, compute the scaling vector */ if (pivot_column==procno) { double pivot = matrix[pivot_column]; // scaling factors per row for (int row=0; row<N; row++) scalings[row] = matrix[row]/pivot; } /* * Exercise: * make sure that everyone knows the scaling factors */ /**** your code here ****/ /* * Now update the matrix. * Answer for yourself: why is there no loop over the columns? */ for (int row=0; row<N; row++) { if (row==pivot_column) continue; matrix[row] = matrix[row] - scalings[row]*matrix[pivot_column]; } // update the right hand side for (int row=0; row<N; row++) { if (row==pivot_column) continue; rhs[row] = rhs[row] - scalings[row]*rhs[pivot_column]; } } //printf("swept=["); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) printf("%e,",rhs[i]); printf("]\n"); // check that we have swept for (int row=0; row<N; row++) { if (row==procno) continue; if (fabs(matrix[row])>1.e-14) printf("Wrong value at [%d,%d]: %e\n",row,procno,matrix[row]); } //printf("Diagonal element %d: %e\n",procno,matrix[procno]); /* * Solve the system */ double local_solution = rhs[procno]/matrix[procno]; MPI_Allgather(&local_solution,1,MPI_DOUBLE,solution,1,MPI_DOUBLE,comm); /* * Correctness check: * `error' will be: * - the lowest process number where an error occured, or * - `nprocs' if no error. */ double answer[N]; for (int i=0; i<N; i++) answer[i] = 1.; int error_test = array_error(answer,solution,N); print_final_result(error_test,comm); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }