更新しないと、transparentにならない。→100px over後に改めて<100pxになってもbg-colorがtransparentにならないため、logoなどが隠れたままの状態になってしまいます。
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1.header { 2 position: fixed; 3 top: 0; 4 z-index: 999; 5 width: 100%; 6 max-height: 80px; 7 background-color: transparent; 8 display: -webkit-box; 9 display: -webkit-flex; 10 display: -ms-flexbox; 11 display: flex; 12 -webkit-box-pack: justify; 13 -webkit-justify-content: space-between; 14 -ms-flex-pack: justify; 15 justify-content: space-between; 16 padding: 10px 20px; 17} 18 19@media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1179px) { 20 .header { 21 padding: 15px 20px; 22 } 23} 24 25.header-inner { 26 max-width: 1880px; 27 width: 100%; 28 display: -webkit-box; 29 display: -webkit-flex; 30 display: -ms-flexbox; 31 display: flex; 32 -webkit-box-align: center; 33 -webkit-align-items: center; 34 -ms-flex-align: center; 35 align-items: center; 36 margin: 0 auto; 37} 38 39.header-left { 40 display: -webkit-box; 41 display: -webkit-flex; 42 display: -ms-flexbox; 43 display: flex; 44 -webkit-box-pack: left; 45 -webkit-justify-content: left; 46 -ms-flex-pack: left; 47 justify-content: left; 48 -webkit-box-align: center; 49 -webkit-align-items: center; 50 -ms-flex-align: center; 51 align-items: center; 52} 53 54.header-left h1 { 55 display: block; 56} 57 58.header-left h1 .logo img { 59 display: block; 60 width: 130px; 61 height: 130px; 62 margin: 20px 120px 20px 20px; 63} 64 65.header-left .nav { 66 display: -webkit-box; 67 display: -webkit-flex; 68 display: -ms-flexbox; 69 display: flex; 70 -webkit-box-pack: justify; 71 -webkit-justify-content: space-between; 72 -ms-flex-pack: justify; 73 justify-content: space-between; 74 -webkit-box-align: center; 75 -webkit-align-items: center; 76 -ms-flex-align: center; 77 align-items: center; 78 margin-left: 120px; 79} 80 81.header-left .nav .header-list { 82 display: -webkit-box; 83 display: -webkit-flex; 84 display: -ms-flexbox; 85 display: flex; 86 -webkit-box-align: center; 87 -webkit-align-items: center; 88 -ms-flex-align: center; 89 align-items: center; 90 padding-top: 20px; 91 padding-bottom: 20px; 92} 93 94@media screen and (max-width: 599px) { 95 .header-left .nav .header-list .header-item { 96 padding: 20px; 97 font-size: 2rem; 98 } 99} 100 101.header-left .nav .header-list .header-item + .header-item { 102 padding-left: 30px; 103} 104 105.header-left .nav .header-list .header-item > a { 106 color: #fff; 107 display: inline-block; 108 -webkit-transition: .3s; 109 transition: .3s; 110 /* 0.3秒で拡大までの時間 */ 111} 112 113@media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1179px) { 114 .header-left .drawer-nav { 115 top: 80px; 116 position: fixed; 117 z-index: 2; 118 overflow: hidden; 119 width: 16.25rem; 120 background-color: #000; 121 width: 50%; 122 } 123} 124 125@media screen and (max-width: 599px) { 126 .header-left .drawer-nav { 127 top: 60px; 128 position: fixed; 129 z-index: 2; 130 overflow: hidden; 131 width: 16.25rem; 132 background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); 133 width: 75%; 134 } 135} 136 137.header-right { 138 margin-left: auto; 139} 140 141.header-right .header-link { 142 /* height: calc(54/80*100%); 143 background-color: $link-color; 144 border-radius: 3px; 145 padding: 15px 35px; 146 display: flex; 147 justify-content: flex-end; 148 align-items: center; */ 149} 150 151@media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1179px) { 152 .header-right .header-link { 153 margin-left: auto; 154 } 155} 156 157.header-right .header-link .calender-link { 158 display: block; 159 background-color: #978F10; 160 text-decoration: none; 161 font-weight: bold; 162 -webkit-box-align: center; 163 -webkit-align-items: center; 164 -ms-flex-align: center; 165 align-items: center; 166 text-align: center; 167 color: #fff; 168 padding: 10px 37px; 169 font-size: 1.6rem; 170 -webkit-transition: .3s; 171 transition: .3s; 172} 173 174@media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1179px) { 175 .header-right .header-link .calender-link { 176 margin-right: 180px; 177 } 178} 179 180.header-right .header-link .calender-link::before { 181 content: ""; 182 display: inline-block; 183 margin: -3px 5px 0 0; 184 background: url(../../img/calender.png) no-repeat; 185 background-size: contain; 186 vertical-align: middle; 187 width: 22px; 188 height: 22px; 189} 190 191.header-right .header-link .calender-link:hover { 192 background-color: #000; 193} 194 195
1/* header-top.css */ 2 3 4//let 5let header = $('.header'); 6let logo = $('#logo'); 7let item = $('.header-item'); 8let nav = $('.nav'); 9let link = $('.link'); 10 11$(function(){ 12 $(window).scroll(function(){ 13 if($(this).scrollTop()>=100){ 14 //$("#logo").attr("src", "") 15 16 //header-bgを白に変更 17 header.css('background','#fff'); 18 //logoを変更 19 logo.attr('src', '../img/sub-header-logo.png'); 20 //aタグで囲った文字を黒に変更 21 item.find('a').css('color', '#000'); 22 //ハンバーガーアイコンを黒に変更 23 $('head').append('<style>.line { background: #000; } </style>'); 24 //$('head').append('<style>.drawer-hamburger-icon::after { background: #000; } </style>'); 25 link.css('background-color','#000'); 26 if (window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 1179px)" ).matches) { 27 nav.css('background-color','transparent'); 28 } else { 29 nav.css('background-color','#fff'); 30 } 31 // ドロワーの色を白に 32 } else { 33 34 // 画面がトップから100px以下の時は、上記と逆の処理を行う 35 header.css('background','transparent'); 36 logo.attr('src', '../img/top-header-logo.png'); 37 link.find('a').css('color', '#fff'); 38 // drawer.css('background-color','#000'); 39 $('head').append('<style>.line{ background: #fff; } </style>'); 40 //$('head').append('<style>.drawer-hamburger-icon::after { background: #fff; } </style>'); 41 link.css('background-color','#fff'); 42 if (window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 1179px)" ).matches) { 43 nav.css('background-color','transparent'); 44 } else { 45 nav.css('background-color','rgba(0,0,0,0.9)'); 46 } 47 } 48 }); 49 });
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