1'保存したいメールフォルダを取得 2 Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 3 Set objNAMESPC = objOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") 4 Set myfolders = objNAMESPC.Folders("自分のメールアドレス") _ 5 .Folders("フォルダ名")
1Option Explicit 2 3Sub リスト作成() 4 5 Const TEXT_FILE = "リスト.txt" ' 保存するファイル名を指定。ドキュメントに保存される 6 Dim dtStart As Date 7 Dim dtEnd As Date 8 Dim strStart As String 9 Dim strEnd As String 10 Dim objOL As Object 11 Dim objNAMESPC As Object 12 Dim strFilter As String 13 Dim myfolders As Object 14 Dim objMail As MailItem 15 Dim colItems As Items 16 Dim objAttach As Attachment 17 Dim strAttach As String 18 Dim cnt As Long 19 20 '受信日時の設定 21 dtStart = Date - 1 22 dtEnd = Date - 1 23 strStart = FormatDateTime(dtStart, vbShortDate) & " 00:00" 24 strEnd = FormatDateTime(dtEnd, vbShortDate) & " 23:59" 25 strFilter = "[受信日時] >= '" & strStart & _ 26 "' AND [受信日時] <= '" & strEnd & "'" 27 28 '保存したいメールフォルダを取得 29 Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 30 Set objNAMESPC = objOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") 31 Set myfolders = objNAMESPC.Folders("自分のメールアドレス") _ 32 .Folders("フォルダ名") 33 34 'メールフォルダをフィルタリング 35 Set colItems = myfolders.Items.Restrict(strFilter) 36 37 'テキストドキュメントにメールの情報を転記 38 Open TEXT_FILE For Output As #1 39 For Each objMail In colItems 40 With objMail 41 Print #1, "差出人:" & vbTab & .SenderName 42 Print #1, "送信日時:" & vbTab & .SentOn 43 If .To <> "" Then 44 Print #1, "宛先:" & vbTab & .To 45 End If 46 If .CC <> "" Then 47 Print #1, "CC:" & vbTab & .CC 48 End If 49 Print #1, "件名:" & vbTab & .Subject 50 If .Attachments.Count > 0 Then 51 strAttach = "" 52 For Each objAttach In .Attachments 53 strAttach = strAttach & objAttach.Filename & "; " 54 Next 55 strAttach = Left(strAttach, Len(strAttach) - 2) 56 Print #1, "添付ファイル: " & vbTab & strAttach 57 End If 58 If .Importance <> olImportanceNormal And .Sensitivity <> olNormal Then 59 Print #1, "" 60 End If 61 If .Importance = olImportanceHigh Then 62 Print #1, "重要度:" & vbTab & "高" 63 End If 64 If .Importance = olImportanceHigh Then 65 Print #1, "重要度:" & vbTab & "低" 66 End If 67 If .Sensitivity = olConfidential Then 68 Print #1, "秘密度:" & vbTab & "社外秘" 69 End If 70 If .Sensitivity = olPersonal Then 71 Print #1, "秘密度:" & vbTab & "個人用" 72 End If 73 If .Sensitivity = olPrivate Then 74 Print #1, "秘密度:" & vbTab & "親展" 75 End If 76 If .Categories <> "" Then 77 Print #1, "" 78 Print #1, "分類項目:" & vbTab & .Categories 79 End If 80 Print #1, "" 81 objMail.Body = Replace(objMail.Body, vbLf, vbCr) 82 Print #1, .Body 83 Print #1, "" 84 End With 85 Next 86 'テキストドキュメントを閉じる 87 Close #1 88 89Application.ScreenUpdating = False '画面表示更新の一時停止 90Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual '関数の計算の一時停止 91 92Open TEXT_FILE For Input As #1 93 94Dim r As Long 95 '2行目から書き出す 96 r = 2 97 98 Do Until EOF(1) 99 Dim buf As String 100 Line Input #1, buf 101 102 Dim aryline As Variant '文字列格納用配列変数 103 aryline = Split(buf, vbTab) '読み込んだ行をタブ区切りで配列変数に格納 104 105 Dim i As Long 106 For i = LBound(aryline) To UBound(aryline) 107 108 'W2から転記開始 109 Cells(r, i + 23).Value = "'" & aryline(i) 110 111 Next 112 113 r = r + 1 114 115 Loop 116 117Close #1 118 119Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面表示更新の再開 120Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic '関数の計算の再開 121 122End Sub 123 124
objNAMESPC.Explorer.CurrentFolder ⇒ メソッドが利用できない