/* BME280I2C Modes.ino This code shows how to use predefined recommended settings from Bosch for the BME280I2C environmental sensor. GNU General Public License Written: Dec 30 2015. Last Updated: Sep 23 2017. Connecting the BME280 Sensor: Sensor -> Board ----------------------------- Vin (Voltage In) -> 3.3V Gnd (Ground) -> Gnd SDA (Serial Data) -> A4 on Uno/Pro-Mini, 20 on Mega2560/Due, 2 Leonardo/Pro-Micro SCK (Serial Clock) -> A5 on Uno/Pro-Mini, 21 on Mega2560/Due, 3 Leonardo/Pro-Micro */ #include <BME280I2C.h> #include <Wire.h> // Needed for legacy versions of Arduino. #include <WiFiClientSecure.h> #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> #include <Adafruit_BME280.h> #define SERIAL_BAUD 115200 const char* ssid = "60AAEF98BE17-2G"; const char* password = "1sxvgn8cp143e5"; const char* server = ""; const char* key = "AKfycbwnX2K6mBQEF5qy4MSbtHuRJeiQX8_94q7MpPga26AQkEZaBhzdRImC187oGYwBSaQ"; // google script key WiFiClientSecure client; float temp(NAN), hum(NAN), pres(NAN); /* Recommended Modes - Based on Bosch BME280I2C environmental sensor data sheet. Weather Monitoring : forced mode, 1 sample/minute pressure ×1, temperature ×1, humidity ×1, filter off Current Consumption = 0.16 μA RMS Noise = 3.3 Pa/30 cm, 0.07 %RH Data Output Rate 1/60 Hz Humidity Sensing : forced mode, 1 sample/second pressure ×0, temperature ×1, humidity ×1, filter off Current Consumption = 2.9 μA RMS Noise = 0.07 %RH Data Output Rate = 1 Hz Indoor Navigation : normal mode, standby time = 0.5ms pressure ×16, temperature ×2, humidity ×1, filter = x16 Current Consumption = 633 μA RMS Noise = 0.2 Pa/1.7 cm Data Output Rate = 25Hz Filter Bandwidth = 0.53 Hz Response Time (75%) = 0.9 s Gaming : normal mode, standby time = 0.5ms pressure ×4, temperature ×1, humidity ×0, filter = x16 Current Consumption = 581 μA RMS Noise = 0.3 Pa/2.5 cm Data Output Rate = 83 Hz Filter Bandwidth = 1.75 Hz Response Time (75%) = 0.3 s */ BME280I2C::Settings settings( BME280::OSR_X1, BME280::OSR_X1, BME280::OSR_X1, BME280::Mode_Forced, BME280::StandbyTime_1000ms, BME280::Filter_Off, BME280::SpiEnable_False, BME280I2C::I2CAddr_0x76 // I2C address. I2C specific. ); BME280I2C bme(settings); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() { Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD); while(!Serial) {} // Wait Wire.begin(); while(!bme.begin()) { Serial.println("Could not find BME280I2C sensor!"); delay(1000); } switch(bme.chipModel()) { case BME280::ChipModel_BME280: Serial.println("Found BME280 sensor! Success."); break; case BME280::ChipModel_BMP280: Serial.println("Found BMP280 sensor! No Humidity available."); break; default: Serial.println("Found UNKNOWN sensor! Error!"); } // Change some settings before using. settings.tempOSR = BME280::OSR_X4; bme.setSettings(settings); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void loop() { printBME280Data(&Serial); delay(60000); wifi_conect(); delay(30000); //30秒毎に書き込みする g_acsess(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void printBME280Data ( Stream* client ) { BME280::TempUnit tempUnit(BME280::TempUnit_Celsius); BME280::PresUnit presUnit(BME280::PresUnit_Pa);, temp, hum, tempUnit, presUnit); client->print("Temp: "); client->print(temp); client->print("°"+ String(tempUnit == BME280::TempUnit_Celsius ? 'C' :'F')); client->print("\t\tHumidity: "); client->print(hum); client->print("% RH"); client->print("\t\tPressure: "); client->print(pres); client->println("Pa"); delay(1000); } void wifi_conect(){ WiFiServer server(80); // Wi-Fiに接続 Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("."); // 接続するまで待機する delay(1000); } Serial.print("Connected to "); Serial.println(ssid); Serial.println("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); server.begin(); } void g_acsess(){ String URL=""; URL += key; URL += "/exec?"; URL += "&1_cell="; URL += temp ; URL += "&2_cell="; URL += hum ; URL += "&3_cell="; URL += pres ; Serial.println(URL); // サイトにアクセス Serial.println("\nStarting connection to server..."); if (!client.connect(server, 443)){ //ここで毎回エラーになり接続できません。因みに作成されたURLを自分でコピペするとデータGoogleスプレッドシートに記録されます Serial.println("Connection failed!"); Serial.println(""); return; } Serial.println("Connected to server!\n"); client.println("GET " + URL); client.stop(); Serial.println("finish."); }
08:43:15.051 -> Temp: 28.30°C Humidity: 56.79% RH Pressure: 101093.39Pa 08:44:16.056 -> Attempting to connect to SSID: 60AAEF98BE17-2G 08:44:16.056 -> Connected to 60AAEF98BE17-2G 08:44:16.056 -> IP address: 08:44:16.056 -> ****** //IPアドレスが記載 08:44:46.063 ->********/exec?&1_cell=28.30&2_cell=56.79&3_cell=101093.39 08:44:46.063 -> 08:44:46.063 -> Starting connection to server... 08:44:46.063 -> Connection failed! 08:44:46.063 ->