Windows 10 home 64bit
Python 3.9
discord.py 1.7.3
python-voicetext 0.3.1
1import discord 2import datetime 3import time 4import os 5from voicetext import VoiceText 6import wave 7import asyncio 8 9 10TOKEN = '' 11KEY = "" 12 13 14client = discord.Client() 15vt = VoiceText(KEY) 16check_text_channel = None 17 18 19#接続時の処理 20@client.event 21async def on_ready(): 22 dt_now = datetime.datetime.now() 23 print(f"[{dt_now}]Launch complete!") 24 25#メッセージが送られた時 26@client.event 27async def on_message(message): 28 29 #botの発言は無視 30 if message.author.bot: 31 return 32 33 #ボイスチャンネルに接続 34 elif message.content == "yomi.c": 35 if message.author.voice is None: 36 await message.channel.send(f"{message.author.mention}さんはボイスチャンネルに接続していません") 37 dt_now = datetime.datetime.now() 38 print(f"[{dt_now}]{message.author}さんはボイスチャンネルに接続していません") 39 40 else: 41 await message.author.voice.channel.connect() 42 global check_text_channel 43 check_text_channel = message.channel 44 await message.channel.send(f"{message.author.voice.channel.name}に接続しました") 45 dt_now = datetime.datetime.now() 46 print(f"[{dt_now}]{message.author.voice.channel.name}に接続しました") 47 48 49 #ボイスチャンネルから切断 50 elif message.content == "yomi.dc": 51 if message.guild.voice_client is None: 52 await message.channel.send("ボイスチャンネルに接続していません") 53 dt_now = datetime.datetime.now() 54 print(f"[{dt_now}]ボイスチャンネルに接続していません") 55 56 else: 57 await message.guild.voice_client.disconnect() 58 await message.channel.send("切断しました") 59 dt_now = datetime.datetime.now() 60 print(f"[{dt_now}]切断しました") 61 62 #読み上げ 63 elif message.channel == check_text_channel: 64 if message.guild.voice_client is None: 65 await message.channel.send("ボイスチャンネルに接続していません") 66 dt_now = datetime.datetime.now() 67 print(f"[{dt_now}]ボイスチャンネルに接続していません") 68 69 else: 70 #音声ファイル作成 71 ut = time.time() 72 with open(f"{ut}.wav","wb") as f: 73 f.write(vt.speed(150).to_wave(message.content)) 74 75 #音声読み上げ 76 message.guild.voice_client.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(f"{ut}.wav")) 77 78 79 #音声ファイル削除 80 with wave.open(f"{ut}.wav", "rb")as f: 81 wave_length=(f.getnframes() / f.getframerate()) #再生時間 82 print(f"PlayTime:{wave_length}") 83 await asyncio.sleep(wave_length + 5) 84 os.remove(f"{ut}.wav") 85 86client.run(TOKEN)
1PlayTime:7.034013605442177 2Ignoring exception in on_message 3Traceback (most recent call last): 4 File "C:\Users\GardenTree\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\client.py", line 343, in _run_event 5 await coro(*args, **kwargs) 6 File "d:\Desktop\yomi-KAI\yomi-KAI.py", line 76, in on_message 7 message.guild.voice_client.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(f"{ut}.wav")) 8 File "C:\Users\GardenTree\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\voice_client.py", line 558, in play 9 raise ClientException('Already playing audio.') 10discord.errors.ClientException: Already playing audio. 11INFO:discord.player:Preparing to terminate ffmpeg process 35480. 12INFO:discord.player:ffmpeg process 35480 has not terminated. Waiting to terminate... 13INFO:discord.player:ffmpeg process 35480 should have terminated with a return code of 1. 14INFO:discord.player:Preparing to terminate ffmpeg process 7840. 15INFO:discord.player:ffmpeg process 7840 successfully terminated with return code of 0.
- ブロッキングが発生している?
- Queueを使えば良い?
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