1Sub ドライブの存在確認を行う()
2 With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
3 If .DriveExists("D:") Then
4 MsgBox "Dドライブが存在します。"
5 Else
6 MsgBox "Dドライブはありません。"
7 End If
8 End With
9End Sub
1Sub sample()
2 Dim wb As Workbook
3 Set wb = CmIyc("\public\folder\")
45 If wb Is Nothing Then
6 MsgBox "ダメでした"
7 Exit Sub
8 End If
9End Sub
1011Function CmIyc(filepath) As Workbook
12 On Error Resume Next
13 Application.DisplayAlerts = False
14 Set cmiyc = Workbooks.Open(filepath)
15 Application.DisplayAlerts = True
16End Function