実行時エラー'91': オブジェクト変数または With ブロック変数が設定されていません。
Option Explicit Dim IE As Object Dim txtInput(16) As Object 'Declare Sub Sleep Lib “kernel32” (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub 時間確認() Dim 出発() As String Dim 到着() As String Dim 検索タイプ() As String Dim 日付() As Date Dim 時間() As Date Dim 飛行機() As String Dim 新幹線() As String Dim 有料特急() As String Dim 高速バス() As String Dim 路線バス() As String Dim フェリー() As String Dim 検索結果の表示順() As String Dim URL() As String Dim i As Long i = 0 For i = 0 To Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row ReDim Preserve 出発(i) As String ReDim Preserve 到着(i) As String ReDim Preserve 検索タイプ(i) As String ReDim Preserve 日付(i) As Date ReDim Preserve 時間(i) As Date ReDim Preserve 飛行機(i) As String ReDim Preserve 新幹線(i) As String ReDim Preserve 有料特急(i) As String ReDim Preserve 高速バス(i) As String ReDim Preserve 路線バス(i) As String ReDim Preserve フェリー(i) As String ReDim Preserve 検索結果の表示順(i) As String ReDim Preserve URL(i) As String 出発(i) = Cells(i + 4, 3) 到着(i) = Cells(i + 4, 4) Select Case Cells(i + 4, 5) Case Is = "出発" 検索タイプ(i) = "1" Case Is = "到着" 検索タイプ(i) = "4" Case Is = "始発" 検索タイプ(i) = "3" Case Is = "終電" 検索タイプ(i) = "2" Case Is = "指定なし" 検索タイプ(i) = "5" Case Else 検索タイプ(i) = "5" End Select If Cells(i + 4, 6) <> "" Then 日付(i) = Cells(i + 4, 6) Else 日付(i) = Date End If If Cells(i + 4, 7) <> "" Then 時間(i) = Cells(i + 4, 7) Else 時間(i) = "9:00" End If If Cells(i + 4, 8) <> "" Then 飛行機(i) = "1" Else 飛行機(i) = "0" End If If Cells(i + 4, 9) <> "" Then 新幹線(i) = "1" Else 新幹線(i) = "0" End If If Cells(i + 4, 10) <> "" Then 有料特急(i) = "1" Else 有料特急(i) = "0" End If If Cells(i + 4, 11) <> "" Then 高速バス(i) = "1" Else 高速バス(i) = "0" End If If Cells(i + 4, 12) <> "" Then 路線バス(i) = "1" Else 路線バス(i) = "0" End If If Cells(i + 4, 13) <> "" Then フェリー(i) = "1" Else フェリー(i) = "0" End If Select Case Cells(i + 4, 14) Case Is = "到着が早い順" 検索結果の表示順(i) = "0" Case Is = "料金が安い順" 検索結果の表示順(i) = "1" Case Is = "乗り換え回数順" 検索結果の表示順(i) = "2" Case Else End Select URL(i) = "https://transit.yahoo.co.jp/search/result?flatlon=&" & _ "from=" & Application.WorksheetFunction.EncodeURL(出発(i)) & _ "&tlatlon=" & _ "&to=" & Application.WorksheetFunction.EncodeURL(到着(i)) & _ "&via=&via=&via=" & _ "&y=" & Format(Year(日付(i)), "0000") & _ "&m=" & Format(Month(日付(i)), "00") & _ "&d=" & Format(Day(日付(i)), "00") & _ "&hh=" & Format(Hour(時間(i)), "00") & _ "&m2=" & Right(Format(Minute(時間(i)), "00"), 1) & _ "&m1=" & Left(Format(Minute(時間(i)), "00"), 1) & _ "&type=" & 検索タイプ(i) & _ "&ticket=" & "ic" & _ "&al=" & 飛行機(i) & _ "&shin=" & 新幹線(i) & _ "&ex=" & 有料特急(i) & _ "&hb=" & 高速バス(i) & _ "&lb=" & 路線バス(i) & _ "&sr=" & フェリー(i) & _ "&s=" & 検索結果の表示順(i) & _ "&expkind=" & "1" & "&ws=" & "3" '自由席優先で歩くの少しゆっくり 'IE立上げ Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application") IE.Visible = True IE.navigate (URL(i)) Do While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE DoEvents Sleep 1 Loop Sleep 500 '乗り換え案内結果集計 Set txtInput(0) = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("time")(0) Cells(i + 4, 15).Value = txtInput(0).innerText Set txtInput(1) = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("time")(1) Cells(i + 4, 16).Value = txtInput(1).innerText Set txtInput(2) = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("fare")(0) Cells(i + 4, 17).Value = txtInput(2).innerText Set txtInput(3) = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("time")(2) Cells(i + 4, 18).Value = txtInput(3).innerText Set txtInput(4) = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("fare")(1) Cells(i + 4, 19).Value = txtInput(4).innerText Set txtInput(5) = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("time")(3) Cells(i + 4, 20).Value = txtInput(5).innerText Set txtInput(6) = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("fare")(2) Cells(i + 4, 21).Value = txtInput(6).innerText 'IE終了 IE.Quit Next i End Sub
> VBAコードを作成してもらったのですが