Assets\FoodyGo\Scripts\Mapping\GoogleMapTile.cs(84,17): warning CS0219: The variable 'url' is assigned but its value is never used Assets\FoodyGo\Scripts\Mapping\GoogleMapTile.cs(118,26): warning CS0618: 'UnityWebRequest.Send()' is obsolete: 'Use SendWebRequest. It returns a UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation which contains a reference to the WebRequest object.' Assets\FoodyGo\Scripts\Mapping\GoogleMapTile.cs(90,39): warning CS0618: 'WWW' is obsolete: 'Use UnityWebRequest, a fully featured replacement which is more efficient and has additional features' Assets\FoodyGo\Scripts\Mapping\GoogleMapTile.cs(88,40): warning CS0618: 'WWW' is obsolete: 'Use UnityWebRequest, a fully featured replacement which is more efficient and has additional features' There are inconsistent line endings in the 'Assets/FoodyGo/Scripts/Mapping/Geometry.cs' script. Some are Mac OS X (UNIX) and some are Windows. This might lead to incorrect line numbers in stacktraces and compiler errors. Many text editors can fix this using Convert Line Endings menu commands.
1using UnityEngine; 2using UnityEngine.Networking; 3using System.Collections; 4using packt.FoodyGo.Mapping; 5using packt.FoodyGo.Services; 6 7namespace packt.FoodyGO.Mapping 8{ 9 [AddComponentMenu("Mapping/GoogleMapTile")] 10 public class GoogleMapTile : MonoBehaviour 11 { 12 public enum MapType 13 { 14 RoadMap, 15 Satellite, 16 Terrain, 17 Hybrid 18 } 19 20 //Google Maps API Staticmap URL 21 private const string GOOGLE_MAPS_URL = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap"; 22 23 [Header("Map Settings")] 24 [Range(1,20)] 25 [Tooltip("Zoom Level, 1=global - 20=house")] 26 public int zoomLevel = 1; 27 [Tooltip("Type of map, Road, Satellite, Terrain or Hybrid")] 28 public MapType mapType = MapType.RoadMap; 29 [Range(64,1024)] 30 [Tooltip("Size in pixels of the map image")] 31 public int size = 640; 32 [Tooltip("Double the pixel resolution of the image returned")] 33 public bool doubleResolution = true; 34 35 public MapLocation worldCenterLocation; 36 37 [Header("Tile Settings")] 38 [Tooltip("Sets the tiles position in tile units")] 39 public Vector2 TileOffset; 40 [Tooltip("Calculated tile center")] 41 public MapLocation tileCenterLocation; 42 [Tooltip("Calculated tile corners")] 43 public Vector2 TopLeftCorner; 44 public Vector2 BottomRightCorner; 45 46 [Header("GPS Settings")] 47 [Tooltip("GPS service used to locate world center")] 48 public GPSLocationService gpsLocationService; 49 private double lastGPSUpdate; 50 51 // Use this for initialization 52 void Start () 53 { 54 RefreshMapTile (); 55 } 56 57 // Update is called once per frame 58 void Update () 59 { 60 // 新しい位置が取得されたかどうかを確認する 61 if (gpsLocationService != null && 62 gpsLocationService.IsServiceStarted && 63 lastGPSUpdate < gpsLocationService.Timestamp) 64 { 65 lastGPSUpdate = gpsLocationService.Timestamp; 66 worldCenterLocation.Latitude = gpsLocationService.Latitude; 67 worldCenterLocation.Longitude = gpsLocationService.Longitude; 68 print("GoogleMapTile refreshing map texture"); 69 RefreshMapTile(); 70 } 71 } 72 73 public void RefreshMapTile() { 74 75 StartCoroutine(_RefreshMapTile()); 76 } 77 78 IEnumerator _RefreshMapTile () 79 { 80 // タイル中心の緯度/経度を取得 81 tileCenterLocation.Latitude = GoogleMapUtils.adjustLatByPixels(worldCenterLocation.Latitude, (int)(size * 1 * TileOffset.y), zoomLevel); 82 tileCenterLocation.Longitude = GoogleMapUtils.adjustLonByPixels(worldCenterLocation.Longitude, (int)(size * 1 * TileOffset.x), zoomLevel); 83 84 var url = GOOGLE_MAPS_URL; 85 var queryString = ""; 86 87 // 地図タイルをリクエストするクエリ文字列パラメーターを作成する 88 queryString += "center=" + UnityWebRequest.UnEscapeURL (string.Format ("{0},{1}", tileCenterLocation.Latitude, tileCenterLocation.Longitude)); 89 queryString += "&zoom=" + zoomLevel.ToString (); 90 queryString += "&size=" + UnityWebRequest.UnEscapeURL (string.Format ("{0}x{0}", size)); 91 queryString += "&scale=" + (doubleResolution ? "2" : "1"); 92 queryString += "&maptype=" + mapType.ToString ().ToLower (); 93 queryString += "&format=" + "png"; 94 95 // 地図のスタイルを追加する 96 queryString += "&style=element:geometry|invert_lightness:true|weight:3.1|hue:0x00ffd5"; 97 queryString += "&style=element:labels|visibility:off"; 98 99 var usingSensor = false; 100#if MOBILE_INPUT 101 usingSensor = Input.location.isEnabledByUser && Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running; 102#endif 103 104 queryString += "&sensor=" + (usingSensor ? "true" : "false"); 105 106 //set map bounds rect 107 TopLeftCorner.x = GoogleMapUtils.adjustLonByPixels(tileCenterLocation.Longitude, -size, zoomLevel); 108 TopLeftCorner.y = GoogleMapUtils.adjustLatByPixels(tileCenterLocation.Latitude, size, zoomLevel); 109 110 BottomRightCorner.x = GoogleMapUtils.adjustLonByPixels(tileCenterLocation.Longitude, size, zoomLevel); 111 BottomRightCorner.y = GoogleMapUtils.adjustLatByPixels(tileCenterLocation.Latitude, -size, zoomLevel); 112 113 print(string.Format("Tile {0}x{1} requested with {2}", TileOffset.x, TileOffset.y, queryString)); 114 115 // 最後に、画像をリクエストする 116 var req = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(GOOGLE_MAPS_URL + "?" + queryString); 117 // サービスが応答するまで待つ 118 yield return SendWebRequest; 119 // 最初に古いテクスチャーを破棄する 120 Destroy(GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture); 121 // エラーをチェックする 122 if (req.error != null) { 123 print (string.Format ("Error loading tile {0}x{1}: exception={2}", 124 TileOffset.x, TileOffset.y, req.error)); 125 } else { 126 // レンダリング画像がエラーがなければ戻ってきた画像をタイルテクスチャーとして設定する 127 GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.mainTexture = ((DownloadHandlerTexture)req.downloadHandler).texture; 128 print (string.Format ("Tile {0}x{1} textured", TileOffset.x, TileOffset.y)); 129 } 130 } 131 } 132} 133
//message Tile 0x0 requested with center=37.62815,-122.4265&zoom=15&size=640x640&scale=2&maptype=roadmap&format=png&style=element:geometry|invert_lightness:true|weight:3.1|hue:0x00ffd5&style=element:labels|visibility:off&sensor=false UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:print(Object) packt.FoodyGO.Mapping.<_RefreshMapTile>d__16:MoveNext() (at Assets/FoodyGo/Scripts/Mapping/GoogleMapTile.cs:113) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) packt.FoodyGO.Mapping.GoogleMapTile:RefreshMapTile() (at Assets/FoodyGo/Scripts/Mapping/GoogleMapTile.cs:75) packt.FoodyGO.Mapping.GoogleMapTile:Start() (at Assets/FoodyGo/Scripts/Mapping/GoogleMapTile.cs:54) Error loading tile 0x0: exception=HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:print(Object) packt.FoodyGO.Mapping.<_RefreshMapTile>d__16:MoveNext() (at Assets/FoodyGo/Scripts/Mapping/GoogleMapTile.cs:123) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) //error Assets\FoodyGo\Scripts\Mapping\GoogleMapTile.cs(118,26): error CS0103: The name 'SendWebRequest' does not exist in the current context //warning Assets\FoodyGo\Scripts\Mapping\GoogleMapTile.cs(84,17): warning CS0219: The variable 'url' is assigned but its value is never used