使用機器macOS Big Sur バージョン11.2.2です。使用中のテキストエディタはAtomです。
下記のコマンドで(git initというGitコマンド)ローカルリポジトリを作成いたしました。
$ git init hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. T his default branch name hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branc h name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this w arning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch <name> hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main' , 'trunk' and hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be rename d via this command: hint: hint: git branch -m <name> Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/ユーザ名/Do wnloads/プログラミング関連/kadai-commit/.git/
$ git status On branch master No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be comm itted) sample.txt nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use " git add" to track)
$ git add sample.txt
$ git status On branch master No commits yet Changes to be committed: (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage) new file: sample.txt
下記の画像では、sample.txtをローカルリポジトリにコミットしようとしてるのですが、コミットメッセージ(add sample.txt)を入力致した後にエンターキーを押しても、sample.txtはローカルリポジトリにはコミットされませんでした。
$ git commit
E325: ATTENTION Found a swap file by the name "~/Downloads/プログラミング関連/kadai-commit/.git/.COMMIT_EDITMSG.swp" owned by: ユーザ名 dated: Sun Apr 18 18:01:44 2021 file name: ~ユーザ名/Downloads/プログラミング関連/kadai-commit/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG modified: YES user name: ユーザ名 host name: パソコン名 process ID: 非公開 While opening file "/Users/ユーザ名/Downloads/プログラミング関連/kadai-commit/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" dated: Sun Apr 18 18:55:46 2021 NEWER than swap file! (1) Another program may be editing the same file. If this is the case, be careful not to end up with two different instances of the same file when making changes. Quit, or continue with caution. (2) An edit session for this file crashed. If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r /Users/ユーザ名/Downloads/プログラミング関連/kadai-commit/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" to recover the changes (see ":help recovery"). If you did this already, delete the swap file "/Users/ユーザ名/Downloads/プログラミング関連/kadai-commit/.git/.COMMIT_EDITMSG.swp" to avoid this message. Swap file "~/Downloads/プログラミング関連/kadai-commit/.git/.COMMIT_EDITMSG.swp" already exists! [O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort:
私は上記の最後の行に書かれてある[O]pen Read-Only
2021/04/19 04:39