Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\", line 42, in <module> lnd,fld = methods.detection() File "C:\Users\cs17090\Saji-Lab\researchSaji\programs\", line 110, in detection landslide = (Lp<180)&(ap>128)&(sp>70)&(edge>100) MemoryError: Unable to allocate array with shape (40811, 40811) and data type bool
1import cv2 2import numpy as np 3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 4import methods 5 6 7# 入力画像読込 8# - png形式画像を用いるのが好ましい 9# - 本来の画像サイズ(1800x1080 pix)での処理が好ましい 10# img = cv2.imread('images/madslide11.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) 11img = cv2.imread('images/madslide12.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) 12# img = cv2.imread('images/smallimage.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) 13 14# オリジナル画像保存 15# import pdb; pdb.set_trace() 16org = img.copy() 17cv2.imwrite('results/original.png', org) 18 19# 画像ファイル 20# - 画像データを処理プログラムに送る 21methods.image(org,img) 22 23# PyMeanShift 24# - Lab変換後の画像に適用 25# - 第1引数:探索範囲、第2引数:探索色相、第3引数:粗さ 26methods.meanshift(12,3,200) 27 28# ヒストグラム均一化 29# - Lab変換して処理した方が好ましい可能性がある 30# - 明度以外の要素も均一化した方が好ましい可能性がある 31methods.equalization() 32 33# 類似色統合 34methods.clustering() 35 36# カラーラベリング 37methods.labeling() 38 39# 災害領域検出 40# - 斜面崩壊・瓦礫でピクセル穴がある 41# - 浸水検出結果で緑色のノイズがある 42lnd,fld = methods.detection()
1import cv2 2import numpy as np 3import pymeanshift as pms 4import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 5import matplotlib as mpl 6from PIL import Image 7from collections import deque 8 9def image(_org,_img): 10 global org,img,h,w,c 11 global bo,go,ro,al 12 13 org,img = _org,_img 14 h,w,c = img.shape 15 bo,go,ro = cv2.split(org) 16 al = 0.55 17 18def meanshift(spatial_radius,range_radius,min_density): 19 global img 20 lab_img, labels, num_seg = pms.segment(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab), spatial_radius, range_radius,min_density) 21 new_rgb_img = cv2.cvtColor(lab_img, cv2.COLOR_Lab2BGR) 22 23 img = new_rgb_img 24 return (new_rgb_img, labels, num_seg) 25 26def equalization(): 27 global img 28 hsv_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) 29 h, s, v = cv2.split(hsv_img) 30 31 clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(3, 3)) 32 new_v = clahe.apply(v) 33 34 hsv_clahe = cv2.merge((h, s, new_v)) 35 new_rgb_img = cv2.cvtColor(hsv_clahe, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) 36 37 img = new_rgb_img 38 return new_rgb_img 39 40def clustering(): 41 global img 42 img = Image.fromarray(img) 43 img_q = img.quantize(colors=128, method=0, dither=1) 44 a = np.asarray(img_q) 45 46 img = np.stack([a]*3, axis=2) 47 return np.stack([a]*3, axis=2) 48 49def approximation(pix1, pix2): 50 dif = abs(pix1 - pix2) 51 dv = 15 52 return (dif < dv).all() 53 54def neighbours(idx, lim): 55 w, h, _ = lim 56 i, j = idx 57 return sorted([ 58 (i + n, j + m) 59 for n in range(-1, 2) 60 for m in range(-1, 2) 61 if not (n == 0 and m == 0) and i + n >= 0 and j + m >= 0 and i + n < w and j + m < h 62 ]) 63 64def relabeling(dummy, src, idx, labels, label): 65 q = deque([idx]) 66 while len(q) > 0: 67 idx = q.popleft() 68 labels[idx] = (label * 5, label * 10, label * 30) 69 dummy[idx] = label 70 ns = neighbours(idx, src.shape) 71 q.extendleft(n for n in ns if approximation(src[n], src[idx]) and dummy[n] == 0) 72 73def labeling(): 74 global img,dummy,label 75 76 dummy = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=int) 77 labels = np.zeros((h, w, c), dtype=int) 78 label = 1 79 80 it = np.nditer(img, flags=['multi_index'], op_axes=[[0, 1]]) 81 for n in it: 82 if dummy[it.multi_index] == 0: 83 relabeling(dummy, img, it.multi_index,labels, label) 84 label += 1 85 86 print('label number :',label) 87 88 np.savetxt('results/dummy.txt',dummy.astype(np.uint8),fmt='%d') 89 with open('results/label.txt', 'w') as f: 90 print(label, file=f) 91 cv2.imwrite('results/labeling.png', labels.astype(np.uint8)) 92 cv2.imwrite('results/dummy.png', dummy.astype(np.uint8)) 93 94def detection(): 95 bl,gl,rl = cv2.split(org) 96 bf,gf,rf = cv2.split(org) 97 _lnd,_fld = np.full((h,w), 255),np.full((h,w), 255) 98 99 lab,hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab),cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) 100 _dis = cv2.imread('results/tex/dissimilarity.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) 101 _edge = cv2.imread('results/edge/canny.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) 102 # 領域単位での投票処理 103 for l in range(1,label+1): 104 idx = np.where(dummy==l) 105 106 Lp,ap,bp = np.split(lab[idx],3,axis=1) 107 hp,sp,vp = np.split(hsv[idx],3,axis=1) 108 dis,edge = _dis[idx],_edge[idx] 109 110 landslide = (Lp<180)&(ap>128)&(sp>70)&(edge>100) 111 _flooded = (Lp>135)&(ap>128)&(sp<=70) 112 flooded = _flooded&(~landslide) 113 114 if (np.count_nonzero(landslide)>np.count_nonzero(~landslide)): 115 bl[idx],gl[idx],rl[idx] = (bo[idx]),(go[idx]),(ro[idx]*al+250*(1-al)) 116 _lnd[idx] = 0 117 118 if (np.count_nonzero(flooded)>np.count_nonzero(~flooded)): 119 bf[idx],gf[idx],rf[idx] = (bo[idx]),(go[idx]*al+250*(1-al)),(ro[idx]*al+250*(1-al)) 120 _fld[idx] = 0 121 122 lnd,fld = np.dstack((np.dstack((bl,gl)),rl)),np.dstack((np.dstack((bf,gf)),rf)) 123 124 cv2.imwrite('results/landslide.png', lnd) 125 cv2.imwrite('results/flooded.png', fld) 126 cv2.imwrite('results/_landslide.png', _lnd) 127 cv2.imwrite('results/_flooded.png', _fld) 128 129 return _lnd,_fld