1Sub boira() 2Sheets("登録").Select 3Dim getu As String 4Dim nen As String 5 If Range("a4") = "" Then 6 getu = "月" 'Month(Date) & getu ' 7 nen = "年" 8 Range("a3").Value = Format(Date, "yyyy/mm") 'Year(Date)+ /+ Month(Date) 9 Range("a4").Value = Month(Date) & getu 10 11 End If 12 13 'Cells(2, 1).Select 14 'ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True 15 16 If Range("a6").Value = "" Then 17 Range("a6").Select 18 19 Else 20 Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Activate 21 End If 22 23 ActiveCell.Value = InputBox("日付を入力して下さい。", "日付入力", , 100, 50) 24 Selection.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous 25 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 26 27 ActiveCell.Value = InputBox("開始時間を入力して下さい。", "午前開始時間入力", , 100, 50) 28 Selection.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous 29 30 If ActiveCell = "" Then 31 32 ActiveCell.Value = "0:00" ’←ここで0:00と表示させる 33 34 End If 35 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 36 37 ActiveCell.Value = InputBox("終了時間を入力して下さい。", "午前終了時間入力", , 100, 50) 38 Selection.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous 39 40 If ActiveCell = "" Then 41 42 ActiveCell.Value = "24:00" ’←ここで24:00と表示させる 43 End If 44 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 45 46 ActiveCell.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous 47 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 48 49 ActiveCell.Value = InputBox("温度を入力して下さい。", "午後開始時間入力", , 100, 50) 50 Selection.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous 51 ActiveCell.Offset(1, -4).Select 52 53 Dim iRow As Long 54Dim i As Long 55Dim start_comp As Date 56Dim end_comp As Date 57 58 iRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row 59 60 For i = 5 To iRow 61 start_comp = Cells(i, 2).Value 62 end_comp = Cells(i, 3).Value 63 64 65 If Range("a2") = "" Then 66 67 68 Cells(i, 4) = Format((end_comp - start_comp) * 24, " 0.00") 69 Cells(i, 4).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 176, 137) 70 71 End If 72 73 Next i 74 75Dim lRow As Long 76Dim n As Range 77 78 lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row 'B列の最終行を取得 79 Range("c5") = "TOTAL" 80 Range("c5").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 153, 102) 81 Range("c5").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous 82 83 With Range("d5") 84 .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 153, 102) 85 .Formula = "=sum(d6:d" & lRow & ")" 86 Range("d5").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous 87 End With 88 89 If Range("e5") = "" Then 90 91 Range("e5").Value = "設定温度" 92 End If 93 94End Sub