「露出を変更する = シャッタースピードが変わる」という認識でいます。
- 開発環境:Xcode11.2.1
- 言語 :Swift5
- 端末 :iPhoneX、iPadPro11インチ
AVCamManual: Extending AVCam to Use Manual Capture API
z-hao-wang / ios-pro-camera
「case 1」配下で露出調整を行なっているのですが、ここの処理に問題があると想定しております。
1// MARK: - Slider Action 2@IBAction func changeSlider(_ sender: UISlider) { 3 4 let tag: Int = sender.tag 5 do { 6 try currentDevice!.lockForConfiguration() 7 defer { currentDevice!.unlockForConfiguration() } 8 9 // 露出、または ISO感度を設定 10 switch tag { 11 case 1: 12 // 露出調整 13 let p = Float64(pow(sender.value, kExposureDurationPower)) // Apply power function to expand slider's low-end range 14 let minDurationSeconds = Float64(max(CMTimeGetSeconds(currentDevice!.activeFormat.minExposureDuration), kExposureMinimumDuration)) 15 let maxDurationSeconds = Float64(CMTimeGetSeconds(currentDevice!.activeFormat.maxExposureDuration)) 16 let newDurationSeconds = Float64(p * (maxDurationSeconds - minDurationSeconds)) + minDurationSeconds // Scale from 0-1 slider range to actual duration 17 18 currentDevice!.setExposureModeCustom(duration: CMTimeMakeWithSeconds( newDurationSeconds, preferredTimescale: 1000*1000*1000 ), 19 iso: AVCaptureDevice.currentISO, 20 completionHandler: nil) 21 22 case 2: 23 // ISO感度調整 24 currentDevice!.setExposureModeCustom(duration: AVCaptureDevice.currentExposureDuration, 25 iso: sender.value, 26 completionHandler: nil) 27 default: 28 break 29 } 30 } catch { 31 print("(error.localizedDescription)") 32 } 33}
1import UIKit 2import AVFoundation 3 4class ViewController: UIViewController { 5 6@IBOutlet weak var cameraView: UIView! // プレビュー配置先のView 7var captureSession = AVCaptureSession() // セッション管理用 8var mainCamera: AVCaptureDevice? // メインカメラ用 9var innerCamera: AVCaptureDevice? // インカメラ用意 10var currentDevice: AVCaptureDevice? // 現在利用中のカメラ用 11var photoOutput : AVCapturePhotoOutput? // キャプチャーの出力データを受け付けるオブジェクト 12var cameraPreviewLayer : AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer?// プレビュー表示用のレイヤ 13 14@IBOutlet weak var brightnessSlider: UISlider! // 露出用スライダー 15@IBOutlet weak var isoSlider: UISlider! // ISO感度用スライダー 16 17// 露出制御時用の定数 18let kExposureDurationPower : Float = 4 // Higher numbers will give the slider more sensitivity at shorter durations 19let kExposureMinimumDuration: Float64 = 1.0/2000 // Limit exposure duration to a useful range 20 21 22 23// MARK: - Life Cycle 24override func viewDidLoad() { 25 super.viewDidLoad() 26 27 // カメラ周り設定 28 self.setupCaptureSession() 29 self.setupDevice() 30 self.setupInputOutput() 31 self.setupPreviewLayer() 32 self.captureSession.startRunning() 33 34 // スライダー初期設定 35 self.setupSlider() 36} 37 38// スライダー初期設定 39func setupSlider() { 40 41 // 露出用スライダー設定 42 brightnessSlider.minimumValue = 0.0 43 brightnessSlider.maximumValue = 1.0 44 self.brightnessSlider.value = 0.5 45 46 // ISO感度用スライダー設定 47 isoSlider.minimumValue = Float(currentDevice!.activeFormat.minISO) 48 isoSlider.maximumValue = Float(currentDevice!.activeFormat.maxISO) 49 self.isoSlider.value = (isoSlider.minimumValue + isoSlider.maximumValue) / 2 50} 51 52 53// MARK: - Camera Setting 54// カメラの画質の設定 55func setupCaptureSession() { 56 captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSession.Preset.photo 57} 58 59// デバイスの設定 60func setupDevice() { 61 // カメラデバイスのプロパティ設定 62 let deviceDiscoverySession = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession(deviceTypes: [AVCaptureDevice.DeviceType.builtInWideAngleCamera], 63 mediaType: AVMediaType.video, 64 position: AVCaptureDevice.Position.unspecified) 65 // カメラデバイスの取得 66 let devices = deviceDiscoverySession.devices 67 for device in devices { 68 if device.position == AVCaptureDevice.Position.back { 69 mainCamera = device 70 } else if device.position == AVCaptureDevice.Position.front { 71 innerCamera = device 72 } 73 } 74 75 // 起動時のカメラを設定 76 currentDevice = mainCamera 77 78 // 露出とISO感度の初期値設定 79 do { 80 try mainCamera!.lockForConfiguration() 81 defer { mainCamera!.unlockForConfiguration() } 82 mainCamera!.exposureMode = .custom 83 mainCamera!.setExposureModeCustom(duration: AVCaptureDevice.currentExposureDuration, iso: AVCaptureDevice.currentISO, completionHandler: nil) 84 } catch { 85 print("(error.localizedDescription)") 86 } 87} 88 89// 入出力データの設定 90func setupInputOutput() { 91 do { 92 // 入力を初期化 93 let captureDeviceInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: currentDevice!) 94 captureSession.addInput(captureDeviceInput) 95 96 // 出力を初期化 97 photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput() 98 photoOutput!.setPreparedPhotoSettingsArray([AVCapturePhotoSettings(format: [AVVideoCodecKey : AVVideoCodecType.jpeg])], 99 completionHandler: nil) 100 captureSession.addOutput(photoOutput!) 101 } catch { 102 print(error) 103 } 104} 105 106// カメラプレビュー用のレイヤを設定 107func setupPreviewLayer() { 108 // プレビューレイヤを初期化 109 self.cameraPreviewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession) 110 self.cameraPreviewLayer?.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspectFill 111 self.cameraPreviewLayer?.connection?.videoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientation.portrait 112 self.cameraPreviewLayer?.frame = view.frame 113 114 self.cameraPreviewLayer?.frame = self.cameraView.bounds 115 self.cameraView.layer.insertSublayer(self.cameraPreviewLayer!, at: 0) 116} 117 118 119// MARK: - Slider Action 120@IBAction func changeSlider(_ sender: UISlider) { 121 122 let tag: Int = sender.tag 123 do { 124 try currentDevice!.lockForConfiguration() 125 defer { currentDevice!.unlockForConfiguration() } 126 127 // 露出、または ISO感度を設定 128 switch tag { 129 case 1: 130 let p = Float64(pow(sender.value, kExposureDurationPower)) // Apply power function to expand slider's low-end range 131 let minDurationSeconds = Float64(max(CMTimeGetSeconds(currentDevice!.activeFormat.minExposureDuration), kExposureMinimumDuration)) 132 let maxDurationSeconds = Float64(CMTimeGetSeconds(currentDevice!.activeFormat.maxExposureDuration)) 133 let newDurationSeconds = Float64(p * (maxDurationSeconds - minDurationSeconds)) + minDurationSeconds // Scale from 0-1 slider range to actual duration 134 135 currentDevice!.setExposureModeCustom(duration: CMTimeMakeWithSeconds( newDurationSeconds, preferredTimescale: 1000*1000*1000 ), 136 iso: AVCaptureDevice.currentISO, 137 completionHandler: nil) 138 139 case 2: 140 currentDevice!.setExposureModeCustom(duration: AVCaptureDevice.currentExposureDuration, 141 iso: sender.value, 142 completionHandler: nil) 143 default: 144 break 145 } 146 } catch { 147 print("(error.localizedDescription)") 148 } 149} 150} 151
