Team > Share Project... のgitリポジトリ作成ウィザードで、 Use or create repository in prent folder of project にチェックを付け、次のダイアログでプロジェクトフォルダのルートでCreate Repositoryを行えば可能ですね。
EGit User Guideによると、『リポジトリの中にプロジェクト名のフォルダができて』いる状態こそがEclipseプロジェクトの管理として正当であり、変更すべきではないということのようですね。
Don't create a Repository with an Eclipse project as root.
Make sure to use the Git Sharing Wizard correctly.
It is probably not a good idea to make a project the root folder of your Repository.
The reason is that you will never be able to add another project to this Repository, as the .project file will occupy the root folder; you could still add projects as sub-folders, but this kind of project nesting is known to cause lots of problems all over the place. In order to add another project, you would have to move the project to a sub-folder in the Repository and add the second project as another sub-folder before you could commit this change.
2016/01/20 11:06
2016/01/21 03:31