Python3.6.5 & Tkinter でのモーダルダイアログについての質問
※90行目あたり。コメントアウトした線で囲っている部分が !toplevel の該当部かと思われます。
tkinter.TclError: bad window path name ".!toplevel"
1# coding: utf-8 2 3import tkinter as tk 4from tkinter import messagebox 5import time 6#import winsound 7 8class Timer(tk.Frame): 9 WID = 10 10 countPushStartButton = 0 11 presetTime = 45 12 13 def __init__(self,master = None): 14 tk.Frame.__init__(self,master) 15 16 self.master.title('集中力タイマー') 17 18 #単位表記 19 minute = tk.Label(self, text = u'分',font = 'Arial, 12', padx = 5, pady = 5) 20 second = tk.Label(self, text = u'秒',font = 'Arial, 12', padx = 5, pady = 5) 21 22 #スピンボックス 23 self.minuteSpinbox = tk.Spinbox(self, value = Timer.presetTime, from_ = 0, to = 99, increment = 1, width = Timer.WID) 24 self.secondSpinbox = tk.Spinbox(self, from_ = 0, to = 59, increment = 1, width = Timer.WID) 25 26 #残り時間表示 27 self.countDownView = tk.Label(self,text = u'00:00',font = 'Arial, 25') 28 29 #押ボタン 30 self.startButton = tk.Button(self,text = 'Start',command = self.start) 31 resetButton = tk.Button(self,text = 'Reset', command = self.reset) 32 33 #ウィジェット配置 34 self.minuteSpinbox.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 5, pady = 2) 35 minute.grid(row = 0, column =1, padx =5, pady = 2, sticky = tk.W) 36 self.secondSpinbox.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 5, pady = 2) 37 second.grid(row = 0, column = 3, padx = 5, pady = 2, sticky = tk.W) 38 self.startButton.grid(row =1,column = 0, columnspan = 4,padx = 5, pady = 2, sticky = tk.W + tk.E) 39 resetButton.grid(row =2, column = 0, columnspan = 4,padx =5, pady = 2, sticky = tk.W + tk.E) 40 41 self.countDownView.grid(row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 4, padx = 5, pady = 2, sticky = tk.W + tk.E) 42 43 #startボタン押下時動作 44 def start(self): 45 self.getSpinboxValue() 46 self.controlStartButton() 47 self.count() 48 49 #resetボタン押下時動作 50 def reset(self): 51 self.startButton.config(text = 'Start') 52 self.countDownView.config(text = '00:00') 53 Timer.countPushStartButton = 0 54 55 #Startボタンを押した回数によって動作を変える(初回「Start」、奇数「Stop」、偶数「Restart」) 56 def controlStartButton(self): 57 if Timer.countPushStartButton == 0: 58 self.finishTime = time.time() + self.secondsValue 59 self.isStarted = True 60 elif Timer.countPushStartButton % 2 == 0: 61 self.isStarted = True 62 else: 63 self.isStarted = False 64 Timer.countPushStartButton = Timer.countPushStartButton + 1 65 self.refreshStartButton() 66 67 #Startボタン押下回数によってボタン表示を変える 68 def refreshStartButton(self): 69 if self.isStarted is True: 70 self.startButton.config(text = 'Stop') 71 else: 72 self.startButton.config(text = 'Restart') 73 74 #カウントダウン機能 75 def count(self): 76 if self.isStarted: 77 self.remainingTime = self.finishTime - time.time() 78 if self.remainingTime < 0: 79 self.countDownView.config(text = "時間です") 80 self.openModalDialogOfNotifyingTimeOut() 81 #messagebox.showinfo('お知らせ','時間です') 82 #アラーム音を鳴らす 83 #winsound.PlaySound("SystemAsterisk",winsound.SND_ALIAS) 84 85 else: 86 self.countDownView.config(text = '%02d:%02d'%(self.remainingTime/60,self.remainingTime%60)) 87 #0.1秒後に関数countを呼び出す 88 self.after(100, self.count) 89 90 91#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 93 def openModalDialogOfNotifyingTimeOut(self): 94 self.modalDialogOfNotifyingTimeOut = tk.Toplevel() 95 self.modalDialogOfNotifyingTimeOut.title("時間です") 96 self.modalDialogOfNotifyingTimeOut.geometry("300x300") 97 self.modalDialogOfNotifyingTimeOut.grab_set() 98 99 closeButton = tk.Button(self.modalDialogOfNotifyingTimeOut, text ="閉じる", command = self.modalDialogOfNotifyingTimeOut.destroy()) 100 closeButton.pack() 101 102#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103 104 #単位変換 105 def getSpinboxValue(self): 106 minuteSpinboxValue = self.minuteSpinbox.get() 107 secondSpinboxValue = self.secondSpinbox.get() 108 c1 = int(minuteSpinboxValue) 109 c2 = int(secondSpinboxValue) 110 self.secondsValue = c1 * 60 + c2 111 112if __name__ == '__main__': 113 f = Timer() 114 f.pack() 115 f.mainloop() 116
AttributeError: 'Toplevel' object has no attribute 'pack'
2020/04/01 23:55