UnassignedReferenceException: The variable lvupImage of GameManager has not been assigned. You probably need to assign the lvupImage variable of the GameManager script in the inspector. UnityEngine.GameObject.GetComponent[T] () (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/GameObject.bindings.cs:28) GameManager.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/GameManager.cs:72)
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System; public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour { //定数定義 private const int MAX_ORB = 10; //オーブ最大数 private const int RESPAWN_TIME = 5; //オーブが発生する秒数 private const int MAX_LEVEL = 2; //最大レベル // データセーブ用キー private const string KEY_SCORE = "SCORE"; // スコア private const string KEY_LEVEL = "LEVEL"; // レベル private const string KEY_ORB = "ORB"; // オーブ数 private const string KEY_TIME = "TIME"; // 時間 //オブジェクト参照 public GameObject orbPrefab; //オーブのプレハブ指定 public GameObject lvupPrefab; //レベルアップ時のエフェクト public GameObject canvasGame; //ゲームキャンバス public GameObject textScore; //スコアテキスト public GameObject lvupImage; //レベルアップイラスト public GameObject clearEffectPrefab; //ゲームをクリアした際のエフェクト public AudioClip getScoreSE; // SEタップ時 public AudioClip levelUpSE; // レベルアップ時 public AudioClip clearSE; // 効果音クリア //メンバ変数 private int score = 0; //現在のスコア private int nextScore = 10; //レベルアップまでに必要なスコア private int currentOrb = 0; //現在のオーブ数 private int levelRank = 0; //レベルランク private DateTime lastDateTime; //前回のオーブを生成した時間 private int [] nextScoreTable = new int[] {10, 100, 1000} ; //レベルアップ数 private AudioSource audioSource; //オーディオソース // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //オーディオソース取得 audioSource = this.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource> (); // 初期設定 score = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (KEY_SCORE, 0); levelRank = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (KEY_LEVEL, 0); currentOrb = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (KEY_ORB, 10); // 初期オーブ生成 for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ORB; i++) { CreateOrb (); } // 時間の復元 string time = PlayerPrefs.GetString (KEY_TIME, ""); if (time == "") { // 時間がセーブされていない場合は現在時刻を使用 lastDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { long temp = Convert.ToInt64 (time); lastDateTime = DateTime.FromBinary (temp); } nextScore = nextScoreTable [levelRank]; lvupImage.GetComponent<ObjectManager> ().SetLvupPicture (levelRank); RefreshScoreText (); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (currentOrb < MAX_ORB) { TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.UtcNow - lastDateTime; if(timeSpan >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds (RESPAWN_TIME)) { while (timeSpan >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds (RESPAWN_TIME)) { createNewOrb (); timeSpan -= TimeSpan.FromSeconds (RESPAWN_TIME); } } } } //新しいオーブの生成 public void createNewOrb () { lastDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; if (currentOrb >= MAX_ORB) { return; } CreateOrb (); currentOrb++; } //オーブ生成 public void CreateOrb () { GameObject orb = (GameObject)Instantiate (orbPrefab); orb.transform.SetParent (canvasGame.transform, false); orb.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 ( UnityEngine.Random.Range (-300.0f, 300.0f), UnityEngine.Random.Range (-140.0f, -500.0f), 0f); //オーブの種類を設定 int kind = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, levelRank + 1); switch (kind) { case 0: orb.GetComponent<OrbManager> ().SetKind (OrbManager.ORB_KIND.BLUE); break; case 1: orb.GetComponent<OrbManager> ().SetKind (OrbManager.ORB_KIND.GREEN); break; case 2: orb.GetComponent<OrbManager> ().SetKind (OrbManager.ORB_KIND.PURPLE); break; } } //オーブ入手 public void GetOrb (int getScore) { audioSource.PlayOneShot (getScoreSE); if (score < nextScore) { score += getScore; // レベルアップ値を越えないよう制限 if (score > nextScore) { score = nextScore; } LevelUpEffect (); RefreshScoreText (); //ゲームクリア判定 if ((score == nextScore) && (levelRank == MAX_LEVEL)) { LevelMax (); } } currentOrb--; } //スコアテキスト更新 void RefreshScoreText () { textScore.GetComponent<Text> ().text = "Orb: " + score + " / " + nextScore; } //画像のレベル管理 void LevelUp () { if (score >= nextScore) { if (levelRank < MAX_LEVEL) { levelRank++; score = 0; LevelUpEffect (); nextScore = nextScoreTable [levelRank]; lvupImage.GetComponent<ObjectManager> ().SetLvupPicture (levelRank); } } } //レベルアップ時の演出 void LevelUpEffect () { GameObject lvupEf = (GameObject)Instantiate (lvupPrefab); lvupEf.transform.SetParent(canvasGame.transform, false); lvupEf.transform.SetSiblingIndex (2); audioSource.PlayOneShot (levelUpSE); Destroy (lvupEf, 0.5f); } //レベルが限界値まで到達した時の演出 void LevelMax () { GameObject clearEf = (GameObject)Instantiate (clearEffectPrefab); clearEf.transform.SetParent (canvasGame.transform, false); audioSource.PlayOneShot (clearSE); } }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class ObjectManager : MonoBehaviour { public Sprite[] rankupPicture = new Sprite[3];//レベルアップ用のイラスト表示 // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } //レベルアップ差分の絵を追加 public void SetLvupPicture (int level) { GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = rankupPicture [level]; } }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using DG.Tweening; public class OrbManager : MonoBehaviour { //オブジェクト参照 private GameObject gameManager; //ゲームマネージャー public Sprite[] orbPicture = new Sprite [3]; //オーブの絵 public enum ORB_KIND{ //オーブの種類を定義 BLUE, GREEN, PURPLE, } private ORB_KIND orbKind; //オーブの種類 // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager"); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } //オーブ取得 public void TouchOrb () { if (Input.GetMouseButton (0) == false) { return; } RectTransform rect = GetComponent<RectTransform> (); // オーブの軌跡設定 Vector3[] path = { new Vector3(rect.localPosition.x * 1.5f, 300f, 0f), //中間点 new Vector3(0f, 150f, 0f), //終点 }; // DOTweenを使ったアニメ作成 rect.DOLocalPath (path, 0.5f, PathType.CatmullRom) .SetEase (Ease.OutQuad) .OnComplete (AddOrbPoint); // 同時にサイズも変更 rect.DOScale ( new Vector3 (0.5f, 0.5f, 0f), 0.5f ); } // オーブアニメ終了後にポイント加算処理をする void AddOrbPoint () { switch (orbKind) { case ORB_KIND.BLUE: gameManager.GetComponent<GameManager> ().GetOrb (1); break; case ORB_KIND.GREEN: gameManager.GetComponent<GameManager> ().GetOrb (5); break; case ORB_KIND.PURPLE: gameManager.GetComponent<GameManager> ().GetOrb (10); break; } Destroy (this.gameObject); } //オーブの種類を設定 public void SetKind (ORB_KIND kind) { orbKind = kind; switch (orbKind) { case ORB_KIND.BLUE: GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = orbPicture [0]; break; case ORB_KIND.GREEN: GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = orbPicture [1]; break; case ORB_KIND.PURPLE: GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = orbPicture [2]; break; } } }
2020/02/23 06:22 編集