Poisson Image Editing William Emmanuel wemmanuel3@gatech.edu CS 6745 Final Project Fall 2017 Image loading and saving adapted from blending assignment Usage: python main.py For each image set to be processed, place a folder in `input` Each folder should have a mask file, source file, and target file. Result will be saved in output directory. """ import os import errno from os import path from glob import glob import cv2 import numpy as np import poisson IMG_EXTENSIONS = ["png", "jpeg", "jpg", "JPG", "gif", "tiff", "tif", "raw", "bmp"] SRC_FOLDER = "input" OUT_FOLDER = "output" def collect_files(prefix, extension_list=IMG_EXTENSIONS): filenames = sum(map(glob, [prefix + ext for ext in extension_list]), []) return filenames subfolders = os.walk(SRC_FOLDER) subfolders.next() for dirpath, dirnames, fnames in subfolders: image_dir = os.path.split(dirpath)[-1] output_dir = os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, image_dir) print("Processing input {i}...".format(i=image_dir)) # Search for images to process source_names = collect_files(r'C:\Users\〇〇〇\Desktop\poisson-image-editing-master\input'*source.')) target_names = collect_files(r'C:\Users\〇〇〇\Desktop\poisson-image-editing-master\input'*target.')) mask_names = collect_files(r'C:\Users\〇〇〇\Desktop\poisson-image-editing-master\input'*mask.')) if not len(source_names) == len(target_names) == len(mask_names) == 1: print("There must be one source, one target, and one mask per input.") continue # Read images source_img = cv2.imread(source_names[0], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) target_img = cv2.imread(target_names[0], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) mask_img = cv2.imread(mask_names[0], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # Normalize mask to range [0,1] mask = np.atleast_3d(mask_img).astype(np.float) / 255. # Make mask binary mask[mask != 1] = 0 # Trim to one channel mask = mask[:,:,0] channels = source_img.shape[-1] # Call the poisson method on each individual channel result_stack = [poisson.process(source_img[:,:,i], target_img[:,:,i], mask) for i in range(channels)] # Merge the channels back into one image result = cv2.merge(result_stack) # Make result directory if needed try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # Write result cv2.imwrite(r'C:\Users\〇〇〇〇\Desktop\test\Blended.jpg', result) print("Finished processing input {i}.".format(i=image_dir))
File "<ipython-input-3-dda816a77788>", line 39 print "Processing input {i}...".format(i=image_dir) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
File "<ipython-input-3-dda816a77788>", line 39 print "Processing input {i}...".format(i=image_dir) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax