コンパイル エラー: ユーザ定義型は定義されていません。 Sub GetGoogleSuggestions(KeyUrl, KeyWord)
Option Explicit Dim ws1 As Worksheet Sub AllProcedures() Dim KeyWord As String, KeyUrl As String Set ws1 = Worksheets("キーワード一覧") KeyWord = InputBox("調査したいキーワードを入力する") KeyUrl = "https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=" & KeyWord Call GetGoogleSuggestions(KeyUrl, KeyWord) ws1.Range("A4").Value = "検索キーワード:" & KeyWord Dim d As String KeyWord = Replace(KeyWord, "/", "") KeyWord = Replace(KeyWord, ":", "") d = Right(Replace(Date, "/", ""), 6) ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & d & "_" & KeyWord End Sub Sub GetGoogleSuggestions(KeyUrl, KeyWord) Set ws1 = Worksheets("キーワード一覧") Dim HttpReq As XMLHTTP60 Set HttpReq = New XMLHTTP60 HttpReq.Open "GET", KeyUrl HttpReq.send Do While HttpReq.readyState < 4 DoEvents Loop Dim oHtml As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument Dim objTag As Object Dim PageTitle As String Dim ContentsURL As String Dim Counter As Long Counter = 1 oHtml.body.innerHTML = HttpReq.responseText For Each objTag In oHtml.getElementsByTagName("a") If InStr(objTag.outerHTML, "LC20lb") > 0 Then PageTitle = objTag.innerText ContentsURL = objTag Call GetContentsEachPage(ContentsURL, PageTitle, Counter) Counter = Counter + 1 End If Next Continue: Set HttpReq = Nothing End Sub Sub GetContentsEachPage(ContentsURL As String, PageTitle As String, Counter As Long) Set ws1 = Worksheets("キーワード一覧") Dim objTag As Object Dim i As Long, j As Long, cmax As Long Dim cmax1 As Long, cmax2 As Long, cmax3 As Long Dim x As Long, p As Long, a As Long Dim myH2() As String, myH3() As String, myBody As Variant Dim Keys As Variant Dim myDic As Object Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") i = 0 j = 0 Dim HttpReq As XMLHTTP60 Set HttpReq = New XMLHTTP60 HttpReq.Open "GET", ContentsURL HttpReq.send Do While HttpReq.readyState < 4 DoEvents Loop Dim oHtml As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument oHtml.body.innerHTML = HttpReq.responseText myBody = Split(oHtml.body.outerHTML, vbCrLf) For Each objTag In oHtml.getElementsByTagName("H2") ReDim Preserve myH2(i) myH2(i) = objTag.innerText i = i + 1 Next For Each objTag In oHtml.getElementsByTagName("H3") ReDim Preserve myH3(j) myH3(j) = objTag.innerText j = j + 1 Next For x = LBound(myBody) To UBound(myBody) If InStr(myBody(x), "H2") > 0 Or InStr(myBody(x), "H3") > 0 Then For i = LBound(myH2) To UBound(myH2) If InStr(myBody(x), myH2(i)) > 0 Then myDic.Add "H2-" & x, myH2(i) GoTo Continue End If Next For j = LBound(myH3) To UBound(myH3) If InStr(myBody(x), myH3(j)) > 0 Then myDic.Add "H3-" & x, myH3(j) GoTo Continue End If Next Continue: End If Next cmax2 = ws1.Range("C1048576").End(xlUp).Row + 1 cmax3 = ws1.Range("D1048576").End(xlUp).Row + 1 cmax = cmax2 If cmax3 > cmax2 Then cmax = cmax3 End If ws1.Range("A" & cmax).Value = Counter With ws1 .Range("B" & cmax).Value = PageTitle .Range("B" & cmax).WrapText = False .Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=.Range("B" & cmax), Address:=ContentsURL End With cmax = cmax + 1 For Each Keys In myDic If Left(Keys, 2) = "H2" Then ws1.Range("C" & cmax).Value = myDic.Item(Keys) cmax = cmax + 1 ElseIf Left(Keys, 2) = "H3" Then ws1.Range("D" & cmax).Value = myDic.Item(Keys) cmax = cmax + 1 End If Next Set HttpReq = Nothing End Sub