エラーの表示Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\P\Desktop\stickman\sticmangame.py", line 102, in <module>
0, 480, 100, 10)
File "C:\Users\P\Desktop\stickman\sticmangame.py", line 64, in init
self.coordinates= Coords(x, y, x + width, y + height)
TypeError: Coords() takes no arguments
1コードfrom tkinter import* 2import random 3import time 4 5class Coords: 6 def __int__(self, x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0): 7 self.x1=x1 8 self.y1=y1 9 self.x2=x2 10 self.y2=y2 11 def within_x(co1,co2): 12 if(col.x1>co2.x1 and col.x1<co2.x2)\ 13 or(co1.x2>co2.x1 and co1.x2<co2.x2)\ 14 or(co2.x1>co1.x1 and co2.x1<co1.x2)\ 15 or(xo2.x2>co1.x1 and co2.x2<col.x2): 16 return True 17 else: 18 return False 19 def within_y(co1,co2): 20 if(co1.y1> co2.y1 and co1.y1<co2.y2)\ 21 or(co1.y2>co2.y1 and co1.y2<co2.y2)\ 22 or(co2.y1>co1.y1 and co2.y1<co1.y2)\ 23 or(co2.y2>co1.y1 and co2.y2<co1.y2): 24 return True 25 else: 26 return False 27 28 def collided_left(co1, co2): 29 if within_y(co1, co2): 30 if co1.x1<=co2.x2 and co1.x1>=co2.x1: 31 return True 32 return Fasle 33 def collided_right(co1,co2): 34 if within_y(co1, co2): 35 if co1.x2>=co2.x1 and co1.x2 <=co2.x2: 36 return True 37 return False 38 def collided_top(co1, co2): 39 if within_x(co1,co2): 40 if co1.y1<=co2.y2 and co1.y1>-co2.y1: 41 return True 42 return False 43 def collided_bottom(y,co1,co2): 44 if within_x(co1, co2): 45 y_calc=co1.y2+y 46 if y_calc>=co2.y1 and y_calc<= co2.y2: 47 return True 48 return False 49class Sprite: 50 def __init__(self,game): 51 self.game=game 52 self.endgame=False 53 self.coordinates=None 54 def move(self): 55 pass 56 def coords(self): 57 return self.coordinates 58class PlatformSprite(Sprite): 59 def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x,y, width, height): 60 Sprite.__init__(self, game) 61 self.photo_image=photo_image 62 self.image=game.canvas.create_image(x, y, \ 63 image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw') 64 self.coordinates= Coords(x, y, x + width, y + height) 65 66 67class Game: 68 def __init__(self): 69 self.tk=Tk() 70 self.tk.title("Mr. Stick Man Races for the Exit") 71 self.tk.resizable(0,0) 72 self.tk.wm_attributes("-topmost",1) 73 self.canvas=Canvas(self.tk, width=500,height=500, \ 74 highlightthickness=0) 75 self.canvas.pack() 76 self.tk.update() 77 self.canvas_height=500 78 self.canvas_width=500 79 self.tk.update() 80 self.canvas_height=500 81 self.canvas_width=500 82 self.bg=PhotoImage(file="background.gif") 83 w=self.bg.width() 84 h=self.bg.height() 85 for x in range(0, 5): 86 for y in range(0, 5): 87 self.canvas.create_image(x*w,y*h,\ 88 image=self.bg, anchor='nw') 89 self.sprites=[] 90 self.running=True 91 92 def mainloop(self): 93 while 1: 94 if self.running==True: 95 for sprite in self.sprites: 96 sprite.move() 97 self.tk.update_idletasks() 98 self.tk.update() 99 time.sleep(0.01) 100g=Game() 101platform1=PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), \ 102 0, 480, 100, 10) 103platform2=PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"),\ 104 150,440,100,10) 105platform3=PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"),\ 106 300,400,100,10) 107platform4=PlateformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"),\ 108 300,160,100,10) 109platform5=PlateformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"),\ 110 175,350,66,10) 111platform6=PlateformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"),\ 112 50,300,66,10) 113platform7=PlateformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"),\ 114 170,120,66,10) 115platform8=PlateformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"),\ 116 45,60,66,10) 117platform9=PlateformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform3.gif"),\ 118 170,250,32,10) 119platform10=PlateformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform3.gif"),\ 120 250,200,32,10) 121g.sprites.append(platform1) 122g.sprites.append(platform2) 123g.sprites.append(platform3) 124g.sprites.append(platform4) 125g.sprites.append(platform5) 126g.sprites.append(platform6) 127g.sprites.append(platform7) 128g.sprites.append(platform8) 129g.sprites.append(platform9) 130g.sprites.append(platform10) 131g.mainloop() 132