react + redux + connected-react-routerを用いて、
画面1でstoreの状態を更新 → 画面2に遷移してstoreの状態を表示する、
- actioncreator.js
export function samplefunc1() { return { type: 'sample1', content: 'func1 text', custom: false, } } export function samplefunc2(text) { return { type: 'sample2', content: text, custom: true, } }
- reducers.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { connectRouter } from 'connected-react-router'; const createRootReducer = (history) => combineReducers({ router: connectRouter(history), app_main: reduxsampleApp, }); const initialState = { content: 'default', custom: false, }; function reduxsampleApp(state = null, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'sample1': return Object.assign({}, state, { content: action.content, custom: action.custom, }) case 'sample2': return Object.assign({}, state, { content: action.content, custom: action.custom, }) default: return initialState } } export default createRootReducer;
- configureStore.js
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux'; import { routerMiddleware } from 'connected-react-router'; import createRootReducer from './reducers'; export const history = createBrowserHistory(); export default function configureStore(preloadedState) { const store = createStore( createRootReducer(history), preloadedState, compose( applyMiddleware( routerMiddleware(history), ), ), ); return store; }
- index.js
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-react-router'; import SamplePage1 from './SamplePage1'; import SamplePage2 from './SamplePage2'; import configureStore, { history } from './configureStore'; import propTypes from 'prop-types'; const store = configureStore(); class Index extends React.Component { render() { return ( <Provider store={store}> <ConnectedRouter history={history}> <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={SamplePage1} /> <Route exact path="/page2" component={SamplePage2} /> </Switch> </ConnectedRouter> </Provider> ) } } Index.propTypes = { history: propTypes.object, } ReactDOM.render( <Index />, document.getElementById("index") );
- SamplePage1.js
import React from 'react'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import propTypes from 'prop-types'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { samplefunc1, samplefunc2 } from './actioncreator'; import { push } from 'connected-react-router'; const text = "func2 text"; function SamplePage1(props) { return ( <div> <Button onClick={props.func1}> func1. </Button> <Button onClick={() => props.func2(text)}> func2. </Button> <Button onClick={() => props.nextpage("./page2")}> move to page2. </Button> <br /> Content: {props.content} <br /> Custom: {(props.custom) ? "true" : "false"} </div> ); } SamplePage1.propTypes = { content: propTypes.string, custom: propTypes.bool, func1: propTypes.func.isRequired, func2: propTypes.func.isRequired, } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ content: state.app_main.content, custom: state.app_main.custom, }) const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ func1: () => dispatch(samplefunc1()), func2: (text) => dispatch(samplefunc2(text)), nextpage: (path) => dispatch(push(path)), }) export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SamplePage1);
- SamplePage2.js
import React from 'react'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; function SamplePage2(props) { return ( <div> <Button href="./"> back to page1. </Button><br /> Content: {props.content}<br /> Custom: {(props.custom) ? "true" : "false"} </div> ); } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ content: state.app_main.content, custom: state.app_main.custom, }) export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SamplePage2);
- SamplePage1.js
<Button> <Link to="./page2"> move to page2. </Link> </Button>
<Button href="./page2> move to page2. </Button>
<Button onClick={() => props.nextpage("./page2", props)> ~~~ 略 ~~~ nextpage: (path, props) => dispatch(push(path, {content: props.content, custom: props.custom}))
- react v17.0.1
- react-redux v7.2.6
- connected-react-router v6.9.2
2021/12/17 12:39