ubuntu20.04 python3.8 vscodeを使用しています
Traceback (most recent call last): File "main_realsense.py", line 65, in <module> facebox = mark_detector.extract_cnn_facebox(frames) File "/head_pose_estimation/mark_detector.py", line 138, in extract_cnn_facebox _, raw_boxes = self.face_detector.get_faceboxes( File "/head_pose_estimation/mark_detector.py", line 22, in get_faceboxes rows, cols, _ = image.shape AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'shape'
if __name__ == '__main__': # Before estimation started, there are some startup works to do. # 1. Setup the video source from webcam or video file. video_src = args.cam if args.cam is not None else args.video if video_src is None: print("Video source not assigned, default webcam will be used.") video_src = "path" cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_src) # Get the frame size. This will be used by the pose estimator. width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) # 2. Introduce a pose estimator to solve pose. pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(img_size=(height, width)) # 3. Introduce a mark detector to detect landmarks. mark_detector = MarkDetector() # 4. Measure the performance with a tick meter. tm = cv2.TickMeter() # Now, let the frames flow. while True: # Read a frame. frame_got, frame = cap.read() if frame_got is False: break # If the frame comes from webcam, flip it so it looks like a mirror. if video_src == 0: frame = cv2.flip(frame, 2) # Step 1: Get a face from current frame. facebox = mark_detector.extract_cnn_facebox(frame) # Any face found? if facebox is not None: # Step 2: Detect landmarks. Crop and feed the face area into the # mark detector. x1, y1, x2, y2 = facebox face_img = frame[y1: y2, x1: x2] # Run the detection. tm.start() marks = mark_detector.detect_marks(face_img) tm.stop() # Convert the locations from local face area to the global image. marks *= (x2 - x1) marks[:, 0] += x1 marks[:, 1] += y1 # Try pose estimation with 68 points. pose = pose_estimator.solve_pose_by_68_points(marks) # All done. The best way to show the result would be drawing the # pose on the frame in realtime. # Do you want to see the pose annotation? pose_estimator.draw_annotation_box( frame, pose[0], pose[1], color=(0, 255, 0)) # Do you want to see the head axes? pose_estimator.draw_axes(frame, pose[0], pose[1]) # Do you want to see the marks? mark_detector.draw_marks(frame, marks, color=(0, 255, 0)) # Do you want to see the facebox? mark_detector.draw_box(frame, [facebox]) # Show preview. cv2.imshow("Preview", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: break
if __name__ == '__main__': cap = RealsenseCapture() # プロパティの設定 cap.WIDTH = 640 cap.HEIGHT = 480 cap.FPS = 30 # 1. Setup the video source from webcam or video file. video_src = args.cam if args.cam is not None else args.video if video_src is None: print("Video source not assigned, default webcam will be used.") cap.start() # Get the frame size. This will be used by the pose estimator. #width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) #height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) # 2. Introduce a pose estimator to solve pose. pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(img_size=(cap.HEIGHT, cap.WIDTH)) # 3. Introduce a mark detector to detect landmarks. mark_detector = MarkDetector() # 4. Measure the performance with a tick meter. tm = cv2.TickMeter() # Now, let the frame flow. while True: # Read a frames. ret, frames = cap.read() color_frame = frames[0] depth_frame = frames[1] # ヒートマップに変換 depth_colormap = cv2.applyColorMap(cv2.convertScaleAbs( depth_frame, alpha=0.08), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) if ret is False: break # If the frames comes from webcam, flip it so it looks like a mirror. if video_src == 0: frames = cv2.flip(frames, 2) # Step 1: Get a face from current frames. facebox = mark_detector.extract_cnn_facebox(frames) # Any face found? if facebox is not None: # Step 2: Detect landmarks. Crop and feed the face area into the # mark detector. x1, y1, x2, y2 = facebox face_img = frames[y1: y2, x1: x2] # Run the detection. tm.start() marks = mark_detector.detect_marks(face_img) tm.stop() # Convert the locations from local face area to the global image. marks *= (x2 - x1) marks[:, 0] += x1 marks[:, 1] += y1 # Try pose estimation with 68 points. pose = pose_estimator.solve_pose_by_68_points(marks) # All done. The best way to show the result would be drawing the # pose on the frames in realtime. # Do you want to see the pose annotation? pose_estimator.draw_annotation_box( frames, pose[0], pose[1], color=(0, 255, 0)) # Do you want to see the head axes? pose_estimator.draw_axes(frames, pose[0], pose[1]) # Do you want to see the marks? mark_detector.draw_marks(frames, marks, color=(0, 255, 0)) # Do you want to see the facebox? mark_detector.draw_box(frames, [facebox]) # レンダリング images = np.hstack((color_frame, depth_colormap)) # RGBとDepthを横に並べて表示 cv2.imshow('Preview', frames) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # ストリーミング停止 cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
1. OpenCVのインターフェイスでcv2.VicdeoCapture()みたいに扱いたい(ただのカラーUSBカメラとして扱いたい)
2. Pyrealsense2からカラー画像のフレームを取り出してOpenCV