Github | |--cogs | |--LibeCog2.py | LibeCog.py | main.py
1from discord.ext import commands 2import traceback 3 4from datetime import datetime, timedelta 5import datetime 6 7INITIAL_EXTENSIONS = ['cogs.LibeCog'] 8 9now = datetime.datetime.now() 10 11# コグとして用いるクラスを定義。 12 13 14class LibeBot(commands.Bot): 15 def __init__(self, command_prefix): 16 # スーパークラスのコンストラクタに値を渡して実行。 17 super().__init__(command_prefix) 18 19 # INITIAL_COGSに格納されている名前から、コグを読み込む。 20 # エラーが発生した場合は、エラー内容を表示。 21 for cog in INITIAL_EXTENSIONS: 22 try: 23 self.load_extension(cog) 24 except Exception: 25 traceback.print_exc() 26 27 28 async def on_ready(self): 29 print('--------------------------------------') 30 print('Logged on as {0}!'.format(self.user)) 31 print('-------------------------------------') 32 print(self.user.name) 33 print('--------------------------------------') 34 print(self.user.id) 35 print('-------------------------------------') 36 print('ログインしました。') 37 print('-------------------------------------') 38 print(now.date()) 39 print('--------------------------------------') 40 41 42 43 44if __name__ == '__main__': 45 bot = LibeBot(command_prefix='.') 46 bot.run('TOKEN') 47
1import discord 2import logging 3import abc 4import requests 5from discord.ext import tasks, commands 6import aiohttp 7from pprint import pprint 8import asyncio 9import json 10import typing 11import traceback 12import random 13import time 14import re 15from discord.ext import commands 16from datetime import datetime, timedelta 17import datetime 18import sys 19from pytz import timezone 20import socket 21 22 23time_sta = time.time() 24 25now = datetime.datetime.now() 26 27intents = discord.Intents.all() 28 29CHANNEL_ID = 845440592258662433 30 31host = socket.gethostname() 32print('--------------------------------------------------') 33print(host) 34 35# ipアドレスを取得、表示 36ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) 37print('--------------------------------------------------') 38print("IPアドレス",ip) 39print('--------------------------------------------------') 40 41# コグとして用いるクラスを定義。 42class LibeCog(commands.Cog): 43 44 @commands.command() 45 async def k(self, ctx): 46 async with ctx.typing(): 47 await asyncio.sleep(4) 48 await ctx.send("https://c.tenor.com/Jt0VfYbpyAoAAAAC/%E3%82%AD%E3%82%BA%E3%83%8A%E3%82%A2%E3%82%A4-kizuna-ai.gif") 49 print("年",now.year,"月",now.month,"日",now.day,) 50 51 @commands.command() 52 async def typing(self, ctx): 53 async with ctx.typing(): # 送られてきたチャンネルで入力中と表示させる 54 await asyncio.sleep(3) # 重い処理をwith内で書く。(一例) 55 await ctx.send("?") 56 57 @commands.command() 58 async def gg(self, ctx): 59 await ctx.send("https://storage.googleapis.com/support-forums-api/attachment/message-119416521-7110180789076656037.gif") 60 61 @commands.command() 62 async def bbf(self, ctx): 63 await ctx.send("https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AcademicAffectionateFoal-size_restricted.gif") 64 65 @commands.command() 66 async def hiroyuki(self, ctx): 67 await ctx.send("http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/source_2ch/imgs/9/7/971eec30.gif") 68 69 @commands.command() 70 async def hiroyuki1(self, ctx): 71 await ctx.send("https://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2021/06/p4JCYlTEdYbcpMF_S3lMY_193.gif") 72 73 74 75 @commands.Cog.listener() 76 async def on_message(self, message): 77 78 print('メッセージが来たよ→ {0.author}: {0.content}'.format(message)) 79 80 81 82 if message.content.startswith('/id'): 83 await message.channel.send('PaL_Libe') 84 85 if message.content == '!bot': 86 await message.channel.send('```BOT discordバージョン起動中です。```') 87 88 if message.content.startswith('Hi'): 89 await message.channel.send(message.author.mention + 'こんちゃーす') 90 91 if message.content.startswith('/nhk'): 92 await message.channel.send( 93 message.author.mention + 94 'https://gendai.ismedia.jp/mwimgs/2/7/-/img_27d1ecc00191cbbf4d98e1129f2399f544134.jpg' 95 ) 96 97 if message.content.startswith('/2'): 98 await message.channel.send( 99 message.author.mention + 100 'https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5c6389752300007601224077.jpeg?ops=1200_630' 101 ) 102 103 104 if message.content.startswith('/日にち'): 105 await message.channel.send(f"```{now.date()}です。```") 106 107 if message.content.startswith('/clean'): 108 await message.channel.purge() 109 await message.channel.send('????✡????????☼✡⚐????????✋????✌????✋❄✌') 110 111 if message.channel.id != CHANNEL_ID: # チャンネルが違う場合は無視する 112 return 113 114 if message.content == '/qa': 115 await message.channel.send('l') 116 await asyncio.sleep(3) 117 await message.channel.send('情報漏洩防止のため10秒で削除します') 118 await asyncio.sleep(10) 119 await message.channel.purge() 120 121 122time_end = time.perf_counter() 123tim = time_end- time_sta 124 125def setup(bot): 126 print(tim) 127 print('--------------------------------------------------') 128 print('LibeCogファイルを読み込んだよ!') 129 bot.add_cog(LibeCog(bot)) 130
1from discord.ext import tasks, commands 2 3class LibeCog2(commands.Cog): 4 5 @commands.command() 6 async def ffgb(self, ctx): 7 async with ctx.typing(): # 送られてきたチャンネルで入力中と表示させる 8 await asyncio.sleep(3) # 重い処理をwith内で書く。(一例) 9 await ctx.send("?") 10 11 12 13 @commands.Cog.listener() 14 async def on_message(self, message): 15 16 17def setup(bot): 18 print('--------------------------------------------------') 19 print('LibeCog2ファイルを読み込んだよ!') 20 bot.add_cog(LibeCog2(bot))
python-3.9.5 discord.py==1.7.3
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