エラー: ValueError: file C:/Users/ni-pyo2/Documents/maya/2018/ja_JP/scripts\FukudenMirror.py line 83: 名前と一致するオブジェクトがありません: rig_LeftHand.translate
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import maya.cmds as cmds from maya.common.ui import LayoutManager def bToS(checked): if checked: return -1.0 else: return 1.0 def reverse(): checkTx = cmds.checkBox('checkTx', q=True, value=True) checkTy = cmds.checkBox('checkTy', q=True, value=True) checkTz = cmds.checkBox('checkTz', q=True, value=True) checkRx = cmds.checkBox('checkRx', q=True, value=True) checkRy = cmds.checkBox('checkRy', q=True, value=True) checkRz = cmds.checkBox('checkRz', q=True, value=True) checkSx = cmds.checkBox('checkSx', q=True, value=True) checkSy = cmds.checkBox('checkSy', q=True, value=True) checkSz = cmds.checkBox('checkSz', q=True, value=True) selected = cmds.ls(sl=True,long=True) or [] # a loop which do something each objects for eachSel in selected: eachSelT = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.translate')[0] eachSelR = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.rotate')[0] eachSelS = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.scale')[0] isLockedTx = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.tx', lock=True) isLockedTy = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.ty', lock=True) isLockedTz = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.tz', lock=True) isLockedRx = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.rx', lock=True) isLockedRy = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.ry', lock=True) isLockedRz = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.rz', lock=True) isLockedSx = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.sx', lock=True) isLockedSy = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.sy', lock=True) isLockedSz = cmds.getAttr(eachSel + '.sz', lock=True) print eachSelT, eachSelR, eachSelS try: if 1: if not isLockedTx: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.tx', bToS(checkTx)*eachSelT[0]) if not isLockedTy: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.ty', bToS(checkTy)*eachSelT[1]) if not isLockedTz: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.tz', bToS(checkTz)*eachSelT[2]) if 1: if not isLockedRx: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.rx', bToS(checkRx)*eachSelR[0]) if not isLockedRy: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.ry', bToS(checkRy)*eachSelR[1]) if not isLockedRz: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.rz', bToS(checkRz)*eachSelR[2]) if 1: if not isLockedSx: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.rx', bToS(checkSx)*eachSelS[0]) if not isLockedSy: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.ry', bToS(checkSy)*eachSelS[1]) if not isLockedSz: cmds.setAttr(eachSel + '.rz', bToS(checkSz)*eachSelS[2]) except: print "locked attributes didn't change" def mirrorPose(): head = 'rig_Head' chest = 'rig_Spine1' waist = 'rig_Spine' shoulderL = 'rig_LeftShoulder' shoulderR = 'rig_RightShoulder' handL = 'rig_LeftHand' handR = 'rig_RightHand' elbowL = 'rig_LeftArmUpv' elbowR = 'rig_RightArmUpv' root = 'rig_COG' hip = 'rig_Hips' kneeL = 'rig_LeftLegUpv' kneeR = 'rig_RightLegUpv' footL = 'rig_LeftFoot' footR = 'rig_RightFoot' toeL = 'rig_LeftToeBase' toeR = 'rig_RightToeBase' # temps of hands tempHandL_T = cmds.getAttr(handL + '.translate')[0] tempHandL_R = cmds.getAttr(handL + '.rotate')[0] tempHandR_T = cmds.getAttr(handR + '.translate')[0] tempHandR_R = cmds.getAttr(handR + '.rotate')[0] # temps of elbows tempElbowL_T = cmds.getAttr(elbowL + '.translate')[0] tempElbowR_T = cmds.getAttr(elbowR + '.translate')[0] # temps of shoulders tempShoulderL_R = cmds.getAttr(shoulderL + '.rotate')[0] tempShoulderR_R = cmds.getAttr(shoulderR + '.rotate')[0] # temps of knees tempKneeL_T = cmds.getAttr(kneeL + '.translate')[0] tempKneeR_T = cmds.getAttr(kneeR + '.translate')[0] # temps of foots tempFootL_T = cmds.getAttr(footL + '.translate')[0] tempFootL_R = cmds.getAttr(footL + '.rotate')[0] tempFootR_T = cmds.getAttr(footR + '.translate')[0] tempFootR_R = cmds.getAttr(footR + '.rotate')[0] # temps of toes tempToeL_R = cmds.getAttr(toeL + '.rotate')[0] tempToeR_R = cmds.getAttr(toeR + '.rotate')[0] selected = cmds.ls(sl=True) or [] for eachObj in selected: tempTx = cmds.getAttr(eachObj + '.tx') tempTy = cmds.getAttr(eachObj + '.ty') tempTz = cmds.getAttr(eachObj + '.tz') tempRx = cmds.getAttr(eachObj + '.rx') tempRy = cmds.getAttr(eachObj + '.ry') tempRz = cmds.getAttr(eachObj + '.rz') if eachObj == head or eachObj == chest or eachObj == waist or eachObj == hip: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.ry', -tempRy) cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rz', -tempRz) elif eachObj == root: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.tx', -tempTx) # maybe cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.ry', -tempRy) cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rz', -tempRz) elif eachObj == handL: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.translate', -tempHandR_T[0], tempHandR_T[1], tempHandR_T[2]) cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rotate', tempHandR_R[0], -tempHandR_R[1], -tempHandR_R[2]) elif eachObj == handR: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.translate', -tempHandL_T[0], tempHandL_T[1], tempHandL_T[2]) cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rotate', tempHandL_R[0], -tempHandL_R[1], -tempHandL_R[2]) elif eachObj == elbowL: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.translate', -tempElbowR_T[0], tempElbowR_T[1], -tempElbowR_T[2]) elif eachObj == elbowR: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.translate', -tempElbowL_T[0], tempElbowL_T[1], -tempElbowL_T[2]) elif eachObj == shoulderL: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rotate', tempShoulderR_R[0], -tempShoulderR_R[1], -tempShoulderR_R[2]) elif eachObj == shoulderR: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rotate', tempShoulderL_R[0], -tempShoulderL_R[1], -tempShoulderL_R[2]) elif eachObj == kneeL: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.translate', -tempKneeR_T[0], tempKneeR_T[1], tempKneeR_T[2]) elif eachObj == kneeR: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.translate', -tempKneeL_T[0], tempKneeL_T[1], tempKneeL_T[2]) elif eachObj == footL: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.translate', -tempFootR_T[0], tempFootR_T[1], tempFootR_T[2]) cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rotate', tempFootR_R[0], -tempFootR_R[1], -tempFootR_R[2]) elif eachObj == footR: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.translate', -tempFootL_T[0], tempFootL_T[1], tempFootL_T[2]) cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rotate', tempFootL_R[0], -tempFootL_R[1], -tempFootL_R[2]) elif eachObj == toeL: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rotate', tempToeR_R[0], tempToeR_R[1], -tempToeR_R[2]) elif eachObj == toeR: cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.rotate', tempToeL_R[0], tempToeL_R[1], -tempToeL_R[2]) def mainWindow(): if cmds.window('ReverserWindow', ex=1): cmds.deleteUI('ReverserWindow') windowName = cmds.window('ReverserWindow',title='Fukuden Mirror v0.01') tabTest = cmds.tabLayout(scrollable=False, innerMarginHeight=5, innerMarginWidth=1) with LayoutManager(cmds.columnLayout(adj=True, rowSpacing=10)) as tabTestColumn2: cmds.button(label="(^o MirrorPose o^)", command='FukudenMirror.mirrorPose()') cmds.tabLayout(tabTest, edit=1, tabLabel=(tabTestColumn2, "MirrorPose")) with LayoutManager(cmds.columnLayout(adj=True, rowSpacing=10)) as tabTestColumn: with LayoutManager(cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=4, columnAttach4=('right', 'left', 'left', 'left'), columnWidth4=(50, 50, 50, 50))): cmds.text(label="Translate") checkTx = cmds.checkBox('checkTx', label="X") checkTy = cmds.checkBox('checkTy',label="Y") checkTz = cmds.checkBox('checkTz',label="Z") with LayoutManager(cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=4, columnAttach4=('right', 'left', 'left', 'left'), columnWidth4=(50, 50, 50, 50))): cmds.text(label="Rotate") cmds.checkBox('checkRx', label="X") cmds.checkBox('checkRy',label="Y") cmds.checkBox('checkRz',label="Z") with LayoutManager(cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=4, columnAttach4=('right', 'left', 'left', 'left'), columnWidth4=(50, 50, 50, 50))): cmds.text(label="Scale") cmds.checkBox('checkSx', label="X") cmds.checkBox('checkSy',label="Y") cmds.checkBox('checkSz',label="Z") cmds.button(label="(-o-)Reverse(_o_)", command='FukudenMirror.reverse()') cmds.tabLayout(tabTest, edit=2, tabLabel=(tabTestColumn, "ReversePSR")) cmds.showWindow() if __name__ == '__main__': mainWindow()