Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'bottom')
1<!doctype html> 2<html class="no-js" lang=""> 3 4<head> 5 <meta charset="utf-8"> 6 <title></title> 7 <meta name="description" content=""> 8 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 9 10 <meta property="og:title" content=""> 11 <meta property="og:type" content=""> 12 <meta property="og:url" content=""> 13 <meta property="og:image" content=""> 14 15 <link rel="manifest" href="site.webmanifest"> 16 <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="icon.png"> 17 <!-- Place favicon.ico in the root directory --> 18 19 <!-- CSS only --> 20<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.0.0-beta1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-giJF6kkoqNQ00vy+HMDP7azOuL0xtbfIcaT9wjKHr8RbDVddVHyTfAAsrekwKmP1" crossorigin="anonymous"> 21 22 <meta name="theme-color" content="#fafafa"> 23 24</head> 25<body> 26 27 <style> 28 29 .container{ 30 margin-right: auto; 31 margin-left: auto; 32 max-width: 700px; 33 34 background-image:url(haikei.png); 35 background-size:cover; 36 background-position:center center; 37 background-repeat: no-repeat; 38 object-fit: cover; 39 position: relative; 40 } 41 42 .question{ 43 text-align:center; 44 position:absolute; 45 border: solid 2px gray; 46 } 47 48 .fixed-bottom{ 49 margin: 0; 50 position:absolute; 51 text-align:center; 52 } 53 54 .answer{ 55 border: solid 2px gray; 56 } 57 58 .smile{ 59 position: absolute; 60 left: 30px; 61 bottom: 47px; 62 animation: 63 name1 3s step-end 0s infinite normal; 64 z-index: 2; 65 } 66 67 .sleep{ 68 position: absolute; 69 left: 30px; 70 bottom: 47px; 71 z-index: 1; 72 } 73 74 @keyframes name1{ 75 0%{ opacity:1; } 76 77 35%{ opacity:0; } 78 79 40%{ opacity:1; } 80 81 80%{ opacity:0; } 82 83 85%{ opacity:1; } 84 85 95%{ opacity:0; } 86 87 100%{ opacity:1; } 88 } 89 90 @media screen and (min-width: 481px) { 91 /* 481px以上に適用されるCSS(タブレット用) */ 92 .smile{ 93 position: absolute; 94 left: 50px; 95 bottom: 47px; 96 animation: 97 name1 3s step-end 0s infinite normal; 98 z-index: 2; 99 } 100 101 .sleep{ 102 position: absolute; 103 left: 50px; 104 bottom: 47px; 105 z-index: 1; 106 } 107 108 } 109 @media screen and (min-width: 960px) { 110 /* 960px以上に適用されるCSS(PC用) */ 111 .smile{ 112 position: absolute; 113 left: 90px; 114 bottom: 47px; 115 animation: 116 name1 3s step-end 0s infinite normal; 117 z-index: 2; 118 } 119 120 .sleep{ 121 position: absolute; 122 left: 90px; 123 bottom: 47px; 124 z-index: 1; 125 } 126 127 } 128 </style> 129 130<div class="p-4"> 131</div><!---- space --> 132 133 <div id="top"class="container mt-5 py-5 px-0"> 134 135 <div id="question" class="row justify-content-center"> 136 <div id=questionText class="question fixed-top">問題文</div> 137 </div><!---- question --> 138 139 <div id="button-d"class="row flex-column d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center" style="margin:0;"> 140 <h1 class="col-3 text-center mb-5">クイズ</h1> 141 <button type="button" id="easy"class="col-2 btn btn-primary mb-3 w-25">初級</button> 142 <button type="button" id="middle"class="col-2 ml-1 btn btn-primary mb-3 w-25">中級</button> 143 <button type="button" id="difficult"class="col-2 ml-1 btn btn-primary mb-3 w-25">上級</button> 144 <button type="button" id="hell"class="col-2 ml-1 btn btn-primary w-25">冥府級</button> 145 </div> <!---- difficulty level --> 146 147 <div id="answer"class="row fixed-bottom flex-row row-cols-2 justify-content-center"> 148 <div type="button" id="choiseF" class="answer col py-2 px-0">選択肢1</div> 149 <div type="button" id="choiseS" class="answer col py-2 px-0">選択肢2</div> 150 <div type="button" id="choiseT" class="answer col py-2 px-0">選択肢3</div> 151 <div type="button" id="choiseFo" class="answer col py-2 px-0">選択肢4</div> 152 </div> <!---- answer --> 153 154 <img id="smile" class="smile position-absolute " src="smile.png" alt=""> 155 156 <img id="sleep" class="sleep position-absolute " src="sleep.png" alt=""> 157 158 </div><!---- container --> 159 160 <script src="quiz.js"></script> 161 162</body> 163 164</html>
1const $question=document.getElementById("question")//問題文の親要素 2const $answer=document.getElementById("answer")//選択肢の親要素 3const $button=document.getElementById("button-d")//難易度 4const $easy=document.getElementById("easy")//初級 5const $middle=document.getElementById("middle")//中級 6const $difficult=document.getElementById("difficult")//上級 7const $hell=document.getElementById("hell")//冥府級 8let $smile=document.getElementsByClassName("smile")//画像1 9let $sleep=document.getElementsByClassName("sleep")//画像2 10 11 12let $questionText=document.getElementById("questionText")//問題文 13let $answerW=document.getElementsByClassName("answer")//選択肢 14 15const answerLength=$answerW.length//選択肢の数 16 17 18 19const questionOriginal=$question.style.visibility; 20const answerOriginal=$answer.style.visibility; 21//表示用 22 23$question.style.visibility = "hidden"; 24$answer.style.visibility = "hidden"; 25//非表示 26 27 28$button.onclick = function() { 29 $button.style.visibility ="hidden"; 30 $question.style.visibility=questionOriginal; 31 $answer.style.visibility=answerOriginal; 32 $smile.style.bottom = 97+"px"; 33 $sleep.style.bottom = 97+"px"; 34 }; 35 //画面切り替え 36 37 38
let y=0
2021/09/10 08:52