import random import pyxel from sympy.geometry import Point, Polygon SCREEN_WIDTH = 256 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 256 BUBBLE_MAX_SPEED = 5 PADDEL_W = 60 PADDEL_H = 5 class Vec2: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y class Ball: def __init__(self): self.r = 4 self.pos = Vec2( random.uniform(self.r, SCREEN_WIDTH - self.r), random.uniform(self.r, SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.r), ) self.vel = Vec2( random.uniform(-BUBBLE_MAX_SPEED, BUBBLE_MAX_SPEED), random.uniform(-BUBBLE_MAX_SPEED, BUBBLE_MAX_SPEED), ) self.color = 7 def update(self): bound = False death = False self.pos.x += self.vel.x self.pos.y += self.vel.y if self.vel.x < 0 and self.pos.x < self.r: self.vel.x *= -1 bound = True if self.vel.x > 0 and self.pos.x > SCREEN_WIDTH - self.r: self.vel.x *= -1 bound = True if self.vel.y < 0 and self.pos.y < self.r: self.vel.y *= -1 bound = True if self.vel.y > 0 and self.pos.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.r: self.vel.y *= -1 pyxel.playm(0) bound = True death = True //該当部分 poly = Polygon((self.x, self.pos.y), (self.pos.x + PADDEL_W, self.pos.y), (self.pos.x + PADDEL_W, self.pos.y + PADDEL_H), (self.pos.x, self.pos.y + PADDEL_H)) point = Point(self.myball.pos.x, self.myball.pos.y) if poly.encloses_point(point): bound = True //該当部分終わり return bound, death def draw(self): pyxel.circ(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.r, self.color) class Paddle: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def update(self): if pyxel.btn(pyxel.KEY_LEFT): self.x -= 10 if pyxel.btn(pyxel.KEY_RIGHT): self.x += 10 self.x = max(self.x, 0) self.x = min(self.x, pyxel.width - PADDEL_W) def draw(self): pyxel.rect(self.x, self.y, PADDEL_W, PADDEL_H, 7) class App: def __init__(self): self.life = 3 self.allball_is_dead = False pyxel.init(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, caption="Pyxel block") pyxel.load("assets/sepack-01edit.pyxres") self.myball = Ball() self.mypaddle = Paddle(pyxel.width / 2, pyxel.height - 20) pyxel.run(self.update, self.draw) def playse(self, munumber): pyxel.playm(munumber) def update(self): self.mypaddle.update() bound, death = self.myball.update() if bound: self.playse(0) if death: if self.life: self.life -= 1 if self.life < 1: self.allball_is_dead = True if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.KEY_Q): pyxel.quit() def draw(self): pyxel.cls(0) self.mypaddle.draw() self.myball.draw() pyxel.text(10, 10, "LIFE = " + str(self.life), 7) if self.allball_is_dead: pyxel.text(105, 120, "GAME OVER!!", 7) App()