Public Class Form3
Private strSt As String = "00:00:00"
Private strsy1 As String = strSt.Replace("00", strsy1)
Private strsy2 As String = strSt.Replace("00", strsy2)
Private strsy3 As String = strSt.Replace("00", strsy3)
Private dtmaaa As DateTime
Private dtmbb As DateTime
Private ccc As String
Private hhh As String
Private Sub btn1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn1.Click
If dtmbb = Nothing Then 'dtmbbの中に何も数値がない時、btn1は押せない
If btn1.Text = "スタート" Then 'btn1がスタートと表示されている時、スタートする
Timer1.Enabled = True
btn1.Text = "キャンセル" 'btn1がキャンセルと表示される
Me.btn2.Enabled = False
dtmaaa = Now
dtmbb = dtmaaa
dtmbb = dtmbb.AddHours(strsy1)
dtmbb = dtmbb.AddMinutes(strsy2)
dtmbb = dtmbb.AddSeconds(strsy3)
ccc = dtmbb.ToLongDateString()
hhh = dtmbb.ToString("HH時mm分ss秒")
lbl5.Text = "予定時刻" & ":" & " " & ccc & hhh '予定時刻がlbl5に表示される Else btn1.Text = "キャンセル " 'btn2がキャンセルと表示されているとき、クリアされる Timer1.Enabled = False Me.btn2.Enabled = True lbl4.Text = "00:00:00" lbl5.Text = "予定時刻 : 0000年00月00日00時間00分00秒" btn1.Text = "スタート" dtmbb = Nothing End If End If End Sub Private Sub btn2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn2.Click If Not txt1.Text = "" Or txt2.Text = "" Or txt3.Text = "" Then dtmbb = Nothin End If strsy1 = Val(txt1.Text) strsy2 = Val(txt2.Text) strsy3 = Val(txt3.Text) If strsy1 * 3600 + strsy2 * 60 + strsy3 >= 359999 Then 'もし、時間の合計が24時間を超えると、23:59:59とlbl4に表示される MsgBox("エラー", 64) txt1.Text = "" txt2.Text = "" txt3.Text = "" lbl4.Text = "00:00:00" Else If txt1.Text = "" And txt2.Text = "" And txt3.Text = "" Then 'もしすべてのtxtが空の時、数字を入れてくださいと表示される MsgBox("数字を入れて下さい。", 64) Else dtmbb = dtmbb.AddHours(strsy1) dtmbb = dtmbb.AddMinutes(strsy2) dtmbb = dtmbb.AddSeconds(strsy3) If strsy1 * 3600 + strsy2 * 60 + strsy3 <= 1915199 Then lbl4.Text = "0" & dtmbb Else lbl4.Text = dtmbb End If txt1.Text = "" txt2.Text = "" txt3.Text = "" btn1.Enabled = True End If End If End Sub Dim TIME As Integer Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Dim TimeLeft As TimeSpan '残り時間の計算 TimeLeft = dtmbb - Now '残り時間の表示 Dim ts1 As New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0) ' If TimeLeft > New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0) Then TIME = TimeLeft.ToString() lbl4.Text = TimeLeft.ToString("mm\:ss") lbl4.Text = TIME & ":" & lbl4.Text Else lbl4.Text = TimeLeft.ToString("hh\:mm\:ss") End If 'lbl4.Text = gogo & ":" & lbl4.Text '残り時間が1秒を切ったら終了 If TimeLeft < New TimeSpan(0, 0, 1) Then Timer1.Enabled = False MsgBox("時間です!", 64) End If End Sub Private Sub txt1_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txt3.KeyPress, txt2.KeyPress, txt1.KeyPress, MyBase.KeyPress txt1.MaxLength = 2 'テキストボックスには三ケタまでしか入力できない txt2.MaxLength = 4 txt3.MaxLength = 4 If (e.KeyChar < "0"c OrElse "9"c < e.KeyChar) AndAlso e.KeyChar <> ControlChars.Back Then '押されたキーが 0~9、backキーでない場合は、イベントをキャンセルする e.Handled = True End If End Sub
End Class