Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard::login() must be an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable, instance of App\User given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\blog\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\RegistersUsers.php on line 35
C:\xampp\htdocs\blog\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard.php */ public function loginUsingId($id, $remember = false) { if (! is_null($user = $this->provider->retrieveById($id))) { $this->login($user, $remember); return $user; } return false; } /** * Log a user into the application. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable $user * @param bool $remember * @return void */ public function login(AuthenticatableContract $user, $remember = false) { $this->updateSession($user->getAuthIdentifier()); // If the user should be permanently "remembered" by the application we will // queue a permanent cookie that contains the encrypted copy of the user // identifier. We will then decrypt this later to retrieve the users. if ($remember) { $this->ensureRememberTokenIsSet($user); $this->queueRecallerCookie($user); } // If we have an event dispatcher instance set we will fire an event so that // any listeners will hook into the authentication events and run actions // based on the login and logout events fired from the guard instances. $this->fireLoginEvent($user, $remember); $this->setUser($user); } Arguments
App\User.php <?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class User extends Model { protected $table = 'users'; protected $fillable = [ 'name', 'email', 'email_verified_at', 'password' ]; }
config\auth.php <?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authentication Defaults |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This option controls the default authentication "guard" and password | reset options for your application. You may change these defaults | as required, but they're a perfect start for most applications. | */ 'defaults' => [ 'guard' => 'web', 'passwords' => 'users', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authentication Guards |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Next, you may define every authentication guard for your application. | Of course, a great default configuration has been defined for you | here which uses session storage and the Eloquent user provider. | | All authentication drivers have a user provider. This defines how the | users are actually retrieved out of your database or other storage | mechanisms used by this application to persist your user's data. | | Supported: "session", "token" | */ 'guards' => [ 'web' => [ 'driver' => 'session', 'provider' => 'users', ], 'api' => [ 'driver' => 'token', 'provider' => 'users', 'hash' => false, ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Providers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | All authentication drivers have a user provider. This defines how the | users are actually retrieved out of your database or other storage | mechanisms used by this application to persist your user's data. | | If you have multiple user tables or models you may configure multiple | sources which represent each model / table. These sources may then | be assigned to any extra authentication guards you have defined. | | Supported: "database", "eloquent" | */ 'providers' => [ 'users' => [ 'driver' => 'eloquent', 'model' => App\User::class, ], // 'users' => [ // 'driver' => 'database', // 'table' => 'users', // ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Resetting Passwords |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | You may specify multiple password reset configurations if you have more | than one user table or model in the application and you want to have | separate password reset settings based on the specific user types. | | The expire time is the number of minutes that the reset token should be | considered valid. This security feature keeps tokens short-lived so | they have less time to be guessed. You may change this as needed. | */ 'passwords' => [ 'users' => [ 'provider' => 'users', 'table' => 'password_resets', 'expire' => 60, ], ], ];
### 試したこと エラーメッセージを翻訳しましたが理解できませんでした。 テーブル名や綴りの見直しを実施するも解決に至りませんでした。 ### 補足情報(FW/ツールのバージョンなど) windows10pro xampp