streamlink --default-stream best -p "E:tools\MPC-HCmpc-hc.exe"
plugin は self.resolve_url(url)で一番下のコードを継承したものが呼び出されているようですがメソッドは変更されていないようです。ですがもし、_get_streams()という書き方でもオーバーライドできるならされています。
def streams(self, url, **params): """Attempts to find a plugin and extract streams from the *url*. *params* are passed to :func:`Plugin.streams`. Raises :exc:`NoPluginError` if no plugin is found. """ plugin = self.resolve_url(url) return plugin.streams(**params)
def streams(self, stream_types=None, sorting_excludes=None): """Attempts to extract available streams. Returns a :class:`dict` containing the streams, where the key is the name of the stream, most commonly the quality and the value is a :class:`Stream` object. The result can contain the synonyms **best** and **worst** which points to the streams which are likely to be of highest and lowest quality respectively. If multiple streams with the same name are found, the order of streams specified in *stream_types* will determine which stream gets to keep the name while the rest will be renamed to "<name>_<stream type>". The synonyms can be fine tuned with the *sorting_excludes* parameter. This can be either of these types: - A list of filter expressions in the format *[operator]<value>*. For example the filter ">480p" will exclude streams ranked higher than "480p" from the list used in the synonyms ranking. Valid operators are >, >=, < and <=. If no operator is specified then equality will be tested. - A function that is passed to filter() with a list of stream names as input. :param stream_types: A list of stream types to return. :param sorting_excludes: Specify which streams to exclude from the best/worst synonyms. """ try: ostreams = self._get_streams() if isinstance(ostreams, dict): ostreams = ostreams.items() # Flatten the iterator to a list so we can reuse it. if ostreams: ostreams = list(ostreams) except NoStreamsError: return {} except (OSError, ValueError) as err: raise PluginError(err) if not ostreams: return {} if stream_types is None: stream_types = self.default_stream_types(ostreams) # Add streams depending on stream type and priorities sorted_streams = sorted(iterate_streams(ostreams), key=partial(stream_type_priority, stream_types)) streams = {} for name, stream in sorted_streams: stream_type = type(stream).shortname() # Use * as wildcard to match other stream types if "*" not in stream_types and stream_type not in stream_types: continue # drop _alt from any stream names if name.endswith("_alt"): name = name[:-len("_alt")] existing = streams.get(name) if existing: existing_stream_type = type(existing).shortname() if existing_stream_type != stream_type: name = "{0}_{1}".format(name, stream_type) if name in streams: name = "{0}_alt".format(name) num_alts = len(list(filter(lambda n: n.startswith(name), streams.keys()))) # We shouldn't need more than 2 alt streams if num_alts >= 2: continue elif num_alts > 0: name = "{0}{1}".format(name, num_alts + 1) # Validate stream name and discard the stream if it's bad. match = re.match("([A-z0-9_+]+)", name) if match: name = else: self.logger.debug(f"The stream '{name}' has been ignored since it is badly named.") continue # Force lowercase name and replace space with underscore. streams[name.lower()] = stream