At line 13 of file metropolis2.f90 (unit = 11, file = 'data14-1.txt')
Fortran runtime error: End of file
Error termination. Backtrace:
Could not print backtrace: libbacktrace could not find executable to open
1コードmodule hh 2 implicit none 3contains 4 function h(kupper, x_c) result(value) 5 implicit none 6 integer i 7 real(8) kupper, x_c, value 8 real(8) :: x(0:199) 9 10 open(11, file='data14-1.txt', status='old') 11 value = 0.5*(x_c-2.0)*(x_c-2.0) 12 do i = 0, 199 13 read(11, *) x(i) 14 value = value + 0.5*kupper*(x(i)-x_c)*(x(i)-x_c) 15 enddo 16 close(11) 17 end function h 18end module hh 19 20program metropolis2 21 use hh 22 implicit none 23 integer i, j 24 real(8) :: epsi1(0:99), epsi2(0:99), x(0:199) 25 real(8) :: r(0:99) 26 real(8) :: h_prime, x_c = 1.0, kupper = 5.0 27 28 open(11, file='data14-1.txt', status='old') 29 open(12, file='data14-2.txt', status='old') 30 open(13, file='data14-3.txt', status='old') 31 open(14, file='data14-4.txt', status='old') 32 open(15, file='metropolis2.dat', status='replace') 33 do i = 0, 99 34 read(12,*) epsi1(i) 35 read(13,*) epsi2(i) 36 read(11,*) x(i) 37 x_c = x_c + epsi1(i) 38 kupper = kupper + epsi2(i) 39 h_prime = h(kupper, x_c) 40 read(14,*) r(i) 41 if (r(i) <= exp(h(kupper-epsi2(i), x_c-epsi1(i))-h_prime)) then 42 continue 43 else 44 x_c = x_c - epsi1(i) 45 kupper = kupper - epsi2(i) 46 endif 47 write(15, *) i, kupper, x_c 48 enddo 49 close(11) 50 close(12) 51 close(13) 52 close(14) 53 close(15) 54end program metropolis2