1<?php 2 3namespace MyApp; 4 5require_once('config.php'); 6require_once('functions.php'); 7 8class Calendar { 9 public $prev; 10 public $next; 11 public $yearMonth; 12 public $month; 13 private $_thisMonth; 14 private $_dbh; 15 private $_myname; 16 17 public function __construct() { 18 try { 19 if (!isset($_GET['t']) || !preg_match('/\A\d{4}-\d{2}\z/', $_GET['t'])) { 20 throw new \Exception(); 21 } 22 $this->_thisMonth = new \DateTime($_GET['t']); 23 } catch (\Exception $e) { 24 $this->_thisMonth = new \DateTime('first day of this month'); 25 } 26 $this->prev = $this->_prevLink(); 27 $this->next = $this->_nextLink(); 28 $this->month = $this->_thisMonth->format('m'); 29 $this->yearMonth = $this->_thisMonth->format('F Y'); 30 $this->_dbh = connectDb(); 31 $this->_myname = myname(); 32 } 33 34 // 前月へのリンク 35 private function _prevLink() { 36 $dt = clone $this->_thisMonth; 37 return $dt->modify('-1 month')->format('Y-m'); 38 } 39 40 41 // 翌月へのリンク 42 private function _nextLink() { 43 $dt = clone $this->_thisMonth; 44 return $dt->modify('+1 month')->format('Y-m'); 45 } 46 47 // ログイン中のユーザーに関するテーブル作成 48 public function user($myname){ 49 $sql = "create table if not exists {$myname}(id int not null auto_increment, 50 time text, 51 seq int not null, 52 type enum('notyet', 'done', 'deleted') default 'notyet', 53 title text, 54 created datetime, 55 modified datetime, 56 KEY type(type), 57 KEY seq(seq), 58 primary key(id))"; 59 $stmt = $this->_dbh->prepare($sql); 60 $stmt->execute(); 61 } 62 63 // todoリスト 64 private function _todoList($time){ 65 $sql = "select * from {$this->_myname} where time = '{$time}' and type != 'deleted' order by seq"; 66 $stmt=$this->_dbh->prepare($sql); 67 $stmt->execute(); 68 $tasks = $stmt->fetchAll(); 69 $time = str_replace('-', '_', $time); 70 if(count($tasks)==0){ 71 $content = "<ul id='{$time}'></ul>"; 72 return $content; 73 } 74 75 $i = 0; 76 foreach ($tasks as $task){ 77 $x = h($task['id']); 78 $y = h($task['type']); 79 $z = $y=='done' ? 'checked':''; 80 $q = $y=='notyet' ?'editTask':''; 81 $r = h($task['title']); 82 global $i; 83 $i++; 84 $content .= "<li id='task_{$x}' data-id='{$x}'> 85 <input type='checkbox' class='checkTask' {$z}> 86 <span class='{$y}'>$r</span> 87 <span class='{$q}'>[編集]</span> 88 <span class='deleteTask'>[削除]</span> 89 <span class='drag'>[drag]</span> 90 </li>"; 91 if($i==count($tasks)){ 92 $content = "<ul id='{$time}'>{$content}</ul>"; 93 return $content; 94 } 95 } 96 } 97 98 // カレンダー表示 99 public function show() { 100 $tail = $this->_tail(); 101 $body = $this->_body(); 102 $head = $this->_head(); 103 $html = '<tr>' . $tail . $body . $head . '</tr>'; 104 echo $html; 105 } 106 107 // 前月の末日以前数日 108 private function _tail() { 109 $tail = ''; 110 $lastDayOfPrevMonth = new \DateTime('last day of ' . $this->yearMonth . ' -1 month'); 111 while ($lastDayOfPrevMonth->format('w') < 6) { 112 $x=$this->_todoList($lastDayOfPrevMonth->format( "Y-m-d")); 113 $y=$lastDayOfPrevMonth->format( "Y-m-d"); 114 $tail = sprintf('<td id="'.$y.'" class="gray" valign="top"><span>%d</span><br>'.$x.' 115 </td>', $lastDayOfPrevMonth->format('d')) . $tail; 116 $lastDayOfPrevMonth->sub(new \DateInterval('P1D')); 117 } 118 return $tail; 119 } 120 121 // 当月の日にち 122 private function _body() { 123 $body = ''; 124 $period = new \DatePeriod( 125 new \DateTime('first day of ' . $this->yearMonth), 126 new \DateInterval('P1D'), 127 new \DateTime('first day of ' . $this->yearMonth . ' +1 month') 128 ); 129 $today = new \DateTime('today'); 130 foreach ($period as $day) { 131 if ($day->format('w') === '0') { $body .= '</tr><tr>'; } 132 $todayClass = ($day->format('Y_m_d') === $today->format('Y_m_d')) ? 'today' : ''; 133 $x=$this->_todoList($day->format('Y-m-d')); 134 $y=$day->format('Y-m-d'); 135 $body .= sprintf('<td id="'.$y.'" valign="top"><span class="youbi_%d %s"><span>%d</span></span><br>' 136 .$x.'</td>', $day->format('w'), $todayClass, $day->format('d')); 137 } 138 return $body; 139 } 140 141 // 翌月の初日以降数日 142 private function _head() { 143 $head = ''; 144 $firstDayOfNextMonth = new \DateTime('first day of ' . $this->yearMonth . ' +1 month'); 145 while ($firstDayOfNextMonth->format('w') > 0) { 146 $x=$this->_todoList($firstDayOfNextMonth->format('Y-m-d')); 147 $y=$firstDayOfNextMonth->format('Y-m-d'); 148 $head .= sprintf('<td id="'.$y.'" class="gray" valign="top"><span>%d</span><br>'.$x.'</td>', $firstDayOfNextMonth->format('d')); 149 $firstDayOfNextMonth->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); 150 } 151 return $head; 152 } 153 154}
<?php $cal->show(); ?>でカレンダー表示すると
"<li id='task_{$x}' data-id='{$x}'>
<input type='checkbox' class='checkTask' {$z}>
<span class='{$y}'>$r</span>
<span class='{$q}'>[編集]</span>
<span class='deleteTask'>[削除]</span>
<span class='drag'>[drag]</span>
が抜け落ちたり、そもそも _todoList($time)関数において、 return $content;