Wordpressで実装したいHPで画像をタップ(クリック)したら他のページやサイトに飛べるようにしたいのですが、The image #~ couldn't be loadedと表示され何度違うやり方でやってもできませんでした。
1<!-- Portfolio--> 2 <section class="page-section bg-dark" id="portfolio"> 3 4 <!-- Call to action--> 5 <div class="container"> 6 <div class="row justify-content-center"> 7 <div class="col-lg-8 text-center"> 8 <h2 class="text-white mt-0">ああああ</h2> 9 <hr class="divider my-4" /> 10 <p class="text-white-50 mb-4">ああああ(</p> 11 </div> 12 </div> 13 <div class="row justify-content-center"> 14 <div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6"> 15 <!-- hover effect 1(start) --> 16 <figure class="snip1200"> 17 <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/assets/img2/sq-sample27.jpg" alt="sq-sample27" /> 18 <figcaption> 19 <p>I say, if your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.</p> 20 <div class="heading"> 21 <h2><span>Cafe</span></h2> 22 </div> 23 </figcaption> 24 <a href="#"></a> 25 </figure> 26 <!-- hover effect 1(end)--> 27 </div>
1<?php 2function twpp_enqueue_scripts() { 3 wp_enqueue_script( 4 'scripts-script', 5 get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/scripts.js', 6 ); 7 wp_enqueue_script( 8 'common-script', 9 get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/common.js', 10 array( 'scripts-script' ) 11 false, 12 true 13 ); 14} 15add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'twpp_enqueue_scripts' ); 16?> 17
1@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:400,500,800); 2figure.snip1200 { 3font-family: 'Raleway', Arial, sans-serif; 4position: relative; 5overflow: hidden; 6margin: 10px; 7min-width: 220px; 8max-width: 310px; 9max-height: 310px; 10width: 100%; 11background: #000000; 12color: #ffffff; 13text-align: center; 14box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); 15font-size: 16px; 16} 17figure.snip1200 * { 18-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 19box-sizing: border-box; 20-webkit-transition: all 0.45s ease-in-out; 21transition: all 0.45s ease-in-out; 22} 23figure.snip1200 img { 24max-width: 100%; 25position: relative; 26opacity: 0.9; 27} 28figure.snip1200 figcaption { 29position: absolute; 30top: 45%; 31left: 7%; 32right: 7%; 33bottom: 45%; 34border: 1px solid white; 35border-width: 1px 1px 0; 36} 37figure.snip1200 .heading { 38overflow: hidden; 39-webkit-transform: translateY(50%); 40transform: translateY(50%); 41position: absolute; 42bottom: 0; 43width: 100%; 44} 45figure.snip1200 h2 { 46display: table; 47margin: 0 auto; 48padding: 0 10px; 49position: relative; 50text-align: center; 51width: auto; 52text-transform: uppercase; 53font-weight: 400; 54} 55figure.snip1200 h2 span { 56font-weight: 800; 57} 58figure.snip1200 h2:before, 59figure.snip1200 h2:after { 60position: absolute; 61display: block; 62width: 1000%; 63height: 1px; 64content: ''; 65background: white; 66top: 50%; 67} 68figure.snip1200 h2:before { 69left: -1000%; 70} 71figure.snip1200 h2:after { 72right: -1000%; 73} 74figure.snip1200 p { 75top: 50%; 76-webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); 77transform: translateY(-50%); 78position: absolute; 79width: 100%; 80padding: 0 20px; 81margin: 0; 82opacity: 0; 83line-height: 1.6em; 84font-size: 0.9em; 85} 86figure.snip1200 a { 87left: 0; 88right: 0; 89top: 0; 90bottom: 0; 91position: absolute; 92z-index: 1; 93} 94figure.snip1200:hover img, 95figure.snip1200.hover img { 96opacity: 0.25; 97-webkit-transform: scale(1.1); 98transform: scale(1.1); 99} 100figure.snip1200:hover figcaption, 101figure.snip1200.hover figcaption { 102top: 7%; 103bottom: 7%; 104} 105figure.snip1200:hover p, 106figure.snip1200.hover p { 107opacity: 1; 108-webkit-transition-delay: 0.35s; 109transition-delay: 0.35s; 110}
###scripts.js -new-
1(function($) { 2 "use strict"; // Start of use strict 3 4 // Smooth scrolling using jQuery easing 5 $('a.js-scroll-trigger[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click(function() { 6 if (location.pathname.replace(/^//, '') == this.pathname.replace(/^//, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { 7 var target = $(this.hash); 8 target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); 9 if (target.length) { 10 $('html, body').animate({ 11 scrollTop: (target.offset().top - 72) 12 }, 1000, "easeInOutExpo"); 13 return false; 14 } 15 } 16 }); 17 18 // Closes responsive menu when a scroll trigger link is clicked 19 $('.js-scroll-trigger').click(function() { 20 $('.navbar-collapse').collapse('hide'); 21 }); 22 23 // Activate scrollspy to add active class to navbar items on scroll 24 $('body').scrollspy({ 25 target: '#mainNav', 26 offset: 75 27 }); 28 29 // Collapse Navbar 30 var navbarCollapse = function() { 31 if ($("#mainNav").offset().top > 100) { 32 $("#mainNav").addClass("navbar-scrolled"); 33 } else { 34 $("#mainNav").removeClass("navbar-scrolled"); 35 } 36 }; 37 // Collapse now if page is not at top 38 navbarCollapse(); 39 // Collapse the navbar when page is scrolled 40 $(window).scroll(navbarCollapse); 41 42 // Magnific popup calls 43 $('#portfolio').magnificPopup({ 44 delegate: 'a', 45 type: 'image', 46 tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...', 47 mainClass: 'mfp-img-mobile', 48 gallery: { 49 enabled: true, 50 navigateByImgClick: true, 51 preload: [0, 1] 52 }, 53 image: { 54 tError: '<a href="%url%">The image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.' 55 } 56 }); 57})(jQuery); // End of use strict 58$(".hover").mouseleave( 59function () { 60 $(this).removeClass("hover"); 61} 62); 63$('#test').on('click', function(e){ 64e.stopPropagation(); 65})
###scripts.js -old-
1 (function($) { 2 "use strict"; // Start of use strict 3 4 // Smooth scrolling using jQuery easing 5 $('a.js-scroll-trigger[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click(function() { 6 if (location.pathname.replace(/^//, '') == this.pathname.replace(/^//, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) { 7 var target = $(this.hash); 8 target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); 9 if (target.length) { 10 $('html, body').animate({ 11 scrollTop: (target.offset().top - 72) 12 }, 1000, "easeInOutExpo"); 13 return false; 14 } 15 } 16 }); 17 18 // Closes responsive menu when a scroll trigger link is clicked 19 $('.js-scroll-trigger').click(function() { 20 $('.navbar-collapse').collapse('hide'); 21 }); 22 23 // Activate scrollspy to add active class to navbar items on scroll 24 $('body').scrollspy({ 25 target: '#mainNav', 26 offset: 75 27 }); 28 29 // Collapse Navbar 30 var navbarCollapse = function() { 31 if ($("#mainNav").offset().top > 100) { 32 $("#mainNav").addClass("navbar-scrolled"); 33 } else { 34 $("#mainNav").removeClass("navbar-scrolled"); 35 } 36 }; 37 // Collapse now if page is not at top 38 navbarCollapse(); 39 // Collapse the navbar when page is scrolled 40 $(window).scroll(navbarCollapse); 41 42 // Magnific popup calls 43 $('#portfolio').magnificPopup({ 44 delegate: 'a', 45 type: 'image', 46 tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...', 47 mainClass: 'mfp-img-mobile', 48 gallery: { 49 enabled: true, 50 navigateByImgClick: true, 51 preload: [0, 1] 52 }, 53 image: { 54 tError: '<a href="%url%">The image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.' 55 } 56 }); 57 58})(jQuery); // End of use strict 59
1 $(".hover").mouseleave( 2 function () { 3 $(this).removeClass("hover"); 4 } 5 );