from tkinter import * from dataclasses import dataclass import time import random import math DURATION = 0.01 PADDLE_X0 = 200 PADDLE_Y0 = 550 BALL_Y0 = 300 PAD_VX = 10 BALL_VX = 5 BALL_VY = 5 BLOCK_X = 0 BLOCK_Y = 100 BLOCK_W = 100 BLOCK_H = 20 NUM_BLOCKS = 7 score = 0 ADD_SCORE = 10 MONEY_BONUS = 50 COLORS = ["blue", "red", "black", "white", "green", "pink", "orange"] @dataclass class Paddle: id: int x : int y : int w : int h : int v : int c : str @dataclass class Ball: id: int x : int y : int d : int vx: int vy: int c : str @dataclass class Block: id: int x : int y : int w : int h : int bc: int c : str @dataclass class Game: start: int @dataclass class Spear: id: int x : int y : int w : int h : int vy: int c : str @dataclass class Money: id: int x : int y : int w : int h : int vy: int c : str def make_ball(x, y, d, vx, vy, c="black"): id = canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + d, y + d, fill=c, outline=c) return Ball(id, x, y, d, vx, vy, c) def move_ball(ball): ball.x += ball.vx ball.y += ball.vy def redraw_ball(ball): canvas.coords(ball.id, ball.x, ball.y, ball.x + ball.d, ball.y + ball.d) def make_paddle(x, y, w , v, h, c="blue"): id = canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + w, y + h, fill=c, outline=c) return Paddle(id, x, y, w, h, v, c) def move_paddle(pad): pad.x += pad.v def redraw_paddle(pad): canvas.coords(pad.id, pad.x, pad.y, pad.x + pad.w, pad.y + pad.h) def make_block(x, y, m=40, n=300, bc=3, c="green"): id = canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + m, y + n, fill=c, outline=c) return Block(id, x, y, m, n, bc, c) def make_blocks(n_rows, x0, y0, w, h, pad=10): blocks = [] for x in range(n_rows): blocks.append(make_block(x0, y0, w, h)) x0 = x0 + w + pad return blocks def delete_block(block): canvas.delete(block.id) def game_start(event): game.start = True def game_over(): canvas.create_text(400, 200, text="Game Over!", font=('FixedSys', 16)) def make_spear(x, y, w=1, h=40, vy=5, c="red"): id = canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + w, y + h, fill=c, outline=c) return Spear(id, x, y, w, h, vy, c) def delete_spear(spear): canvas.delete(spear.id) def move_spear(spear): spear.y += spear.vy def redraw_spear(spear): canvas.coords(spear.id, spear.x, spear.y, spear.x + spear.w, spear.y + spear.h) def make_money(x, y, w=10, h=4, vy=3, c="gold"): id = canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + w, y + h, fill=c, outline=c) return Money(id, x, y, w, h, vy, c) def delete_money(money): canvas.delete(money.id) def move_money(money): money.y += money.vy def redraw_money(money): canvas.coords(money.id, money.x, money.y, money.x + money.w, money.y + money.h) def make_walls(ox, oy, width, height): canvas.create_rectangle(ox, oy, ox + width, oy + height) def left_paddle(event): paddle.v = -PAD_VX def right_paddle(event): paddle.v = PAD_VX def stop_paddle(event): paddle.v = 0 def change_paddle_color(pad, c="red"): canvas.itemconfigure(pad.id, fill=c) canvas.itemconfigure(pad.id, outline=c) redraw_paddle(pad) tk = Tk() tk.title("Game") WALL_EAST = 800 WALL_SOUTH = 600 canvas = Canvas(tk, width=WALL_EAST, height=WALL_SOUTH, bd=0, highlightthickness=0) canvas.pack() tk.update() BALL_X0 = WALL_EAST/2 PADDLE_X0 = WALL_EAST/2-50 PADDLE_Y0 = WALL_SOUTH-100 paddle = make_paddle(PADDLE_X0, PADDLE_Y0, 100, PAD_VX, 10) ball = make_ball(200, BALL_Y0, 10, BALL_VX, BALL_VX) make_walls(0, 0, WALL_EAST, WALL_SOUTH) blocks = make_blocks(NUM_BLOCKS, BLOCK_X, BLOCK_Y, BLOCK_W, BLOCK_H) game = Game(False) spear = None money = None canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Left>', left_paddle) canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Right>', right_paddle) canvas.bind_all('<KeyRelease-Left>', stop_paddle) canvas.bind_all('<KeyRelease-Right>', stop_paddle) canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-space>', game_start) id_score = canvas.create_text(10, 10, text=("score:" + str(score)), font=("FixedSys", 16), justify="left", anchor=NW) id_text = canvas.create_text(WALL_EAST/2, 200, text = "Press 'SPACE' to start", font = ('FixedSys', 16)) tk.update() while not game.start: tk.update() time.sleep(DURATION) canvas.delete(id_text) tk.update() while True: move_paddle(paddle) move_ball(ball) if money : move_money(money) if money == None and random.random() < 0.1: money = make_money(random.randint(100, WALL_EAST - 100), 10) if money and money.y + money.h >= WALL_SOUTH: delete_money(money) money = None if spear : move_spear(spear) if spear == None and random.random() < 0.7: spear = make_spear(random.randint(100, WALL_EAST - 100), 10) if spear and spear.y + spear.h >= WALL_SOUTH: delete_spear(spear) spear = None if ball.y + ball.vy <= 100: ball.vy = -ball.vy if ball.y + ball.d >= WALL_SOUTH: game_over() break if money: if (paddle.x <= money.x <= paddle.x + paddle.w \ and money.y + money.h >= paddle.y): redraw_paddle(paddle) redraw_money score += MONEY_BONUS canvas.itemconfigure(id_score, text="score:" + str(score)) delete_money if spear: if (paddle.x <= spear.x <= paddle.x + paddle.w \ and spear.y + spear.h >= paddle.y \ and spear.y <= paddle.y + paddle.h): redraw_paddle(paddle) redraw_spear(spear) game_over() break if (ball.x + ball.vx < 0 \ or ball.x + ball.d >= WALL_EAST): ball.vx = -ball.vx for block in blocks: if ( block.x < ball.x + ball.d/2 < block.x + block.w and (block.y <= ball.y <= block.y + block.h or block.y <= ball.y + ball.d <= block.y + block.h)): ball.vy = -ball.vy score += ADD_SCORE canvas.itemconfigure(id_score, text="score:" + str(score)) block.bc -= 1 if block.bc == 0: delete_block(block) blocks.remove(block) if blocks == []:break if len(blocks) == 0: canvas.create_text(WALL_EAST/2, 200, text="Clear!", font=('FixedSys', 16)) break if (ball.y + ball.d >= paddle.y \ and paddle.x <= ball.x <= paddle.x + paddle.w): ball.vy = -ball.vy ball.vx = int(6 * (ball.x + ball.d/2 - paddle.x) / paddle.w)- 3 redraw_paddle(paddle) redraw_ball(ball) if money : redraw_money(money) if spear : redraw_spear(spear) tk.update() time.sleep(DURATION) ```ここに言語を入力 コード
if money: