1import sys 2from PySide2 import QtCore, QtWidgets 3from PySide2.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine 4from PySide2.QtCore import QUrl 5 6import threading 7import http.server 8import socketserver 9import json 10 11 12class MyHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): 13 def do_POST(self): 14 self.send_response(200) 15 print(self.path) 16 if self.path =="/enter": 17 print("人が1人入ってきました") 18 elif self.path =="/exit": 19 print("人が1人出て行きました") 20 elif self.path =="/lock": 21 print("鍵をかけました") 22 elif self.path =="/unlock": 23 print("鍵を開けました") 24 else: 25 print("不正なリクエストです。") 26 self.end_headers() 27 28 29class Connect(QtCore.QObject): 30 def __init__(self): 31 super().__init__() 32 33 @QtCore.Slot(int, result=int) 34 def enter(self, arg): 35 return arg + 1 36 37 @QtCore.Slot(int, result=int) 38 def exit(self, arg): 39 if (arg == 0): 40 return 0 41 else: 42 return arg - 1 43 44class Server(QtCore.QThread): 45 def __init__(self, parent=None): 46 QtCore.QThread.__init__(self, parent) 47 48 def run(self): 49 with socketserver.TCPServer(("", 80), MyHandler) as httpd: 50 print("サーバーを起動します") 51 httpd.serve_forever() 52 53 54def runServer(): 55 with socketserver.TCPServer(("", 80), MyHandler) as httpd: 56 print("サーバーを起動します") 57 httpd.serve_forever() 58 print("hoge") 59 60 61def runGUIApp(): 62 app = QtWidgets.QApplication() 63 64 myconnect = Connect() 65 66 engine = QQmlApplicationEngine() 67 68 bind = engine.rootContext() 69 bind.setContextProperty("Connect", myconnect) 70 71 engine.load(QUrl("Test1/Test1.qml")) 72 73 sys.exit(app.exec_()) 74 75 76if __name__ == '__main__': 77 thread_1 = threading.Thread(target=runServer) 78 thread_1.start() 79 runGUIApp() 80
1import QtQuick 2.12 2import QtQuick.Window 2.12 3import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 4import QtQuick.Extras 1.4 5 6Window { 7 id: window 8 visible: true 9 width: 250 10 height: 300 11 color: "#474951" 12 title: qsTr("Room A Console") 13 14 StatusIndicator { 15 id: statusIndicator 16 x: 31 17 y: 44 18 color: "red" 19 active: true 20 } 21 22 Label { 23 id: label 24 x: 75 25 y: 44 26 width: 148 27 height: 32 28 color: "#ccdff3" 29 text: qsTr("0") 30 font.pointSize: 20 31 textFormat: Text.PlainText 32 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter 33 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter 34 } 35 36 Grid { 37 id: grid 38 x: 31 39 y: 155 40 width: 192 41 height: 105 42 spacing: 38 43 rows: 2 44 columns: 2 45 46 Button { 47 id: button0 48 x: 44 49 y: 154 50 width: 77 51 height: 33 52 text: qsTr("Lock") 53 onClicked: { 54 statusIndicator.color = "red" 55 } 56 } 57 58 Button { 59 id: button1 60 x: 34 61 y: 145 62 width: 77 63 height: 33 64 text: qsTr("Unlock") 65 onClicked: { 66 statusIndicator.color ="green" 67 } 68 } 69 70 Button { 71 id: button2 72 x: 46 73 y: 161 74 width: 77 75 height: 33 76 text: qsTr("Enter") 77 onClicked: function(){ 78 label.text = Connect.enter(label.text) 79 } 80 } 81 82 Button { 83 id: button3 84 x: 53 85 y: 147 86 width: 77 87 height: 33 88 text: qsTr("Exit") 89 onClicked: function(){ 90 label.text = Connect.exit(label.text) 91 } 92 } 93 } 94 95 96} 97 98/*##^## 99Designer { 100 D{i:3;anchors_height:193;anchors_width:250;anchors_x:0;anchors_y:107} 101} 102##^##*/ 103