rbenv version(推奨している2.2.2以上のRubyを指定しています)
gem install rails -v ""→rails -v(確認済み)
rails new sample_appという名前で作ります。
①「sample_appフォルダでcd sample_appを使用して移動」とあるが、どこに使用すればいいかわかりません。書く場所です。
②cd sample_appを使用した後、Railsサーバを立てるために、rails sをしますが、下記にあるメッセージが表示されます。プロゲートに書いてある例はもっと短く、書いてある内容も全然違います。
1Usage: 2 rails new APP_PATH [options] 3 4Options: 5 [--skip-namespace], [--no-skip-namespace] # Skip namespace (affects only isolated applications) 6 -r, [--ruby=PATH] # Path to the Ruby binary of your choice 7 # Default: /Users/user/.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/bin/ruby 8 -m, [--template=TEMPLATE] # Path to some application template (can be a filesystem path or URL) 9 -d, [--database=DATABASE] # Preconfigure for selected database (options: mysql/postgresql/sqlite3/oracle/frontbase/ibm_db/sqlserver/jdbcmysql/jdbcsqlite3/jdbcpostgresql/jdbc) 10 # Default: sqlite3 11 [--skip-yarn], [--no-skip-yarn] # Don't use Yarn for managing JavaScript dependencies 12 [--skip-gemfile], [--no-skip-gemfile] # Don't create a Gemfile 13 -G, [--skip-git], [--no-skip-git] # Skip .gitignore file 14 [--skip-keeps], [--no-skip-keeps] # Skip source control .keep files 15 -M, [--skip-action-mailer], [--no-skip-action-mailer] # Skip Action Mailer files 16 -O, [--skip-active-record], [--no-skip-active-record] # Skip Active Record files 17 [--skip-active-storage], [--no-skip-active-storage] # Skip Active Storage files 18 -P, [--skip-puma], [--no-skip-puma] # Skip Puma related files 19 -C, [--skip-action-cable], [--no-skip-action-cable] # Skip Action Cable files 20 -S, [--skip-sprockets], [--no-skip-sprockets] # Skip Sprockets files 21 [--skip-spring], [--no-skip-spring] # Don't install Spring application preloader 22 [--skip-listen], [--no-skip-listen] # Don't generate configuration that depends on the listen gem 23 [--skip-coffee], [--no-skip-coffee] # Don't use CoffeeScript 24 -J, [--skip-javascript], [--no-skip-javascript] # Skip JavaScript files 25 [--skip-turbolinks], [--no-skip-turbolinks] # Skip turbolinks gem 26 -T, [--skip-test], [--no-skip-test] # Skip test files 27 [--skip-system-test], [--no-skip-system-test] # Skip system test files 28 [--skip-bootsnap], [--no-skip-bootsnap] # Skip bootsnap gem 29 [--dev], [--no-dev] # Setup the application with Gemfile pointing to your Rails checkout 30 [--edge], [--no-edge] # Setup the application with Gemfile pointing to Rails repository 31 [--rc=RC] # Path to file containing extra configuration options for rails command 32 [--no-rc], [--no-no-rc] # Skip loading of extra configuration options from .railsrc file 33 [--api], [--no-api] # Preconfigure smaller stack for API only apps 34 -B, [--skip-bundle], [--no-skip-bundle] # Don't run bundle install 35 [--webpack=WEBPACK] # Preconfigure for app-like JavaScript with Webpack (options: react/vue/angular/elm/stimulus) 36 37Runtime options: 38 -f, [--force] # Overwrite files that already exist 39 -p, [--pretend], [--no-pretend] # Run but do not make any changes 40 -q, [--quiet], [--no-quiet] # Suppress status output 41 -s, [--skip], [--no-skip] # Skip files that already exist 42 43Rails options: 44 -h, [--help], [--no-help] # Show this help message and quit 45 -v, [--version], [--no-version] # Show Rails version number and quit 46 47Description: 48 The 'rails new' command creates a new Rails application with a default 49 directory structure and configuration at the path you specify. 50 51 You can specify extra command-line arguments to be used every time 52 'rails new' runs in the .railsrc configuration file in your home directory. 53 54 Note that the arguments specified in the .railsrc file don't affect the 55 defaults values shown above in this help message. 56 57Example: 58 rails new ~/Code/Ruby/weblog 59 60 This generates a skeletal Rails installation in ~/Code/Ruby/weblog.`` 61 62### 該当のソースコード 63
cd sample_app
rails s
### 試したこと プロゲートの説明通りに実施。 Homebrewを使って実施。(やり方が合っていたのかわかりません)
2020/05/16 01:16
2020/05/16 01:51
2020/05/23 07:38