質問に記載されている 「詳細」のリンク先 Changes to the Google Play Developer API に書かれていると思うのですが、記載されている内容がわからないということでしょうか?
Migrating to version 3
If you use the Google Play API client libraries (available for Java, Python, and other popular languages), we recommend upgrading to their latest versions, which already support version 3 of the API. In many cases, changing the version of the client library should be all that is necessary. However, you may also need to update specific code references to the version of the API in use - see examples in our samples repository.
Usage of the API can also be indirect, not by the app itself, but by a third-party plugin (e.g. a plugin for rolling out new releases). Many third-party plugins are already using version 3 of the API. If you use a plugin that does not support version 3, you will need to contact the maintainer.
2019/09/18 10:39 編集