リモート環境でjupyter notebookを使用しているのですが, セルの実行ができない上に,おかしな挙動を示しているので, この挙動を止めてセルを実行したいです。
リモート環境でjupyter notebookを使用しているのですが, その環境で
jupyter notebook
と打ち, 表示されたURLをchromeで開くとjupyterの画面に飛ぶとこまでは問題なくできます。
しかし, notebookのファイルを作成し,セルを実行しようとしても,右上に"kernel starting please wait" と表示されて実行ができません。その上, このnotebookのファイルを開いた瞬間, ターミナル上では全く関係のない作業が勝手に実行され始め, その進捗状況が表示されていきます。
jupyterを閉じ, その作業も止めても,再度勝手に始まってしまいます。control+cで強制終了しても,再度この作業は始まり,止めることができません。
これまでは以上のような問題はなく,通常通りに実行できていたのですが, 年明けに久しぶり(約10日ぶり)に実行して見たところ,このような問題に行き当たりました。
リモート上のosはLinux version 3.10.0-1160.49.1.el7.x86_64
手元はmacOS 12.1 です。
bash-4.2$ jupyter notebook
[I 16:46:59.542 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /run/user/1861/jupyter/notebook_cookie_secret
[W 16:47:00.065 NotebookApp] WARNING: The notebook server is listening on all IP addresses and not using encryption. This is not recommended.
[I 16:47:00.117 NotebookApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from /opt/local/Anaconda/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jupyterlab
[I 16:47:00.118 NotebookApp] JupyterLab application directory is /opt/local/Anaconda/anaconda3/share/jupyter/lab
[I 16:47:00.124 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/kinoshitasn
[I 16:47:00.124 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 16:47:00.124 NotebookApp] http://(an14 or
[I 16:47:00.124 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 16:47:00.125 NotebookApp]
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time, to login with a token: http://(an14 or
[I 16:47:12.774 NotebookApp] 302 GET /?token=d99d57c8f62349f5e35a072594062adf270f500389010728 ( 0.73ms
[I 16:47:18.032 NotebookApp] Creating new notebook in
[W 16:47:19.111 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/varInspector/main.js?v=20220109164659 ( 11.60ms referer=http://an14:8080/notebooks/Untitled2.ipynb?kernel_name=python3
[W 16:47:19.114 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/spellchecker/main.js?v=20220109164659 ( 1.51ms referer=http://an14:8080/notebooks/Untitled2.ipynb?kernel_name=python3
[W 16:47:19.116 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/codefolding/main.js?v=20220109164659 ( 1.49ms referer=http://an14:8080/notebooks/Untitled2.ipynb?kernel_name=python3
[W 16:47:19.118 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/scratchpad/main.js?v=20220109164659 ( 1.49ms referer=http://an14:8080/notebooks/Untitled2.ipynb?kernel_name=python3
[W 16:47:19.121 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/python-markdown/main.js?v=20220109164659 ( 1.53ms referer=http://an14:8080/notebooks/Untitled2.ipynb?kernel_name=python3
[I 16:47:19.152 NotebookApp] Kernel started: 7769f20f-b8b1-487b-9e7e-8b291f53023d
[W 16:47:19.159 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/widgets/notebook/js/extension.js?v=20220109164659 ( 1.31ms referer=http://an14:8080/notebooks/Untitled2.ipynb?kernel_name=python3
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:22,065 Parameters: current_time = 0
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:22,065 Parameters: domain_dimensions = [256 256 256]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:22,065 Parameters: domain_left_edge = [0. 0. 0.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:22,065 Parameters: domain_right_edge = [1. 1. 1.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:22,066 Parameters: cosmological_simulation = 0.0
Parsing Hierarchy : 100%|█████████████████████| 32/32 [00:00<00:00, 6868.52it/s]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:22,097 Gathering a field list (this may take a moment.)
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:25,362 Parameters: current_time = 0
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:25,362 Parameters: domain_dimensions = [256 256 256]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:25,362 Parameters: domain_left_edge = [0. 0. 0.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:25,363 Parameters: domain_right_edge = [1. 1. 1.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:25,363 Parameters: cosmological_simulation = 0.0
Parsing Hierarchy : 100%|████████████████████| 32/32 [00:00<00:00, 10944.93it/s]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:25,390 Gathering a field list (this may take a moment.)
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:28,488 Parameters: current_time = 0
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:28,488 Parameters: domain_dimensions = [256 256 256]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:28,488 Parameters: domain_left_edge = [0. 0. 0.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:28,489 Parameters: domain_right_edge = [1. 1. 1.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:28,489 Parameters: cosmological_simulation = 0.0
Parsing Hierarchy : 100%|█████████████████████| 64/64 [00:00<00:00, 9529.80it/s]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:28,520 Gathering a field list (this may take a moment.)
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:34,355 Parameters: current_time = 0.00099999712740293
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:34,355 Parameters: domain_dimensions = [256 256 256]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:34,355 Parameters: domain_left_edge = [0. 0. 0.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:34,355 Parameters: domain_right_edge = [1. 1. 1.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:34,355 Parameters: cosmological_simulation = 0.0
Parsing Hierarchy : 100%|████████████████████| 32/32 [00:00<00:00, 11197.87it/s]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:34,382 Gathering a field list (this may take a moment.)
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:36,966 Parameters: current_time = 0.00099999172982385
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:36,966 Parameters: domain_dimensions = [256 256 256]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:36,966 Parameters: domain_left_edge = [0. 0. 0.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:36,966 Parameters: domain_right_edge = [1. 1. 1.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:36,966 Parameters: cosmological_simulation = 0.0
Parsing Hierarchy : 100%|████████████████████| 32/32 [00:00<00:00, 11909.29it/s]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:36,993 Gathering a field list (this may take a moment.)
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:39,489 Parameters: current_time = 0.00099999062638942
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:39,489 Parameters: domain_dimensions = [256 256 256]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:39,489 Parameters: domain_left_edge = [0. 0. 0.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:39,489 Parameters: domain_right_edge = [1. 1. 1.]
yt : [INFO ] 2022-01-09 16:47:39,490 Parameters: cosmological_simulation = 0.0