画像モーダルをvanilla js で自作しています。
1<!-- gallery --> 2<div class="img-fit-01"> 3 <div class="aspect-box spinner"> 4 <img alt class="lazyload modal-imgs" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" data-group="gallery-01" data-src="img/photo/04.png" data-caption="画像の詳細を書けます 01-02"> 5 </div> 6 <aside>モーダルサンプル 02 / data-group でグループ化</aside> 7</div> 8 9<!-- image modal --> 10<div class="modal-wrapper spinner"> 11 <div class="modal-img"> 12 <div class="mid"><img alt src=""></div> 13 <div class="mp-prev"></div> 14 <div class="mp-next"></div> 15 <div class="mp-close"></div> 16 <aside class="modal-aside">xxx</aside> 17 </div> 18</div>
1.modal-wrapper { 2 overflow: hidden; 3 display: flex; 4 position: fixed; 5 align-items: center; 6 justify-content: center; 7 flex-direction: column; 8 top: 0; 9 left: 0; 10 width: 100%; 11 height: 100%; 12 z-index: 5; 13 opacity: 0; 14 background: rgba(255,255,255, 1); 15 transition: .25s ease-out; 16 pointer-events: none; 17} 18 19.modal-wrapper.show { 20 opacity: 1; 21 pointer-events: all; 22} 23 24.modal-img { 25 display: flex; 26 position: relative; 27 align-items: center; 28 justify-content: space-around; 29 flex-direction: column; 30 max-width: 80%; 31 max-height: 90%; 32 z-index: 4; 33} 34 35.modal-img .mid { 36 display: flex; 37 position: relative; 38 align-items: center; 39 justify-content: center; 40 flex-grow: 1; 41 max-height: calc(90%); 42 width: 100%; 43 padding-bottom: .5rem; 44} 45 46.modal-img img { 47 max-width: 100%; 48 max-height: 100%; 49 margin: auto; 50 opacity: 0; 51 transition: .5s ease-out; 52 z-index: 1; 53} 54 55.modal-img img.show { 56 opacity: 1; 57} 58 59.modal-wrapper aside { 60 position: relative; 61 max-width: 80%; 62 padding: 0; 63 border: none; 64 clip-path: none; 65} 66 67.modal-wrapper aside::after { 68 display: none; 69} 70 71.mp-prev, .mp-next, .mp-close { 72 position: absolute; 73 width: 25px; 74 height: 25px; 75 cursor: pointer; 76 z-index: 8; 77} 78 79.mp-prev, .mp-next { 80 transform: translateY(-50%); 81 top: 50%; 82} 83 84.mp-prev { 85 left: 10px; 86} 87 88.mp-next { 89 right: 10px; 90} 91 92.mp-close { 93 bottom: .5vh; 94 right: 0; 95} 96 97.mp-close::before, .mp-close::after { 98 display: block; 99 position: absolute; 100 content: ""; 101 transform: rotate(45deg) translateY(-50%); 102 transform-origin: 50%; 103 top: 50%; 104 width: 19px; 105 height: 1px; 106 margin: auto; 107 background: var(--text); 108} 109 110.mp-close::before { 111 left: 0; 112} 113 114.mp-close::after { 115 transform: rotate(-45deg); 116} 117 118:is(.mp-prev, .mp-next)::after { 119 display: block; 120 position: absolute; 121 content: ""; 122 top: 0; 123 bottom: 0; 124 left: 0; 125 right: 0; 126 width: 15px; 127 height: 15px; 128 margin: auto; 129 transition: .3s; 130} 131 132.mp-next::after { 133 transform: rotate(-45deg); 134 border-right: 1px solid #555; 135 border-bottom: 1px solid #555; 136} 137 138.mp-prev::after { 139 transform: rotate(45deg); 140 border-bottom: 1px solid #555; 141 border-left: 1px solid #555; 142}
1/* modal ---------------------------------------------------- */ 2waitForElement('.wrp').then(node => { 3 const modalWrapper = node.getElementsByClassName('modal-wrapper')[0]; 4 const images = node.querySelectorAll('.modal-imgs'); 5 const modalImgWrp = node.getElementsByClassName('modal-img')[0]; 6 const modalImage = node.querySelector('.modal-img img'); 7 const modalAside = node.getElementsByClassName('modal-aside')[0]; 8 const modalPrev = node.getElementsByClassName('mp-prev')[0]; 9 const modalNext = node.getElementsByClassName('mp-next')[0]; 10 const modalClose = node.getElementsByClassName('mp-close')[0]; 11 if (modalWrapper != null) { 12 let listItems = node.querySelectorAll('.modal-imgs'), 13 listItem = Array.prototype.slice.call(listItems, 0); 14 listItem.forEach(function ($listItem, i) { 15 let imageSrc = $listItem.getAttribute('data-src'), 16 imageCaption = $listItem.getAttribute('data-caption'); 17 $listItem.dataset.num = (i + 1); 18 $listItem.addEventListener('click', function () { 19 document.body.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; 20 let imageGroup = this.getAttribute('data-group'); 21 images.forEach(function (img) { 22 if (img.getAttribute('data-group') === imageGroup) { 23 img.classList.add('on'); 24 } 25 }); 26 if ($listItem.getAttribute('data-num') == 1) { 27 modalPrev.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 28 } 29 modalImage.dataset.num = this.getAttribute('data-num'); 30 let thisNum = parseInt(modalImage.getAttribute('data-num')); 31 if (!node.querySelector('[data-num="' + (thisNum - 1) + '"].on')) { 32 modalPrev.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 33 } // 効かない 34 if (!node.querySelector('[data-num="' + (thisNum + 1) + '"].on')) { 35 modalNext.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 36 } // 効かない 37 modalPrev.style.visibility = 'visible'; 38 modalNext.style.visibility = 'visible'; 39 modalWrapper.classList.add('show'); 40 modalWrapper.classList.add('spinner'); 41 modalImage.classList.add('show'); 42 modalImage.src = imageSrc; 43 modalAside.textContent = imageCaption; 44 setTimeout(function () { 45 modalWrapper.classList.remove('spinner'); 46 }, 200); 47 }); 48 }); 49 modalPrev.addEventListener('click', function () { 50 let prevNum = parseInt(modalImage.getAttribute('data-num')); 51 if (!node.querySelector('[data-num="' + (prevNum - 2) + '"].on')) { 52 modalPrev.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 53 } // 効かない 54 modalPrev.style.visibility = 'visible'; 55 modalNext.style.visibility = 'visible'; 56 let prevImg = node.querySelector('[data-num="' + (prevNum - 1) + '"].on'), 57 prevSrc = prevImg.getAttribute('data-src'), 58 prevCaption = prevImg.getAttribute('data-caption'); 59 modalImage.src = prevSrc; 60 modalAside.textContent = prevCaption; 61 modalWrapper.classList.add('spinner'); 62 modalImage.dataset.num = prevNum - 1; 63 setTimeout(function () { 64 modalWrapper.classList.remove('spinner'); 65 }, 200); 66 }); 67 modalNext.addEventListener('click', function () { 68 let nextNum = parseInt(modalImage.getAttribute('data-num')); 69 if (!node.querySelector('[data-num="' + (nextNum + 2) + '"].on')) { 70 modalNext.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 71 } // 効かない 72 console.log(nextNum + 2); // 取得できる 73 modalPrev.style.visibility = 'visible'; 74 modalNext.style.visibility = 'visible'; 75 let nextImg = node.querySelector('[data-num="' + (nextNum + 1) + '"].on'), 76 nextSrc = nextImg.getAttribute('data-src'), 77 nextCaption = nextImg.getAttribute('data-caption'); 78 modalImage.src = nextSrc; 79 modalAside.textContent = nextCaption; 80 modalWrapper.classList.add('spinner'); 81 modalImage.dataset.num = nextNum + 1; 82 setTimeout(function () { 83 modalWrapper.classList.remove('spinner'); 84 }, 200); 85 }); 86 modalClose.addEventListener('click', function () { 87 document.body.style.overflowY = 'auto'; 88 images.forEach(function (img) { 89 img.classList.remove('on'); 90 }); 91 if (modalWrapper.classList.contains('show')) { 92 modalWrapper.classList.remove('show'); 93 modalImage.classList.remove('show'); 94 } 95 }); 96 modalWrapper.addEventListener('click', (e) => { 97 if (e.target.querySelector('.modal-img')) { 98 document.body.style.overflowY = 'auto'; 99 images.forEach(function (img) { 100 img.classList.remove('on'); 101 }); 102 if (modalWrapper.classList.contains('show')) { 103 modalWrapper.classList.remove('show'); 104 modalImage.classList.remove('show'); 105 } 106 } 107 }); 108 }; 109}); 110/* modal ------------------------------------------------ end */ 111 112/* append DOM ---------------------------------------------------- */ 113function waitForElement(selector, text = null) { 114 return new Promise(resolve => { 115 const nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector); 116 for (const node of nodes) { 117 if (node.nodeType === 1 && (text === null || node.textContent === text)) { 118 return resolve(node); 119 } 120 } 121 const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { 122 for (const mutation of mutations) { 123 for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) { 124 if (node.nodeType !== 1) { 125 // needs ELEMENT_NODE only. exclude TEXT_NODE and other stuff. 126 continue; 127 } 128 if (node.matches(selector) && (text === null || node.textContent === text)) { 129 observer.disconnect(); 130 return resolve(node); 131 } 132 } 133 } 134 }); 135 observer.observe(document, { 136 childList: true, 137 subtree: true, 138 attributes: false, 139 characterData: false, 140 }); 141 }); 142} 143/* append DOM ------------------------------------------------ end */
1console.log(nextNum + 2);
1if(!xx) {}
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