ReactでMaterial-UI を使用して、Web フォームを作成しています。
components / Questionnaire.js に出る
"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')" エラー表示を改善したいです。
components / Questionnaire.js に出る
"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')" エラー表示を改善したいです。
25 | }; 26 | return ( 27 | <div> > 28 | <FormControl component="fieldset"> | ^ 29 | {answers 30 | .filter((_, i) => i === 0 || answers[i - 1]) 31 | .map((answer, i) => (
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import './index.css'; import App from './App'; import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals'; ReactDOM.render( <React.StrictMode> <App /> </React.StrictMode>, document.getElementById('root') ); reportWebVitals();
import "./App.css"; import { Grid } from "@mui/material"; import Header from "./components/Header"; import Content from "./components/Content"; function App() { return ( <Grid container direction="column"> <Header /> <div style={{ padding: 30 }}> <Content /> </div> </Grid> ); } export default App;
src / components / contents.js
import React from "react"; import { Grid } from "@mui/material"; import Stepper from "@mui/material/Stepper"; import Step from "@mui/material/Step"; import StepLabel from "@mui/material/StepLabel"; import Button from "@mui/material/Button"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import Basic from "./Basic"; import Questionnaire from "./Questionnaire"; import Optional from "./Optional"; import Confirm from "./Confirm"; const QUESTIONS = [ "現在、生命保険に加入されていますか?", "現在、入院中ですか。また、3ヶ月以内に医師の診察・検査の結果、入院・手術をすすめられたことがありますか?", "過去、5年以内に病気やケガで手術を受けたことまたは継続して7日以上の入院をしたことはありますか?", ]; function getSteps() { return ["お客様の情報を入力してください", "以下にお答えください", "ご相談ください","内容をご確認ください"]; } const StepContent = ({ stepIndex }) => { switch (stepIndex) { case 0: return <Basic />; case 1: return <Questionnaire />; case 2: return <Optional />; case 3: return <Confirm />; default: return "Unknown stepIndex"; } }; function Content() { const [activeStep, setActiveStep] = React.useState(0); const [answers, setAnswers] = React.useState(Array(QUESTIONS.length).fill(null)); const steps = getSteps(); const handleNext = () => { setActiveStep((prevActiveStep) => prevActiveStep + 1); }; const handleBack = () => { setActiveStep((prevActiveStep) => prevActiveStep - 1); }; const handleReset = () => { setActiveStep(0); }; const buttonDisabled = activeStep === 1 && answers.some((a) => !a); return ( <Grid container> <Grid sm={2} /> <Grid lg={8} sm={8} spacing={10}> <Stepper activeStep={activeStep} alternativeLabel> { => ( <Step key={label}> <StepLabel>{label}</StepLabel> </Step> ))} </Stepper> {activeStep === steps.length ? ( <div> <Typography>全ステップの表示を完了</Typography> <Button onClick={handleReset}>リセット</Button> </div> ) : ( <div> <Typography> <StepContent stepIndex={activeStep} questionnaireProps={{ answers, setAnswers }} /> </Typography> <Button disabled={activeStep === 0} onClick={handleBack}> 戻る </Button> <Button variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={handleNext} disabled={buttonDisabled}> {activeStep === steps.length - 1 ? "送信" : "次へ"} </Button> </div> )} </Grid> </Grid> ); } export default Content;
src / components /Questionnaire.js
import React from "react"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import Radio from "@mui/material/Radio"; import RadioGroup from "@mui/material/RadioGroup"; import FormControlLabel from "@mui/material/FormControlLabel"; import FormControl from "@mui/material/FormControl"; import FormLabel from "@mui/material/FormLabel"; const Questionnaire = ({ answers, setAnswers }) => { const handleAnswer = (answeredIndex, answer) => { setAnswers(, i) => (i === answeredIndex ? answer : e))); }; return ( <div> <FormControl component="fieldset"> {answers .filter((_, i) => i === 0 || answers[i - 1]) .map((answer, i) => ( <React.Fragment key={i}> <FormLabel component="legend">{Questionnaire[i]}</FormLabel> {answer ? ( <Typography>{answer === "yes" ? "はい" : "いいえ"}</Typography> ) : ( <RadioGroup row aria-label="gender" name="row-radio-buttons-group" onChange={(_evt, value) => { handleAnswer(i, value); }} > <FormControlLabel value="yes" control={<Radio />} label="はい" /> <FormControlLabel value="no" control={<Radio />} label="いいえ" /> </RadioGroup> )} </React.Fragment> ))} </FormControl> </div> ); }; export default Questionnaire;
2021/11/02 13:28