分からない点はsheet2.Cells(row2, col2) = colect.item(i) をコレクトの値をループさせて別のブックのセルに表示する方法**
Const ST_ROW As Long=4
Const ST_COL As Long=2
Sub 数と日付()
Dim Wb1 As Workbook
Dim Wb2 As Workbook
Dim ary() As String
Dim row As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim sheet1 As Worksheet
Dim sheet2 As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim lastcol As Long
Dim index As Long
Dim index2 As Long
Dim colect As Collection, item As Variant Set colect=New Collection sPath="Book11.xlsx"
Set Wb1=ThisWorkbook 'コピー先ブック
Set Wb2 = Workbooks("Book11.xlsx") 'コピー元(参照する)ブック Set
Set sheet2=Wb1.Worksheets("コピー先")
lastRow=sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, ST_COL).End(xlUp).row lastcol=sheet1.Cells(ST_ROW, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column ReDim ary(0, lastcol - ST_COL) For row=ST_ROW To lastRow
If sheet1.Cells(row, 4) >= 2 Then
For col=ST_COL To lastcol
ary(index, index2) = sheet1.Cells(row, col)
Next colect.Add ary End If index2 = 0
Next Dim row2 As Long
Dim col2 As Long
Dim i As Long
For row2=2 To colect.Count
For col2=1 To 4 sheet2.Cells(row2,
col2=col2+1 Next col2=0 Next
sheet2.Range("A1:D1").Value=sheet1.Range("B3:E3").Value With ActiveSheet .Range("A1").Sort key1:=.Range("D1"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes End WithEnd Sub